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,适用范围:高中二年级(上 ),说课教师:,单 位:,高中英语说课课件,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST,Unit 5 The British Isles,教 材 分 析,教 法 设 计,学 法 指 导,教 学 过 程,教 学 评 价,Unit 5 The British Isles,一:教材分析,2.教学内容:高二(上)第5单元阅读课,也是听、说、读、写综合训练课,讨论的话题是Britain Isles . 文章介绍了Britain Isles 的位置与组成气候特征历史文化以及交际语言。,1.本课文在教材中的地位和作用是本单元的核心部分,可让学生更多了解英国的人文地理知识。,Unit 5 The British Isles,3.教学目标,确切理解课文内容并掌握一些短语: consist of be made up of make the most of hold together,知识目标:,能力目标:,通过阅读课文提高学生的阅读能力,分析归纳课文能力,听力、写作和口语表达能力。,德育目标:,通过本课对British Isles多方面的介绍来提高学生对主要西方国家的认识,加深对世界的了解,增强对自然、对社会的热爱。,一:教材分析,Unit5 The British Isles,一:教材分析,4. 教学重点、难点及关键,重点:,1 描写一个城镇或村庄的生词和短语; 2 理解并掌握有关BI的知识与信息。,难点:,1 让学生说出有关BI的知识与信息; 2 全面应用本课所学知识,做假设旅游。,关键:,如何正确指导学生由浅入深的阅读并确切理解课文。,Unit5 The British Isles,二:教法设计,学情分析: 阅读能力基本具备,但有待提高; 对英国的认识不深;,Unit5 The British Isles,二:教法设计,诱 导,阅 读,归 纳,三步教学法,Unit5 The British Isles,三:学法指导,通过设置问题指导学生正确阅读并掌 握阅读技巧中的快速阅读和精读。,通过师生之间(纵向)和学生之间(横向)的讨论让学生学会分析、归纳的方法,培养学生自主学习、有效交际的学习习惯。,Unit5 The British Isles,四:教学过程,1、Warming-up .,2、Fast reading.,3、 Careful reading ( group work ).,5、Listen to the tape.,6、Retell the story ( role play ),7、Discussion,8、Summary,9、Homework,4 、Language points,Unit5 The British Isles,Warming-up,四:教学过程,Step 1:,Unit5 The British Isles,Warming-up,四:教学过程,Scotland,England,Wales,NorthernIreland,Step 1:,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,Unit5 The British Isles,Fast reading.,1、What are the most important facts about the United Kingdom?,2、How many countries make up the Britain Isles?,教学过程,Step 2:,3、What are the most important facts about Ireland?,Unit5 The British Isles,Careful reading,教学过程,Step 3:,1. Fill in the chart,2. Discuss in groups to find the main idea of each paragraph:,Para 1: _ Para 2: _ Para 3: _ Para 4-5: _ Para 6: _ Para 7: _,3. Read again to check T or F.,1. The Isle of Man is part of the UK . ( )2. In modern times, all people in British Isles speak English.( )3. Many people feel that Wales is a modern land. ( )4. After conquered by the French, all people spoke French. ( )5. In the fifth century, people from different parts of northern Europe settled in England. ( ),Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,Step 4: Language points,1. 表地理位置的介词区别:to/ in/ off/ on 2. make the most of 3. be made up of 4. hold together 5. consist of,Practice: Fill in the blanks,1. Japan lies the east of China the east of Asia. It faces the Pacific the east.( to / in / on / off ) 2. The world four oceans and seven continents.Four oceans and seven continents the world.( be made up of / make of ) 3. Our class of thirty-one boys and twenty-five girls.( consist ),1. The workers and peasants the majority of our country. (NMET1996)A are made up of B make upC make up for D consist of 2. We all know the truth the earth goes round the sun. (NMET1999) A if B that C why D how 3. The ship sank the southeast coast. (NMET2001) A in B on C to D offmost of these languages are now threatened is agreed by all. (NMET2004) A That B What C Whether D /,NMET,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,Get the students to listen to the tape carefully.,Step 5:,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,You are a guide in your group,and the others are tourists. The tourists ask you some questions about the UK and Ireland,e.g:geography, climate,culture,history,language and so on。,Role play- retell the story,Step 6:,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,Suppose you are going to pay a visit to the UK, please make a choice as you like before starting off. Where would you like to go? What clothes and things will you take? Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland,Step 7:,Discussion,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,Step 8:,Summary,1. 文章结构;,2. 文章中出现的新单词、短语的理解及运用;consist of be made up ofmake the most of hold together lie in/ on/ off/ to,3. 英国地理的位置与组成气候特征历史文化以及交际语言。,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,1、Read the passage carefully and practice retelling the passage;,2、Find out all the noun clauses in this text;,3、Write a passage to plan a visit to the UK and give the reason.,Homework,Step 9:,Unit5 The British Isles,教学过程,1、Read the passage carefully and practice retelling the passage;,2、Find out all the noun clauses in this text;,3、Write a passage to plan a visit to the UK and give the reason.,Homework,Step 9:,板书设计,2. consist ofhold togetherbe made up ofmake the most oflie in/ on/ off/ to,UK,geographyclimatehistoryculturelanguage,1.,Unit5 The British Isles,
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