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Pressure As the pace of modern life continues to quicken,pressure seems to be on the increase all the time.As a student, have bound pressure, as a companys staff has promoted the pressure, as a parent, has the life of pressure .Pressure everywhere As a student ,we often meet many problems in our study and we fell worried sometimes.Also, we often get a lot of pressure from our teachers and parents,we know that they say a lot to us just because they are care about us.So it is important for us to find a way to solve our problems.But what should we do ?First,we should be confident.We should believe that we can do better.Also, when we meet problems and fell worried ,we could talk to friends or chat with our parents,that is a good way to relax.Another thing that is important is learn to relax,stop to have a rest sometimes can make us fell better,and help us do better in study,so when you are really tired,stop to do something you like. Pressure is not terrible.My motto is things will eventually sort themselves out .I believe that through our efforts will precail over pressure.Let our life is full of sunshine压力压力 随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,压力似乎是在增加。作为一个学生,有升随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,压力似乎是在增加。作为一个学生,有升 学的的压力;作为一个公司员工,有升职的压力;作为一个家长,有生活的压学的的压力;作为一个公司员工,有升职的压力;作为一个家长,有生活的压 力。压力无处不在。力。压力无处不在。 作为一个学生来讲,我们经常在学习中遇到好多问题而且很烦恼,同样的,作为一个学生来讲,我们经常在学习中遇到好多问题而且很烦恼,同样的, 我们经常从老师和家长那里感受到压力,我们知道他们说的对我们是因为他们我们经常从老师和家长那里感受到压力,我们知道他们说的对我们是因为他们 关心我们,所以对我们来说最重要的是要找到解压的方法。但是我们应该怎么关心我们,所以对我们来说最重要的是要找到解压的方法。但是我们应该怎么 做呢?第一,我们应该有自信,我们应该相信我们能做的更好,当我们遇到问做呢?第一,我们应该有自信,我们应该相信我们能做的更好,当我们遇到问 题觉得烦恼的话,我们可以把烦恼跟朋友说或者和父母聊聊,那是个不错的放题觉得烦恼的话,我们可以把烦恼跟朋友说或者和父母聊聊,那是个不错的放 松方法,另一件重要的是学会放松自己,停下来休息一下会有时能让我们感觉松方法,另一件重要的是学会放松自己,停下来休息一下会有时能让我们感觉 好一些,帮助我们做的更好的学习,所以当你真的累了,停下来做一些你喜欢好一些,帮助我们做的更好的学习,所以当你真的累了,停下来做一些你喜欢 做的事情。做的事情。 压力并不可怕,我的座右铭是车到山前必有路,我相信通过我们的努力一压力并不可怕,我的座右铭是车到山前必有路,我相信通过我们的努力一 定会战胜压力,让我们的生活充满阳光!定会战胜压力,让我们的生活充满阳光!
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