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Unit 6 In a nature park 第4课时,Warming up,1. Sing a song :“Round the village”.,Task 1: 拼单词。,规则:课件中闪现单词,小组每人拼出一个字母,小组齐读,翻译。一次给每组一个或两个单词,看哪组拼出来的单词正确,数量多。,2.完成任务。,forest,hill,mountain,river,lake,building,park,Task 2: Guess, whats in the picture?,课件展示图片,小组成员站到前面背对大屏幕。猜图片上有什么。 小组成员问:“ Is/Are there . in the picture?” 全班同学回答: “Yes, there is/are.” 或者 “No, there isnt/arent.”,Presentation,1. Lets go to the nature park.,Do you know whats in the nature park? Guess!,2.学习单词bridge, house, tree和短语on the mountain。,There is a river in the nature park. There is a bridge over the river.,What bridge do you know in our country?,There is a house in the picture.,There are many trees in the picture.,There is a lake on the mountain.,3.Play a game(龙卷风).,龙卷风来了,村庄被卷到了风里,你能帮村庄找回风中的东西吗?,4.完成探究学习第一题。,根据中文填空。 (1)公园里有许多树。 There are a lot of _ in the park. (2)河上有一座桥。 There is a _ over the river. (3)它是个美丽的村庄。Its a beautiful _.,5. Design your village.,a.先看老师介绍老师自己设计的村庄。 b.然后完成探究学习第二题。 介绍你的村庄。Look at the village. There is a _ in the village. There are some _ and some _.There is a _ over the river. There are some animals in the village. They are _, _ and _. What a beautiful village!,Consolidation,小组内讨论组内成员设计的village, 互相询问,看看彼此之间有什么相似处和不同之处,并提出诚恳意见。,1. Group work.,2.选出组内最优秀设计。,让每组设计得最好的同学到前面介绍自己的设计。下面的同学可以相应提问,或提出意见。,用 there be 句型写出描述这个村庄的句子,并读出来。 There is _. There are _.,3.听 Lets learn 部分的录音,理解句意。听录音跟读。同学们两人一组进行问答。,4. Write and say.,Homework,1.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。 2.找出城市和村庄的不同点,试着用英语描述。,
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