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PEP8 Unit 2 Lets read Whats the matter, Mike?,新塍镇中心小学 张家玲,If you have a headache, you might have the flu.,If you have a sore throat, you might have the flu.,If you have a fever, you might have the flu.,If your nose hurts, you might have the flu.,D: doctor A: LiuYun Age(年龄):13 Sex(性别): female D: Good morning! A: Good morning! D: Whats the matter with you? A: I feel sick. D: Do you have a fever? A: Yes, I have a fever. D: Do you have a headache? A: Yes, I have a little headache. D: Do you have a sore throat? A: Oh, yes, I have a sore throat. D: Mm, I think you might have the flu. A: What should I do? D: Dont worry. Take some medicine and drink hot water. Stay in bed for a few days. You will feel better soon. Name: Age: Sex: Symptom(症状): Diagnosis(诊断): Advice: (建议) :,LiuYun,13,female,have a fever have a headache have a sore throat,take some medicine drink hot water stay in bed,have the flu,Homework 、听录音,跟读Lets read部分的内容。 、以“I have a flu”为题写一篇小短文。,THANK YOU !2009.3 .6,
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