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脑梗死 cerebral infarction,浙江大学附属第一医院神经内科 罗本燕,汽车防盗器 http:/www.zg001gps.com,定义,又称缺血性卒中,是指因脑部血液供应障碍,缺血缺氧所致的局限性脑组织的缺血性坏死或软化,Stern: Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry,脑的动脉系统,眼动脉 ophthalmic artery (OA)脉络膜前动脉 anterior choroidal artery(AChA) 前交通动脉 anterior communicating artery 大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery (ACA)大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery (MCA),大脑半球前 3/5血液供应,颈内动脉系统(前循环) Internal carotid artery system(ICA),椎基底动脉系统 (后循环) vertebrobasilar artery system 椎动脉 vertebral artery (VA)基底动脉 basilar artery (BA)大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery(PCA),大脑半球后2/5、丘脑、脑干、小脑,PCA,BA,VA,不幸罹患卒中的名人,在我国,每12秒钟就有1位卒中新发患者,每21秒钟就有1人死于卒中,150万200万/年新发脑卒中病例;年发病率(116219)/10万人;年死亡率(5842)/10万人;我国现存脑血管病患者700余万人约70为缺血性脑卒中,中国缺血性脑卒中/TIA二级预防指南2010,Chinese ischemic stroke subclassification S. Gao1, Y. J. Wang2*, A. D. Xu3, Y. S. Li4 and D. Z. Wang5 1 Department of Neurology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China 2 Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China 3 Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou, China 4 Department of Neurology, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China 5 Illinois Neurological Institute Stroke Network, OSF Healthcare Systems, Department of Neurology, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL, USA Accurate classification of stroke has significant impact on patient care and conduction of stroke clinical trials. The current systems such as TOAST, SSS-TOAST, Korean TOAST, and ASCO have limitations. With the advent of new imaging technology, there is a need to have a more accurate stroke subclassification system. Chinese ischemic stroke subclassification (CISS) system is a new two step system aims at the etiology and then underlying mechanism of a stroke. The first step classify stroke into five categories: large artery atherosclerosis (LAA), including atherosclerosis of aortic arch and intra-/extracranial large arteries, cardiogenic stroke, penetrating artery disease, other etiology, and undetermined etiology. The second step is to further classify the underlying mechanism of ischemic stroke from the intracranial and extracranial LAA into the parent artery (plaque or thrombosis) occluding penetrating artery, artery-to-artery embolism, hypoperfusion/impaired emboli clearance, and multiple mechanisms. Although clinical validation of CISS is being planned, CISS is an innovative system that offers much more detailed information on the pathophysiology of a stroke. Keywords: ischemic stroke, subclassification, etiology, mechanism, Chinese ) - CISS,中国缺血性卒中亚型 Chinese ischemic stroke subclassification - CISS,中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS),动脉粥样硬化,斑块形成,不稳定斑块,血栓形成堵塞血管,脑梗死,中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS),颅内外大动脉粥样硬化-低灌注,中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS),颅内外大动脉粥样硬化 动脉-动脉栓塞,中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS),心源性,中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS),穿支动脉疾病,中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS),夹层,动脉炎,其他病因,烟雾病,19,牛津郡社区卒中研究分型 (Oxfordshire community stroke project,OCSP),LACI 腔隙性梗塞,TACI 完全前循环梗死,PACI 部分前循环梗死,POCI 后循环梗塞,动脉粥样硬化性血栓性脑梗死,病因,动脉粥样硬化atherosclerosis 高血压hypertension 糖尿病diabetes mellitus 血脂异常Dyslipidemia,发病机制,血管壁病变 血液成分 血流动力学改变,血管壁病变,高血压性脑细小动脉硬化 脑动脉粥样硬化 血管先天性发育异常和遗传性疾病 各种感染和非感染性动、静脉炎 中毒、代谢及全身性疾病,血流动力学因素,血压过高或过低 血容量改变 心脏病,血液成分异常,血粘度改变 血小板数量或功能异常 凝血或纤溶系统功能障碍,发病机制,动脉粥样硬化血管壁斑块形成-斑块破裂胶原暴露血小板激活、聚集血栓形成,发病机制,Lentz: Comprehensive Gynecology, 6th ed,病 理,超早期(16小时):线粒体肿胀、星形细胞足突水肿 急性期( 624小时):细胞结构的破坏 坏死期( 2448小时):局部水肿 软化期( 3天3周):病变区液化变软 恢复期( 34周):胶质瘢痕形成(小病灶)、中风囊形成(大病灶),病理生理,脑组织对缺血缺氧损害hypoxic ischemic brain injury极敏感阻断血流30s脑代谢发生改变1min神经元功能活动停止,5min梗死神经元缺血损伤具有选择性,病理生理,缺血性脑损伤的级联反应脑缺血蛋白合成转运停止神经元去极化钙离子内流兴奋性氨基酸大量释放加剧钙离子内流,神经元去极化细胞损害 钙离子内流酶激活细胞骨架,线粒体细胞膜破坏 自由基增多,NO合成神经元损害 细胞因子引起局部炎症微循环障碍 细胞凋亡基因激活细胞程序性死亡缺血半暗区坏死区融合,Marx: Rosens Emergency Medicine, 7th ed.,Pathobiology of ischaemic stroke: An integrated view. Trends Neurosci 22:391-397, 1999.,病理生理,急性脑梗死病灶:中心坏死区和周围缺血半暗带ischemic penumbra 存在侧支循环和部分血供有大量可存活神经元 如血流恢复,脑代谢改善神经细胞仍可恢复功能 保护缺血半暗带是急性脑梗死的治疗关键,病 理 生 理,急性脑梗死病灶组成,中心坏死区 + 缺血半暗带,保护缺血半暗带是急性脑梗死的治疗关键,分 期,通常按病程分为 急性期(12周) 恢复期(2周6个月) 后遗症期(6个月以后),临床表现,中老年多见 脑梗死危险因素 安静或睡眠中发病 TIA前驱症状 病情多在几小时或几天内达到高峰,部分患者症状可进行性加重或波动 大多意识清楚 临床表现决定于梗死灶的大小和部位,WHO对卒中或TIA引起的症状和体征的定义,急性起病的肯定的局灶性 神经系统症状或体征,一侧或双侧运动损害 一侧或双侧感觉损害 共济失调 失语 失用 偏盲 复视 凝视麻痹,伴随的,非特异性症状,头晕 眩晕 局部头痛 双眼视物不清 构音障碍 认知障碍(包括精神混乱) 意识障碍 痫性发作,颈内动脉闭塞30%-40%可无症状(取决于侧支循环)单眼一过性黑矇偶见永久性失明(视网膜动脉缺血)Horner征(颈上交感神经节后纤维受损)伴对侧偏瘫、偏身感觉障碍、同向偏盲等(远端大脑中动脉缺血) 优势半球伴失语症aphasia 非优势半球可有体象障碍,大脑中动脉闭塞主干闭塞病灶对侧中枢性面舌瘫 肢体偏瘫hemiplegia 、偏身感觉障碍hemidysesthesia 、偏盲hemianopsia (三偏) 优势半球梗塞:完全性失语 非优势半球梗塞:体象障碍body-image disturbance,上部分支闭塞: 病灶对侧面部、上下肢轻偏瘫;感觉缺失 伴Broca失语(优势半球);体象障碍(非优势半球) 不伴意识障碍,皮质支闭塞,对侧同向性上1/4视野缺损defect of visual field 对侧皮质感觉(图形觉实体辨别觉)明显受损 病觉缺失失用,无偏瘫 优势半球Wernicke失语, 非优势半球急性意识模糊状态,下部分支闭塞:,纹状体内囊梗死 对侧中枢性均等性轻偏瘫 对侧偏身感觉障碍 对侧同向性偏盲,深穿支闭塞,大脑前动脉闭塞 分出前交通动脉前主干闭塞-无症状(对侧代偿) 分出前交通动脉后闭塞-下肢瘫尿潴留、尿急(旁中央小叶受损)淡漠反应迟钝欣快缄默等(额极胼胝体受损)强握、吸吮反射(额叶受损),
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