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11财务管理专业本科培养计划财务管理专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Financial Management一、业务培养目标一、业务培养目标 Educational Objectives 财务管理专业培养具有较强市场经济意识和社会适应能力,具有较宽广的管理、经济、法律和财 会、金融理论基础以及相关学科的原理性知识,能够在工商企业、金融机构、政府与事业单位、中介 机构从事理财、会计、金融、管理咨询及其它相关经济管理工作的具有一定专业技能的高级专门人才。The program of Financial Management aims at training students to be advanced financial professionals with strong market economy consciousness and social adaptability, as well as broad knowledge of management, economy, law, accounting, finance, etc. who will be qualified to work in accounting, financing, and managerial consultancy positions in industrial and commercial enterprises, financial organizations, governments, state-owned organizations and intermediary agencies.二、业务培养要求二、业务培养要求 Educational Requirement 财务管理专业学生主要学习财会、金融管理方面的基本理论和基本知识,接受财务、会计、金融 管理方法和技巧方面的基本训练,掌握分析和解决财务、会计、金融问题的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握管理学、会计学和财务与金融的基本理论和基本知识; 2.掌握财务与会计、金融管理的定性和定量的分析方法; 3.具有较强的语言和文字表达、人际沟通、信息获取以及分析和解决财务、金融管理实际问题的 基本能力; 4.熟悉我国有关财会、金融管理的方针政策和法规; 5.了解本学科的理论前沿和发展动态; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。 7.具有较强的外语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语进行口 头和书面的信息交流,能熟练地进行外文阅读,有一定的科技外语写作能力。Students majoring in Financial Management are required to acquire fundamental theories and knowledge of financial management and accounting; receive basic training of methods and skills about finance, financial management and accounting; master good abilities of analyzing and solving financial and accounting problems. The graduates are also required to obtain the knowledge or abilities as follows: 1. Mastering fundamental theories and knowledge of finance, accounting and financial management; 2. Acquiring both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods applied in financial management and accounting; 3. Having relatively better competences for expression, interpersonal communication and information acquisition, together with basic ability to analyze and solve practical problems in finance and financial management; 4. Being acquainted with the directive policies and regulations of financial management and accounting; 5. Understanding the theoretical cutting edge and the most recent development trend in relative field; 6. Mastering basic methods of literature retrieval and information inquiry, and having abilities of scientific research and practical working; 7. Acquiring comprehensive application of English, especially in speaking and listening; being proficient 12in both oral and written communication as well as in reading and sci-tech writing.三、主干学科三、主干学科 Major Disciplines 主干学科:经济学、工商管理 Major Disciplines for Financial Management: Economics, Business Administration四、专业四、专业核心课程核心课程与专业特色课程与专业特色课程 CoreCore CoursesCourses andand Characteristic Courses专业核心课程:会计学原理、统计学、财务会计、中级财务管理、投资学、管理会计、成本会计Core Courses:Accounting Principles, Statistics, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Financial Management, Investment, Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting 专业特色课程: 高级财务管理、内部控制学、纳税实务、Excel 财务应用、财务战略Characteristic Courses:Advanced Financial Management, Internal Control, Tax Planning, Application of Excel in Financial Management, Financial Strategy五、计划学制与学位五、计划学制与学位 Length of School and Degree 修业年限:四年Duration: Four Years授予学位:管理学学士 Degree Granted: Bachelor of Management六、最低毕业学分规定六、最低毕业学分规定 Graduation Credit Criteria课程类别 课程性质通识课程 Public Basic Courses学科大类课程 Basic Disciplinary Courses专业课程 Specialized Courses个性课程 Personalized Course集中性实践 Practice Courses课外学分 Study Credit after Class总学分 Total Credits 必修课 Required Courses35414526选修课 Elective Courses94101010190七、课程修读指导建议七、课程修读指导建议 Recommendations on Course Studies13General Education Elective Coures八、理论教学建议进程表八、理论教学建议进程表 TheoryTheory CourseCourse ScheduleSchedule学时分配 Including课程 类别 Course Classifi- cation课程 性质Course Nature课程编号Course Number课 程 名 称Course Title学 分Crs总学时Tot hrs.实验Exp.上机Ope-ration实践Prac-tice课外Extra-cur建议修 读学期 Suggested Term先修课程Prerequisite Course第二 专业 Second Major4220001110思想道德修养与法律基础 Morals, Ethics and Fundamentals of Law34881-64220002110中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Contemporary and Modern Chinese History2321-64220003110毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics496321-64220005110马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Philosophy34881-61060001110军事理论 Military Theory232162-44210001110体育 1 Physical Education13214210002110体育 2 Physical Education 132242100011104210003110体育 3 Physical Education 132342100021104210004110体育 4 Physical Education 132442100031104030002110大学英语 A1 College English A 13641614030003110大学英语 A2 College English A 36416240300021104030004110大学英语 A3 College English A 36416340300031104030005110大学英语 A4 College English A 36416440300041104120017110大学计算机基础 Foundation of Computer232121程序设计语言课程组(三选一,3 学分)4120023110计算机程序设计基础(C 语言) Fundamentals of Computer Program Design(C)348121-24120024110计算机程序设计基础(FORTRAN 语言)Fundamentals of Computer Program Design(FORTRAN)348121-24120025110计算机程序设计基础(VB 语言) Fundamentals of Computer Program Design(VB)348121-2必 修
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