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1.what is business negotiation ?negotiation is an element of human behavior . negotiation takes place only over issues that are negotiate .negotiation takes place only between people who have the same interests. Negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving . Negotiator takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent. 2.Characters of business negotiation :1.with a common goal but divergent methods.2.the satisfaction of both parties .3.share open information in common 4. Try to understand .5. achieve common and complementary objectives acceptable to them both.6.redistnbute the uneven potential 7.everything is negotiable .8 zero-sum game. 3.Conflicts :1.parties in conflicts are interdependent 2.contradictions and interests coexist.3.two parties in a conflict will naturally fight for each others own interests and make every effort to gain more from the other side , as a result it will result it will reduce gain of interests expected mitially. 4.The basic principle of negotiation :1.euqality principle.2.sincere cooperaton.3.keep it flexible and fluid .5.翻译人员:1.look at conterparts but not the mterpreters .2.the respective interpreters should translate when their team speaks .3.speak in clear short sentences and never for longer than 30 seconds at a time .4. sated just to the rear of negotiators .5. willing to accept your interpretation may be wrong. 6. Never show public displeasure .save criticistns afterwards .7.always keep interpreters close at hand and maintain their confidence.6.谈判的阶段:1.pre-negotiation .2.face to face negotiation .3. post-negotiation . 7.怎样开头:1.arouse curiosity by asking a question related to your talk .2. say something humorous .3.start off with an interesting news item .4.begin with a specific illustration or case, which tends to lend an air of seriousness and reality to your talk .5. open with the impact of a profound quotation .6.show a visual illustration of your mainpoints.7.open with a simple explanation of how your topic affects the common interests of listeners .8. start off with a shocking statement .9.casually comment on something that has just happened or been said at the meeting if it ties into your presentation.8.怎样结尾:1.summarizing and briefly outlining the main points you cover .2. appeal for action .3. pay the listeners a sincere compliment by making reference to their organization, state or other aspect of common interest . 9.How to deliver questions .1.one way is to lay the foundation for asking them.2 .the second method of assuring the reliability of answers to your questions is through the use of the tactic called “bipolar questioning“ 10. There are some alternatives that you may use on how to answer when questioned :1.leaving the other person with the assumption that he has been answered .2. Answering incompletely .3. answering inaccurately .4.leaing the other person without the dire to pursue the question process further. 11. What qualifies to be a good negotiator? 1. A good listener . 2. Open minded .3. willing to do the homework to determine her/his interests , objective and alternatives 4. Well-prepared .12. 谈判人员的个人素质 personal characteristics .1. shrewdness 2. Patience .3. adaptability .4. endurance 5. Gregariousness .6 .concentration 7. The ability to acticulate 8.sense of humor . 13. How big should the team be .it is quite important to keep the team as small as possible .1. when your team has to operate overseas , then you will have a lot of fights ,ground traspot ,meals hotels, communication and conference centers .2.communication is a source of strength within the negotiation team 3.presenting a unified front is key.14. 在自己地盘上谈判的优点:(held in your own territory):1. It enables you to get the approval that may be necessary on problems that you did not anticipate 2. It prevents the other side from concluding the negotiation prematurely and leaving ,which he might do if he is in his own office 3. you can take care of other matters and have your own facilities awaiable while you are handling the negotiation .4. it gives you the psychological advantages of having the other side come to you .5. it saves your money and travelling time.(going to your opposers home territory ) 1. You can devote your full time to do the negotiationwithout the distractions and interruptions that your office may produce .2 .you can withhold information , stating that it is not immediately awarable .3. you might have the option of going over your opposers head to someone in his high management .4. the burden of preparation is on the oppose and he is not free from other duties. 15. As we start the bargaining process we need to take 2 steps “1. Get it clear .2 assess the situation . 16. The basic principal that govern concession in bargaining are .1. aconcession by one party must be matched by a concession of the other party .2. itsbetterfor the pace of concession to b
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