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Lesson 20 Jenny Goes Home,Jennys gift,Jenny comes home from her trip. She is happy to see her mother again.,Hi Mom! Did you miss me?,Yes, I did !Did you have fun in Beijing?,Yes, I had fun!,What did you do?,Did you go shopping?,Thank you, Jenny!,I go to the library on Sundays.,I went to the cinema yesterday.,go-went,I see Danny every day.,every day 每一天,I saw Mr. Wood yesterday.,see-saw,I eat an apple every day.,apple,I ate a hot dog for lunch yesterday.,eat-ate,every day,yesterday,every day,yesterday,Miss Chu,is dancing,now,二选择 1. Li Ming _ an apple every day. A. eat B. eats C. ate2. Li Ming _ a banana yesterday. A. eat B. eats C. ate3. Li Ming is _ an orange now. A. eat B. eats C. eating4. I _Mr. Wood yesterday. A. saw B. see C. seed,A,B,C,C,恭喜你,答对了,三连线 .,1.What did you do yesterday?,A . Yes, I did.,2. Did you miss me?,B. I went to the Great Wall.,3. This scarf is for you.,C. Thank you.,恭喜你,答对了,
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