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Fundamentals and New Concepts for ElectronicsTelecommunications,How to Write Scientific Papers in English,Disadvantages,Advantages,Body,Introduction,Conclusion,Your Main Opinion (thesis),Introducer Sentence,Supporting Point #3,Supporting Point #2,Supporting Point #1,Body,Introduction,Conclusion,Your Main Opinion (thesis),Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts.,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts.,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion Leads readers to thesis,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion Leads readers to thesis,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion Leads readers to thesis Gives evidence to hold up the main opinion,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion Leads readers to thesis Gives evidence to hold up the main opinion,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion Leads readers to thesis Gives evidence to hold up the main opinion Introduces a supporting point,Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts. Presents main opinion Leads readers to thesis Gives evidence to hold up the main opinion Introduces a supporting point,General Form Of the Research Paper,IntroductionMajor points to be analyzed (short summary)Your thesis: opinion about the main points BodyTopicProofImprovement Conclusion,Function of Introduction,Catches the readers attention Gives necessary background material States the purpose of the paperThesis statement of opinion Thesis statement of intent,Function of Body,Contains a topic sentence and/(or) a heading that is directly related to the thesis statement Contains supporting sentences and detail that explain, define, clarify, and illustrated the topic sentence of the paragraph Show complete thought development Contains coherence devices; Coherence between paragraphs consists of paragraph hooks and transitions,Function of Conclusion,Must be integrally related to thesis statement Should contain a summary of the main points Many Contain a solution, a prediction, or a recommendation,Writing Procedures,Choosing Topic Collecting Appropriate Information Preparing the Working Bibliography Taking Notes Analyzing Your Information/Materials Organizing Ideas and Working out an Outline Writing the First Paper Documenting the paper Revising the Draft and Finishing the Paper,Structure of the Paper,Title Abstract Key Words Introduction Text Conclusion/Summary Acknowledgement Reference,Tentative Discussion on Strategy of Evolution to 3G Mobile Communication,摘要的内容与结构,摘要内容一般包括: 目的(objectives,purposes):包括研究背景、范围、内容、要解决的问题及解决这一问题的重要性和意义方法(methods and materials):包括材料、手段和过程。结果与简短讨论(results and discussions):包括数据与分析。结论(conclusions):主要结论,研究的价值和意义等。概括地说,摘要必须回答“研究什么”、“怎么研究”、“得到了什么结果”、“结果说明了什么”等问题。,Abstract,After analyzing the development of mobile communications, this article proposes options for the provision of 3G services on the basis of the existing networks. According to this proposal, which involves the transition to IMT2000 and the construction of a TDD and FDD-based 3G system, the investment needed is even smaller than that if the existing GSM network is to be expand in capacity. What is more, the proposal can avoid carrying the burden of 2G equipment.,Text,思路清晰、合乎逻辑 用语简洁、准确、明快流畅 内容客观、科学完备,尽量用事实和数据说明 可以用图、表加以说明 正确使用量、单位、语文文字及标点符号等,Acknowledgement,致谢语一般单独成段放在结论之后,但它不是论文的必要部分。致谢是用来对在撰写论文过程中给予过支持或帮助的人表示感谢。The author is indebted to Professor Wang for his precious suggestions.The author would like to express appreciation for the support provided by.,英语学术论文常用经典句型,Beginning,1. In this paper, we focus on the need for 2. This paper proceeds as follow. 3. The structure of the paper is as follows. 4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts 5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the,Introduction,This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered,
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