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Whats an Insect?,Mount Fuji,the White House,Big Ben,the Eiffel Tower,the Great Wall,dragonfly,mantis,moth,butterfly,bee,bee,dragonfly,mantis,moth,butterfly,insects,wing,body,leg,eye,head,a pair of wings,two pairs of wings,This is a_. It has a_ _and a_. It has two_and two pairs of_. It has six_.,dragonfly,wings,body,eyes,head,legs,This is a_. It has a_ and a_. It has two_ and two pairs of_. It has six_.,bee,wings,body,eyes,head,legs,This is a_. It has a_ and a_. It has two_ and two pairs of_. It has six_.,moth,wings,body,eyes,head,legs,This is a_. It has a_ and a_. It has two_ and two pairs of_. It has six_.,mantis,wings,body,eyes,head,legs,This is a_. It has a_ and a_. It has two_ and two pairs of_. It has six_.,butterfly,wings,body,eyes,head,legs,Thank you !,
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