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黑龙江省七台河市 2015 高考暑假练习(3)及答案(完形填空和阅读理解)【2015 高考复习】完形填空Every Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city of Orlando.We wanted to see_16_it was like in the life of a homeless person.One special thing I like to_17_is,my family and I do not eat_18_we begin our journey so we know how it feels to be hungry.We all get together in the_19_and prepare the food.Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water.Sometimes my mom_20_a steaming hot delicious meal.We then_21_them all up to feed 30 or more people.Before my family and I get into the car we ask God for_22_in a family prayer.A lot of people_23_homeless people.Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people.Some are really nice;_24_of them just had bad things happening to them._25_when my family and I went out on the street we had to earn their trust,because a lot of people are_26_to them for no good reason.But_27_they see us every week they_28_us.We_29_know some of their names.We all have to remember that these are people with_30_.Some of them shake our hands for giving them food.Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy.We have become really close_31_a man named Tony and his wife.They have all of their personal_32_in shopping carts.After_33_us several times he has told us a lot about his life.He graduated from Howard University.He_34_teach French and Spanish.After we finish feeding the homeless,it makes me_35_what I have at home.I love feeding the homeless and making a difference in someones life.【语篇解读】 作者每个星期六晚上都和家人到大街上去给无家可归的人送食物。通过帮助那些无家可归的人,作者更感激自己所拥有的东西。16A.what Bhow Cwhether Dwhy答案 A 我们想看看无家可归的人的生活是什么样的。what 引导宾语从句且在从句中作 like 的宾语。17A.talk Bimagine Cmention Dremind答案 C 我想提的一件特殊的事是mention 表示“说起, 提到”。18A.until Bbefore Cwhile Dafter答案 B 为了体验饥饿的感觉,我和我的家人在动身之前不吃东西。19A.hall Byard Ckitchen Dhotel答案 C 我们聚在厨房准备食物。其他三项不符合语境。20A.buys Btakes Cbrings Dprepares答案 D 有时,妈妈会准备一顿热腾腾的美味的饭。上文的“.prepare the food”是答案提示。21A.cook Bbag Cpress Droast答案 B 然后,我们把这些食物都包起来,给三十多个人吃。bag 用作动词,相当于pack,bag.up 表示“把装入袋中”。22A.protection BpossessionCallowance Dexpectation答案 A 我和家人上车之前,祷告得到上帝的保护。protection“保护”,符合语境。possession“占有”;allowance“津贴”;expectation“期待”。23A.hate BmisunderstandCunderstand Dsupport答案 B 很多人误解那些无家可归的人。由下一句“Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people.”可知选 B。24A.some Bthe other Cothers Dthe rest答案 A 他们当中有些人只是遇到了不幸的事。与上文的“Some are really nice”形成了并列关系,表“一些”,故用 some。25A.At last BAt leastCAt first DAt once答案 C 起初,当我和我的家人去街上,我们必须赢得他们的信任。26A.generous Bkind Cmean Dgrateful答案 C 因为很多人无缘无故对他们很刻薄。mean 表示“刻薄的”。27A.in case Bnow thatCfor fear Dprovided that答案 B 由于他们每个星期都会看到我们,他们现在信任我们了。now that 用作连词,表示“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句。28A.rely on Bbelieve inCtalk with Dworry about答案 B 由上文的“we had to earn their trust”可知,作者和家人经过努力,赢得了他们的信任。29A.still Beven Cnever Dever答案 B 我们甚至知道有些人的名字。even“甚至”,符合语境。30A.love Bexpression Cfeelings Dmoney答案 C 这些无家可归的人是有感情的。由下文的“shake our hands”和“do really funny dances because they are happy”可知此处是说这些人是有感情的。31A.to Bby Cof Dwith答案 A 我们和一个名为托尼的人和他的妻子关系很近。close to sb 意为“与某人关系密切”。32A.belongings BclothesCgroceries Dgoods答案 A 购物车上装着他们所有的财物。belongings 意为“财产,所有物”,符合语境。33A.running into Bcoming acrossCmeeting Dfinding答案 C 与我们见过几次面之后,他给我讲了很多关于他的生活的事情。34A.would Bused to Cneeded Dought to答案 B 他过去曾经教过法语和西班牙语。used to 表示“曾经”。35A.dislike Bown Crecognize Dappreciate答案 D 帮助这些无家可归的人使我感激自己所拥有的东西。appreciate 表示“感激,感谢”,符合语境。综合技能综合技能完形完形训练训练-【2012 辽宁辽宁】When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He 36 her Inky.“I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates,” Kruger, the seventy-year-old man, says. “My hearing was damaged by the 38 of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with 39 . They react to what they see and what you do.”Inky was a gentle cat, 40 the house with five other cats. But on a January night in 2009, Inky did 41 that would set her apart from 42 cats forever.Kruger had gone down to the basement to 43 the wood stove for the night. When he was finished, he 44 to the top of the stairs and reached to turn off the lights. In doing so, he slipped and 45 his back against an old shelf. The heavy shelf came crashing down and sent Kruger down the stairs.46 in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt 47 going into shock(休克). He shouted for help, 48 his wife, Brenda, was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house. 49 Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.“Go get Brenda,” Kruger said to Inky.Inky 50 to the bedroom door and scratched 51 until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the 52 . Brenda found her husband 53 t
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