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持续发展的轨道交通业 设备监理服务的机遇与挑战 Rail Transit Industry Growing in a Sustainable Way- Opportunities and Challenges of Plant engineering consulting Service,中国铁道科学研究院 孙 宁 Sun Ning China Academy of Railway Sciences,持续发展的轨道交通业设备监理服务的机遇与挑战 Rail Transit Industry Growing in a Sustainable Way- Opportunities and Challenges of Plant Engineering Consulting Service,轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development 2. 轨道交通机电设备技术发展趋势Development Trend of Rail Transit Mechanical-Electrical Equipment Technology 3. 轨道交通机电设备监理服务的机遇与挑战Opportunities and Challenges of Rail Transit Mechanical-Electrical Plant Engineering Consulting Service,轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,我国铁路发展长期制约我国社会经济发展 Chinas railway development has long restricted our social and economic growth.,轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,铁路“十一五”规划 The 11th Five-Year Plan of railways,依据我国中长期铁路网规划,“四纵四横”客运专线长度达到12000km According to Chinas long and medium-term plan for railway network, dedicated Four Vertical and Four Horizontal passenger railways are as long as 12,000km.,1. 轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,铁路投资规模估计 Estimated scale of railway investment,按照规划,2009年,我国还将批准新建铁路里程1万公里左右、投资规模1万亿元;2010年,将再批准新建铁路里程1万公里、投资规模1万亿元。 According to the plan, in 2009, China will approve construction of an additional 10,000 km railway mileage or so, involving investment scale of 1 Trillion RMB; in 2010, it will further approve 10,000 km railway mileage, involving investment scale of 1 Trillion RMB.,2009年铁道部计划报批项目投资规模突破1万亿元。当年要花出去的钱约7000亿元,其中基本建设投资计划安排6000亿元,还有其他的一些机器设备、固定资产投资将近1000亿元。另外,2009年和2010年两年计划安排机车车辆购置投资3000亿元左右。 In 2009, Ministry of Railways plans to report for approval of projects involving 1 Trillion RMB investment. In the year, about 700 Billion RMB is planned to be spent, among which 600 Billion RMB will be arranged for investment in infrastructures, and nearly 100 Billion RMB for investment in machinery equipment and fixed assets. Moreover, in 2009 and 2010, the Ministry plans to arrange approximately 300 Billion RMB to purchase locomotives.,调整后的中长期铁路网规划项目全部实施后,到2020年铁路建设投资总规模将突破5万亿,营业里程将超过12万公里 After the projects in Long and Medium-term Railway Network Plan are completely fulfilled, by 2020 total scale of railway construction investment will surpass 5 Trillion RMB, and operating mileage will overtake 120,000 kilometers.,1. 轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,我国城市轨道交通建设现狀 Present situation on construction of urban rail transit in China,特大城市(北京、上海、广州)正在形成轨道交通网络; Rail transit network is being formed in large cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou)天津、深圳、南京、武汉、 重庆已建成并运营第一、二条地铁线路,正在建设第二或多条线路; In Tianjin, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Wuhan and Chongqing, the first or second metro line has been completed and operated, the second or more line is under construction 近两年国家又先后又批准了成都、杭州、哈尔滨、沈阳、西安、长沙、 石家庄、苏州、宁波、 青岛、郑州、大连、长春、无锡等十五个城市开展城市轨道交通建设; In the past two years, the State has approved construction of urban rail transit in 15 cities, including Chengdu, Hangzhou, Harbin, Shenyang, Xian, Changsha, Shijiazhuang, Suzhou, Ningbo, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Dalian, Changchun and Wuxi. 随着城市化的发展,珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、环渤海地区等经济区域正在启动区域性城际轨道交通网络的建设。 With ever-growing urbanization, such economic zones as Pearl River Delta, Yangtze Delta and the areas surrounding Bohai Sea are kicking off the construction of regional intercity rail transit network.,1. 轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,目前我国十座城市,30条线路的运营里程(2008年底) Present operation mileage of 30 lines in 10 cities of China (by the end of 2008),1. 轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,目前我国十座城市,30条线路的运营里程(2008年底) Present operation mileage of 30 lines in 10 cities of China (by the end of 2008),1. 轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,至2008底全国共有14个城市,46条地铁线路在建,线路总长1212km By the end of 2008, 46 metro lines in 14 cities nationwide were under construction, 1,212km long in total.,十五个城市轨道交通近期建设规划表 Near-term construction planning schedule for rail transit in 15 cities,1. 轨道交通发展现状及规划Present Situation and Planning of Rail Transit Development,城轨新线建设 Construction of new urban rail transit lines-目前已经开工建设1300多公里线路,建成运营800多公里线路,按照规划还有约1700公里线路在今后10年左右时间陆续建设完成。At present, construction of more than 1,300km lines has been commenced, lines with above 800km operating mileage have been completed and put into operation. According to the planning, an additional 1,700km lines will be completed in succession in the 10 future years. -在2010年左右,我国将有20个城市,2020年,我国将有30个左右的城市有发展城市轨道交通的可能。 It is possible to develop urban rail transit in 20 cities by 2010, and 30 cities by 2020 in China. -按照目前每年开工建设150200公里线路的发展速度,到2020年,我国建设城市轨道交通线路有可能达到25003000公里的规模,约需静态总投资1000013000亿元。 According to the speed of commencing construction of 150200km lines annually, it is expected that by 2020 urban rail transit lines in China could reach a scale of 2500-3000km, which approximately involves static investment of 1-1.3 Trillion RMB.,
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