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Unit Three My Friend, Albert Einstein,Pre-reading QuestionWhat do you think Hoffmann would describe Einstein as a friend?,Paragraph 1,none the worse for: not harmed by; not adversely affected by 并不更差;依然如故E.g.: Hes none the worse for his fall from the window. 他从窗口掉下,结果并没有怎么样。Now Ive cleaned it; the carpet is none the worse for having milk spilled on it. 现在我把地毯弄干净了,虽说牛奶曾溅上过,但没有什么损坏。think none the worse of somebody 依然看重某人would be none the worse for its wetting: would not be harmed by its being wet,Voc. 1,knack: a special skill or ability, usually the result of practice诀窍;,技巧, 本事 E.g.: She has a knack of doing sums in her head, however complicated they may be.He had a happy knack of combining adventure with science. 有一种把冒险和科学结合起来的巧妙本领。a knack of the trade 做买卖的诀窍,Para. 1,This knack forextraordinary feeling for beauty. (para. 1)This natural ability of intuitively getting to the essence of a subject was the key to his great scientific discoveries-this natural gift and his unusual awareness of beauty.,Paragraph 2,carte blanche: (French) (pl.: cartes blanches) full freedom, especially in politics and in spending money 签好字的空白纸;全权,自由处理权E.g.: He was given carte blanche to build, landscape, and furnish the house. 那幢房子的建造,庭院布置和装饰完全委托给他了。He refused carte blanche for the bombers. 他拒绝授予轰炸机自由选择轰炸目标的权力。The king gave his minister carte blanche in foreign affairs.,Paragraph 2,plead with: ask (someone) very strongly in a begging way 恳求;请求E.g.: The girl pleaded with her parents to let her go to school by herself.She pleaded with me to give up the plan. plead (with sb) for forgiveness (ones life) 请求(某人)原谅(饶命),Voc. 2,be in awe of: (stand in awe of) have respect as well as fear for 敬畏(某人)E.g.: He visited the exhibition and stood in awe of the fossils of prehistoric animals.The audience listened to the learned philosopher in awe.,Voc. 3,awry: twisted; bent 曲的;歪的;斜的 in a wrong manner 离开了预期方向(的);错(的)E.g.: Her clothes were all awry. 她的衣服全都歪歪扭扭的。 Our plans went awry. 我们的计划出岔子了。 glance awry 斜视 go (run) awry (人)背离正道,走向邪路,Voc. 4,stagger v.: cause shocked disbelief使惊奇 E.g.: His excessive conceit staggered all his colleagues.Its a fantastic task that staggers the imagination. 那是件令人难以想象的艰巨伟大的工作。the staggering - and altogether endearing request: the shocking, and yet very pleasant request,Paragraph 4,endearing adj.: causing feelings of love and affection 使人喜爱的;引人爱慕的E.g.: Marks teacher answered his questions with an endearing smile.self-confidence is an endearing property. 自信是一种讨人喜欢的品质。,Voc. 5,vestige: a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists痕迹, 遗迹 E.g.: With the overthrow of the monarchy, all vestiges of feudalism are gone.There is not a vestige of truth in the report 这报告毫无真实性可言,Paragraph 5,run abreast of (with ):to run side by side with keep / be abreast of: to know all the time the most recent facts about something non-material 使不落后于E.g.: Read the papers if you want to keep abreast of the times. 如果想跟得上时代就得读报纸。Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost. 即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上涨的生活费用。,Voc. 6,offshoot: a new branch of a plant; a thing that is developed from sth else旁枝 ,支流,衍生物E.g.: One of the offshoot of the trunk fall from high under the weight of the snow 树干上的一个分枝在雪的重压下折断从高处掉了下来 South African offshoots of British companies 英国公司在南非的分支机构An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century. 这个家族的一支旁系於十八世纪在那个岛上定居下来。,Voc. 7,recalcitrant: hard to deal with;unmanagable 难处理的,不顺从的 ;(疾病等)难治的E.g.: Try not to punish a recalcitrant child severely, it is better to reason with him.The University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators. 这所大学把几个反抗性最强的示威者开除了。,Para.2,The intensity and depth of as an animal worries its prey.(para.9)His concentration on work was incredibly intense and deep. When attacking a problem difficult to solve, he kept attempting to deal with it with great effort, just as an animal chases and bites a weaker one it preys upon until the latter gives in.,Paragraph 9,quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned 老式而别致的,奇特而有趣的E.g.: a quaint little house 一座古雅小巧的房子 a quaint pronunciation of English words 对于英语单词古怪而有趣的发音,Paragraph 9,twirl: to cause to curl 捻弄;扭转E.g.: twirl ones moustache 拈胡子She twirled her hair round her fingers. 她把头发缠绕在手指上。,Para. 3,A dreamy, faraway and placid inner communion.(para. 10)He would look lost in thought, thinking about sth distant, and yet meditating within himself. He did not seem to be in deep thought, nor did he knit his browshe was just in self-contained peaceful contemplation.,Voc. 8,fathom: come to understand; get the true meaning ofE.g.: He explained the astronomical phenomenon in such a complicated way that we could hardly fathom his meaning.I cant fathom what you mean. 我不能完全猜透你的意思。fathom somebodys motives (mystery) 弄清某人的动机(秘密),Paragraph 11,haggard: having lines on the face and hollow places around the eyes and in the cheeks, as through tiredness or lack of sleep 憔悴的,形容枯槁的His sorrow made him look haggard Her face was haggard from sleeplessness,
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