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Unit 3 Can you play the guitar? Section A,guitar,chess,swim,dance,sing,club,draw,PAIRWORK A: Whats this in English? B: Guitar. A: Can you play the guitar? B: Yes, I can. A: Can you sing? B: Yes, I can. A: Can you sing a song? B: Yes, I can.,paint,dance,swim,Presentation,Can they/she/he?,Yes, they/she/he can. No, they/she/he cant.,can,He,They,She,1b Listen and number the conversations 13.,A: Can you swim? B: No, I cant.,A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can.,A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can.,a. English club b. art club c. music club d. chess club e. swimming club,2a Listen to the two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.,I,2d Role-play the conversation . Jane: Hi , Bob. What club do you want to join? Bob: I want to join a sports club. Jane: Great! What sports can you play? Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can join the soccer club. Bob: What about you?You speak English very well. You can join the English club. Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too. Bob: Then join two clubs, the English club and the art club! Jane: OK, lets join now!,3a Write questions and answers with the words and phrases. 1.Wu Jun/speak English/ speak Chinese2. Mike/play basketball/play tennis3.Jane and Jill/dance/sing4. Grace/play soccer/play volleyball5. Bill/write stories/tell stories,Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he cant, but he can speak Chinese.,Can Mike play basketball? No, he cant, but he can play tennis.,Can Jane and Jill dance? No, they cant, but they can sing.,Can Grace play soccer? No, she cant,but she can play volleyball.,Can Bill write stories? No he cant, but he can tell stories.,3b Complete the following poster with the words in the box.,play sing tell dance,Students Wanted for School Show We want students for the school show. Can you _ or_? Can you _ the guitar? Can you _ stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.,sing,dance,play,tell,Homework 仿照3a编一组对话,并两人表演。,Unit 3 Can you play the guitar? Section B,Lead in,violin,Lets learn,guitar,trumpet,piano,drums,guitar,Can you play the guitar?Yes,I can. Can you play it well?No, I cant.,Presentation,piano drums trumpet violin guitar chess basketball volleyball,dance swim sing paint speak English,play the,play the,play the,play the,play the,play,play,play,drums,violin,trumpet,piano,Can you play the?Can you play it well?,1c Ask and answer questions about the instruments. A: Can you play the violin? B: No, I cant.,1f Talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and cant do. A: Can Bill play the guitar? B: Yes, he can, but he cant sing.,play the guitar,sing,sing and play the drums,play the piano,play the piano,sing or dance,Can ? Yes, he can but he cant .,Yes, she can and she can .,No, he cant and he cant .,PAIRWORK,2a,2b Read the ads. Match the titles with the ads.,Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.,3b Make a poster. Ask for help with an event at your school. A poster,Can的肯定句及否定句形式:,can/ cant play the guitar.,I We You She He It They,人称,Can 的一般疑问句形式:,Can,I we you she he it they,play the guitar?,Can的肯定及否定回答:,Yes,I we you she can. he it they,No, cant.,I we you she he it they,. 完成句子 1.你会弹吉他吗? _ you _the guitar? 2.我想参加篮球俱乐部。 I want to_ the _ club. 3.你能做什么? _can you _? 4.Tom跳舞能跳得很好。 Tom can _very _. 5.我能帮孩子们游泳。 I can_ kids _ swimming.,Practice,Can play,join basketball,What do,dance well,help with,.根据要求改写句子 1.club, art, want,the, to, I, join. (连词成句) _ 2.Mary can speak English.(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ 3.My father can play the guitar very well.(改成否定句) _ 4.I want to join the music club.(对画线部分提问) _club do you want to _? 5.Linda likes music.(改成否定句) Linda _ music.,I want to join the art club.,Can Mary speak English? No, she cant.,My father cant play the guitar very well.,What join,doesnt like,Homework 采访你的家人或朋友, 他们能或不能做某事。,路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原 读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。郭沫若 学习必须与实干相结合。泰戈尔 学而时习之,不亦说乎?孔子 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。李苦禅 求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。加菲劳 学习从来无捷径,循序渐进登高峰。高永祚 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。培根 立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。阮元 读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。富兰克林,精品课件!,
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