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Zhouzhou conductor mentally disabled,Zhang Haidi Paralysis writer,Does disability means unhealthy ?,Healthy psychology(心理) is much more important than disability.,We can find the answer in the text about the disabled girl Zhong Xiaowen.,The disabled people can achieve success because they have healthy psychology.,Unit 17 Reading,DISABLED? NOT ME!,Fast reading,What s the trouble with Zhong Xiaowen? How does she get around? Whats the teachers aim in the special college?,She was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.,She uses a wheelchair to get around.,Their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.,Read the passage again and find out how many parts you can divide it into . Then find out the main idea for each part.,Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Para 4.,A brief introduction of Xiaowen and opportunities for disabled people,The disabled need help, education and recognition.,The disabled receive inspiration and encouragement from a magazine.,Xiaowens advice,(para. 1 and 2),(para. 3),(para. 4 and 5),(para. 6),Name,Age,Studying in,Disability,Favourite,Award,Zhong Xiaowen,16,A middle school in Northern China,Without the ability to use her legs and has no feeling below the waist,Computer science,Received an award at her provinces science fair,Conclusion:,We cant,We should,let physical disabilities limit a persons life.,give everybody a chance to receive education.,A Special Education college in Beijing Union University:,How about the students there?,One third are blind, the rest are deaf or have no disabilities.,What should the students without disabilities do?,Learn how to assist disabled people;,Learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.,A magazine,Name: Started in: Started by: Aims: Readers: Writers:,Literature of Chinese Blind Children,1985,Xu Bailun,to inspire blind people to believe they can realize their dreams.,disabled authors, blind children,blind people,-Ye Zijie,A teacher in Huhhot,The first visually impaired Chinese to study abroad,Read Para 6 and answer the following question.,Everyday activities are more difficult than they are to others. It is also disappointing to find that other people do not feel comfortable together with someone who is disabled.,Why does it say living with disability is frustrating and challenging?,1. Xiaowen looks just like all her classmates.,F,2. The disabled people hope everyone can help them because they are disabled.,F,3. It is important for the disabled to receive education.,T,F,4. Physical disabilities can limit a persons life, so therere few opportunities for the disabled to make achievements.,OR,5. The disabled need help and sympathy, more than recognition.,F,6. The articles in “ Literature of Chinese Blind Children” are only about blind people.,F,7. One of the magazines best-known writers is Ye Zijie, who is now a teacher in Huhhot.,F,T,8. Although disabled in physics, the disabled can also enjoy their lives and be successful.,OR,Fill in the blanks.,Zhong Xiaowen is a middle school student of _. She was born _, unable to use her legs. However, she enjoys _ _and has won an _ for the programs she has created. Like Xiaowen, it is important for disabled people to receive _, develop their _ and make _ to society. The disabled people need _, more than _ and help. They should realize they can play a _role in society. Besides, they also need _ and _. The magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children has inspired disabled people to overcome challenges and difficulties and live a _ and _ life. To be honest, living with disability is _ and _.,sixteen,disabled,computer,science,award,education,potential,contributions,recognition,sympathy,valuable,inspiration,encouragement,meaningful,productive,frustrating,challenging,Homework:,Write a passage about the attitude we should treat the disabled people (about 100 words),http:/9951026.com.cn http:/9951026.info http:/9951026.me yrk085utb 长安知道,很久之后,她依然会记得某一天,敲开一扇院门邂逅一位名叫舜华的女人,长期以贩卖文字为生,隐居在古镇之中,只是在完成属于自己的天命。内心有阴影。肉体曾被疾病侵袭,久久纠缠。 她不曾询问她是否依旧会被病痛困扰,因为她不能给予任何帮助,没有实质性帮助的同情很廉价而且伤人,空气里漂浮的中药味已经说明了问题所在。 缘分奇诡。以一场乍然的相遇和分离注解内心某种的困惑。她与舜华彼此印证各自的观念与状态。 并不是要从对方身上得到支持赞赏,与其说是一场对谈,不若说是一场自语。不具有任何刻意或者功利,所以能够坦然诚挚。 你接下来有什么打算? 想去高原,见一个人。 她住在那里? 一年前进入藏区,没有再出来,我已经多年没有见过她了,想去看看她,然后带她回来。你呢,有什么打算?长安。 我也要去高原,是与朋友的约定。 你总是记得所有的约定吗。,
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