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1任务型阅读与书面表达组合练任务型阅读与书面表达组合练( (二二) )(限时 40 分钟).任务型阅读(2017镇江高三一模)Between 1938 and 1942, researchers in Boston were busy getting down to a study of adolescent boys and their family relationships. Some 60 years later, different researchers followed up with the participants and found that those raised in warmer family environments were more securely attached to their partners in the later years of life.In a study published last week in Psychological Science, coauthors Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, and Marc Schulz, a psychologist at Bryn Mawr College, combined many decades of data previously gathered on a group of men with data they recently collected on the same men to offer unique longterm thinking on the connection between early childhood environment, how men regulate emotions in middle age and the security of their attachments in close relationships late in life.Security of attachment, a concept that first appeared in the 1960s, is the idea that because we are helpless for large portions of our childhood and old age we need to be good at forming attachments with others and keeping them around to take care of us. “Each person has certain people who are their main attachment figures, ” Waldinger says in other words, the person you would “call in the middle of the night if you were terrified and needed someone to come over” We start forming attachments at a very young age and continue to do so throughout our lives.Waldinger and Schulz determined that regardless of socioeconomic standing the men raised in warmer family environments used more adaptive strategies to manage their negative emotions in midlife, and were also more securely attached to their partners late in life. These results suggest our childhood environment affects our relationships not only into adulthood but for the rest of our lives.For Schulz, the findings highlight the need for services such as family leave that support parents and allow them to create better family environments. He also stresses the importance of good social services that can get involved when children end up in poor or unsafe family settings. “Kids may not remember specific events, particularly early in their lifetimes, ” Schulz 2says. “But the accumulation of loving, nurturing family environments really has an impact over a long period of time.”Waldinger and Schulz also emphasize that there are many ways to overcome having a lessthanidyllic childhood, such as actively working on developing warmer, healthier relationships as an adult or learning how to use more adaptive strategies to deal with negative emotions.Chris Fraley, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign who studies attachment but was not involved in the present study, was surprised by the results. “There are so many ways in which peoples lives can evolve across time, ” such as financial hardships, illness, divorce or occupational uncertainty, he wrote in an email, adding, “The fact that the authors found such an association is remarkable, and raises a number of questions about the factors that explain why it exists.” Fraley pointed out, however, that the study is small, a limitation the researchers themselves acknowledge. He also cautioned that an association between early childhood experiences and attachment later in life doesnt necessarily mean the former causes the latter.Still, the best option is to provide kids with a warm family environment early in life, Waldinger says. “The bottom line is that how we take care of children is just so vitally important. And protecting their development is essential for lifelong wellbeing.”ThemeThe happier the childhood, the stronger the bonds in old age.Result ofthe studyPeople who are (1)_ up in warmer family environments have more (2)_ attachments with their partners in the later years of life.Concept of security of attachmentSecurity of attachment, a concept first (3)_ in the 1960s, is the idea that due to our helplessness in most of our childhood and old age we need to be good at forming attachments with others and keeping them around to take care of us.Each person has some people to (4)_ to when he is terrified or needs company or comfort badly.Findings ofOur childhood environment affects our relationships both 3Waldingerand Schulzinto adulthood and for the rest of our lives.Services like family leave make it (5)_ for parents to create a better family environment for cultivating children.Good social services can get involved when children end up in poor or unsafe family settings.(6)_ the fact that kids may not remember specific events, particularly early in their lifetimes, the accumulation of loving, nurturing family environments really makes a (7)_ to our relationships over a long period of time.There are many ways to overcome having a lessthanidyllic childhood, learning how to use more adaptive strategies to deal with negative e
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