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1Unit2.Topic2. What does she look like?一核心词汇 both black blue color pink red purple brown white green yellow here give letter sorry like tall will young man woman T-shirt shoe cap skirt dress at photo strong cool二常用词组look the same giveto look like look at look different三重点句子We both have black hair and black eyes. We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends. What color is/are.? She is tall like you, Ill give it to her. The girl in yellow is Maria. She has short brown hair. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.四交际用语Please give this letter to Maria. Sorry I dont know her. What does he/she look like? Oh, I see. Am I cool?五语法精粹否定句 We dont have the same looks. He doesnt have gray hair.特殊疑问句 What color is her hair? Its (red.)主谓一致 What color are these shoes? They are (green)What color is his cap? Its (yellow)介词短语作后置定语 The boy in blue pants is peter.定冠词the 的用法 I have a pen. The pen is red.六.其他 学习辅音音标/f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ / / / /七重点讲解1.We both have black hair and black eyes.我俩都长着黑头发、黑眼睛。both pron(与复数名词连用)意为“两个,两个都”。2Both 放在be 动词,助动词或情态动词后面,实义动词的前面。如:We are both from Sichuan.我俩都来自四川。They both work in Toronto. 他俩都在多伦多市工作。2 But you look the same. 但是你们看起来一样。 We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends! 我们没有相同的外貌,但我们是好朋友!以上两句中出现了look the same 与 the same looks 两个短语。虽然是由三个同样的单词组成的两个短语,但是由于它们的位置不同,意思就不一样。look the same中的 look 是动词,意思是“看起来”,而the same looks 中的look 为名词,常用复数,意思是外表,外貌,样子”。因此 look the same 意为“看起来很像”,而 the same looks意为 “相似的外貌”【链接】look at 看; look like看起来像。如:Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板。He looks like his father.他看起来像他的爸爸。【拓展】look the same 的反义词组是:look different.3.Please give this letter to Maria.请把这封信给玛丽亚。give v给 give sth to sb 或give sb sth把某物给某人。因此,此句也可改为:Please give Maria this letter.但是当用代词It(它), them(他们)代替某物时,只能用于give it/them to sb结构中。如:Please give it to him.请把它给他。4. What does she look like? 意为某人看上去是怎么样?该句常用来表示对某人相貌、身材等的提问。如:-What does your sister look like? 你姐姐看起来怎么样?-She is tall and thin她又瘦又高。-What do your parents look like? 你的父母看3起来什么样?My mother is short but my father is tall.我的妈妈矮,但是我的爸爸高。(2) look like.意为看上去像”,like 为介词,意为“像一样”。如:Mary looks like her mother.玛丽看起来像她的妈妈。 The girl is tall like you.这个女孩像你一样高。5 I have blond hair and blue eyes.我有金黄色的头发和蓝色的眼睛。 She has short brond hair and a small nose.她流着金色的头发并且长着小鼻子。注意练习:根据句意填单词,首字母已给出 1. She has a small mouth. She looks n_. 2. He has two nice p_. 3. Im sorry. I dont k_her. 4. She is old. Her hair is w_. 5. China has a r_national flag( 国旗) . 二找出不同类的单词 ( )1. A. shoe B. shirt C. photo D. skirt ( )2. A. green B. new C. blue D. white ( )3. A. old B. face C. ear D. leg ( )4. A. ruler B. pencil C. pen D. car ( )5. A. bus B. orange C. car D. truck 三根据所给汉语提示填空。 1. He is in_3, _l (一年级 3 班). 2. She has _, _hair (短的,褐色的). 3. They_(看起来不同). 4. We have_( 不同的长相 ) . 45.Who is that girl? -_? (哪一个) The one_ _(穿绿色衣服的). 6. The boy_a blue _is Peter( 穿一件蓝色的衬衫) . 7. Please_that_(给) Bill. 8. What does he_ _(长得什么样) ? 9. The two boys look_( 不一样) . 10. Please_my book_(给.). 三单项选择 ( )1. _boy is Tom? The one in a red cap. A. Which B. What C. Where D. Who ( )2. _ she look like? She has small eyes. A. Whats B. What does C. Does D. What ( )3. _ is his shirt? Its blue. A. Which color B. How color C. What color D. Whats the color ( )4. The girl _ red is my sister. A. on B. in C. under D. to ( )5. Whos that_? A. over B. there C. here D. over there ( )6. What color is it? Its _orange. Its _ orange cap. A./;/ B. a;a C./;a D./;an ( )7. Chinese and Japanese ( 日本人) look the same. A. Thats all right. B. Thats right. C. Yes,it is. D. Yes. ( )8. -What color_those shoes? They are _. A. is;green B. are;greens C. are;green D. is;greens ( )9. The boy _red is Bill and the boy _white coat is Peter. A. in a;in a B. in a;in C. in;in D. in;in a ( )10. Jane, give that_ Maria. A. to B. in C. on D. / ( )11. Bring your bag_ here, please. 5A. to B. in C. on D. / ( )12. Is it your bike? A. Here are you. B. Here you are. C. Yes, it is. D. Which one. ( ) 13. What color is your coat? Its_. A. a red B. red C. the red D. an reds ( ) 14. The girl_black hair and big eyes is Lucy. A. in B. has C.with D. have ( )15. Please give this pen to Wang Tian. Sorry, _. What does she look like? A. I know her B. I dont know her. C. I see her.
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