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完整版日常英语完整版日常英语 900900 句学习资料,附加句学习资料,附加 词汇分析词汇分析完整版日常英语 900 句学习资料you meet your target? (你的目标完成了吗?)A: Do you meet your target this month?你这个月的目标完成了吗?B: Yes, thanks God, I can meet the target. But I wonder with Janice. She never meets thetarget.谢天谢地,完成了。但是我对珍妮丝感到好奇。她从来没有达到过指标。A: Janice? She is still very young. I dont think that she can work here for a long time.珍妮丝?她还是太年轻了。我觉得她不会在这里工作太久。B: Why? By the way, how old is she actually?为什么?顺便问一下,她到底多大啦?A: She is working, right? so she must be mature. Shes already 24 years old.她已经在工作了,是吧?那她肯定是个成熟的人了。她已经 24 岁了。B: But she is still childish. She is also often sensitive.但她还是很孩子气,而且常常很敏感。A: Age has nothing to do with maturity. She should realise that she works.年纪和成熟并没有什么关系。她应该意识到她工作了。B: Perhaps she doesnt like the job.也许她不喜欢这份工作。A: If she doesnt like the job, she must find another job.如果她不喜欢这份工作,她肯定找了另一份工作。B: Shes trying to get another job, but mostly they offered small salary.她正在试着找另一份工作,但通常对方给的薪水都很低。A: Whatever the job, if she never does the job by heart, it wont be an enjoyable job. Working is not just about the money, is it?不管是什么工作,如果她不用心做的话,她是没办法乐在其中的。工作不是只和钱挂钩的,不是吗?B: I agree with you.我同意你的说法。meet ones target 意为达到某人的目标/指标。相当于 achieve/accomplish/realize/reach ones goal。另外,树立目标我们可以说 set up/establish a goal。small salary 指薪水低。有意思的是,英文中表示薪水低我们一般不用 low,而是用 small 来形容。形容薪水我们还可以用以下这些形容词:decent/handsome salary(可观的薪水),humble/ meagre/slender salary(微薄的薪水),expected salary(期望的薪水)。by heart 指用心地,在这里相当于一个副词。还可以与 learn, know, get 等动词搭配,表示默记,牢记。We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as possible.(我们最好尽可能多背句型。)2. Why did he get angry to you? 他为什么生你的气?A: You look upset, whats wrong with you?你看起来不太开心。你怎么啦?B: Yes, Im unwell today.是的。我今天不太舒服。A: Please dont lie to me. You told me that you went jogging this morning, didnt you? Please be honest to me. Who knows I can help you.别骗我。你跟我说过你今天早上还去慢跑了,不是吗?跟我说实话吧,或许我可以帮你呢。B: Actually Mr. Scott got angry to me just now.其实是因为刚刚斯科特先生对我发火了。A: Why did he get angry to you?他为什么对你发火呀?B: I have done a fatal mistake.我犯了个大错。A: Whats that?什么错?B: I had sent the wrong goods to customer so that we lost millions rupiahs.我给顾客送错了货,害得我们损失了几百万卢比。A: How come? Youre really careless! You should be more careful in doing thing.怎么会这样呢?你太大意了。你做事应该更认真一些。B: I made mistake in putting the address on the package. I didnt do it intentionally. I feel guilty, and I haveapologized.我在包装上填地址的时候出了错。我不是有意的。我很内疚,也道了歉。A: Yes I know it. But its useless to regret thing has been done. Dont make any mistakes again.嗯,我知道。后悔已经发生的事情是没有意义的。不要再犯错了。B: Alright, I think you right. I promise I wont do it again.是的,你说得对。我保证不再犯这样的错误了。Whats wrong with sb? 是问候语的一种,通常用来询问对方怎么了,发生了什么事。要表达类似的意思还可以用 Whats the matterwith you?/What happened to you?/Whats come over to you?/Whats going on?等等。更口语化一点的表达是 Whats up?(咋啦?)How come? 表示怎么回事,怎么搞的,怎么会这样? 用法相当于 why。后面可以接句子也可以不接。例如:How come we never know whats going on? (怎么我们一点都不知道发生了什么?)its useless to do sth. 做某事毫无意义/用处,相当于 It makes no sense to do sth./There is no point in doing sth.you filled out the withdrawal slip? 你填了取款单吗?Customer: Can you help me? I want to take some money out.你能帮我吗?我想取些钱出来。Banker: Surely, Sir. Have you filled out the withdrawal slip?当然了,先生。你填了取款单吗?Customer: Yes I have.填了。Banker: How much would you make a withdrawal, Sir?你想取多少钱呢,先生?Customer: Rp. please.3500 卢比。Banker: Which account would you make a withdrawal from?你从哪个账户取?Customer: I want to take out from my checking account, please.我想从我的活期存款账户取。Banker: Alright, I will set up your transaction. Please sign right here, Sir.好的,我会帮你办理这项业务。请在这里签字。Customer: How long is the process?手续大概要多久?Banker: Just a few minutes Sir. What else can I help, Sir?几分钟就好,先生。我还有什么能帮你的吗?Customer: Nothing. Thank you for helping me.没有了。谢谢你的帮助。Banker: Please dont mention it, Sir. Thank you.不客气,先生。withdrawal slip,指在银行柜台取款时要填的取款单。slip 原意为纸条。checking account,指的是活期存款账户,与之相对的是 time deposit account 定期存款账户。set up transaction,transaction 多指交易。但在银行业中,它指的是业务。因此,该短语意为办理业务。much is the initial deposit? 起存金额是多少?Banker: Good morning Maam, how may I help you?早上好,女士,需要帮忙吗?Customer: I want to open an account.我想开户。Banker: Alright Maam, what account would you like to have?好的,你想开什么类型的账户?Customer: Savings account, please?储蓄账户,可以吗?Banker: Would you please fill out this application first?你能先填写下这张申请表吗?Customer: Sure. Here it is.当然。给你。Banker: May I have your copy of ID, please?能给我你的身份证复印件吗?Customer: Sure. How much is the initial deposit?可以,起存金额是多少呢?Banker: Rp. Maam. And you will also get an ATM card.100 卢比。然后你会拿到一张银行卡。Customer: Alright, I will put Rp. in my account.好的,我放 500 卢比到我的账户。Banker: Thank you Maam. Could you please sign on this line?谢谢,你能在这一栏签字吗?Customer: Sure. Thank you.好的,谢谢。Banker: Youre welcome. Thank you for banking with us, Maam.不客气女士,感谢你来我们银行办理业务。initial deposit 指的是起存金额,开户金额,在银行开户后需存入一定的金额。ATM card, ATM 的全称为 Automatic Teller Machine,意为自动提款机。Thank you for banking with us.值得一提的是句中的 bank 为动词,表示办理业务。t Forget to Drop Me a Line! 不要忘了给我写封信Adriana: I hea
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