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,Dear Sirs, We have a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of refrigerators. Please could you send us details of the refrigerators you advertised in Business Review? Thank you.Yours faithfullyMartin Lee(Sales Manager),报价,June 4, 2005 Dear Sir, Thank you for your inquiry of June 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.Yours faithfully,R. Smith,讨价还价,Dear Sir,We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly,John Chen,正式提出订单,Dear Sir,We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the terms quoted. We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September. The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition. We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date. Yours faithfully,R. Smith,确认订单,Dear Sir,Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes. We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery. We will advise you of the date of dispatch. We are at your service at all times. Yours faithfully, R. Smith,通知函,Dear Robert,We wish to inform that your order PD00986 has been shipped board the vessel Singapore which was due to depart Paris on July 26, ETA (estimated time of arrival) Shanghai July 30. Im sending to you by fax a copy of our invoice, and packing list.(装箱单) As soon as we receive the original shipping documents I will send them to you. Meanwhile well keep you well informed of the latest development about the goods.Yours faithfully,Mike Green,传真,常用语,human resources, sales & marketing, the board, PR, finance, after-sales service, C&F (cost and freight)成本加运费, B/L (bill of lading)提货单, commission, wholesaler, retailer, supplier, manufacturer, agent, customer, importer, exporter, enquiry letter, request for payment, quotation, delivery date, terms of payment, purchase order, market investigation, customer complaint,常用句,We would appreciate it if you could send us the information requested. Could you please send us your current catalogue and price list? Thank you very much for your order and we look forward to your next orders. Payment should be made within 7 days. Could you please quote your most competitive prices? We have always cleared our accounts promptly ever since we began trading 3 years ago. We were deeply impressed by the wide selection of your clothes.,常用句,As our annual requirement in is considerable, perhaps you would send us your catalogue and details of your sample. Please give us detailed information of CIF/FOB prices, discounts and terms of payment. Please let us know their prices including packing and delivery to our warehouse. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place a large order with you. ps. cif (cost insurance and freight)到岸价fob( free on board)离岸价,“We attitude”We allow a 5% discount for cash payments. “You attitude” You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash. “We attitude”We are pleased to announce that “You attitude”You will be pleased to know that下面两封信是这两种态度的典范。第一封信是以“We” attitude 的方式写的,而第二封信是以 “You” attitude 的方式写的。,Translation: 让我对你最近在我公司开户一事表示感谢。我们乐意提供家庭和个人使用的各种产品。我们相信你会充分利用我们的服务的,因为我公司所备货物时本地最充足的。同时,我们的顾客所购货物,在距离公司30英里范围内,可以免费送货。我们欢迎你光临本公司。如果我们能在其他方面为你服务,请打电话给我们。,Translation: 感谢你最近在约翰逊商店开户。为你服务、想你提供所需的衣着和室内家具与陈设品感到高兴。你将看到约翰逊商店有34个部门备有各种高档货,彬彬有礼的售货员帮你挑选最称心的商品。永远欢迎你光顾约翰逊商店。有别的需要服务时,请随时光顾本店。,Translation:我们知道,你方已从两个方面分析了这一事件。但还有及其重要的一个方面需要我们双方来商讨一下。(2) 尽量以积极的方式谈问题,避免以消极的方式谈问题。 比较下列句子,看看哪一个更好些。,(a) We do not believe that you will have cause for dissatisfaction. (Negative) 我们不相信你们会有理由感到不满意。 (b) We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. (Positive)我们确信你们会感到满意的。 (c) Your order will be delayed for two weeks. (Negative)你方订货要延期两个星期才能发出。 (d) You order will be shipped in two weeks. (Positive)贵方订货两周内装船。,You ask very short delivery for your order.贵方要求短期内贵方所订货物。但是,短语“short delivery” 指的是“重量短缺”,而非“迅速交货”。 Revised: You require quick (prompt) delivery of your order. 贵方要求迅速交货。 (b) The goods supplied are exactly equal to the sample. 所供货物完全与样品相同。 Revised: The sample represents as nearly as possible what can supply. 此样品基本上代表我们可供的货物。 Or: The sample is the nearest in size to the goods you need. 此样品的尺码最接近你们所需货物的尺码。,(c) All offers by telegram are open for five days.所有电报开盘五天内有效。(没有解释和说明具体的五天) Revised: All offers by telegram are open for 5 days inclusive of the date of dispatch.所有电报开盘从发电之日起五天内有效。,(d) This contract will come into effect from Oct.1. 此合同从10月1日起生效。未解答涵盖问题 Revised: This contract will come into effect from and including October 1, 2008.本合同从2008年10月1日起,包括10月1日生效。,
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