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,Unit 9 Can you come to my party?,Section B (1a1e),No.39 Middle School,阚周玉,Unit 9 Can you come to my party?,Section B (1a1e),一.语言知识目标: 能掌握以下词汇:the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekday, look after. 学会运用下列句子对日期提问 :1. -Whats today ?-Its +星期几+the +序数词. 2. -Can you.with me?-Sorry,I cant.I have to.,Learning aims:,二.语言技能目标:通过听力训练能运用英语熟练发出邀请并学会有礼貌地拒绝邀请,从而提高综合听说能力。 三.情感态度目标:学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及有礼貌地拒绝邀请的方式,知道自己的职责和义务,明白同学之间应相互理解。,Learning aims:,Enjoy a song.,weekdays:,weekends:,(工作日),(周末),December, 2016,Look at the calendar!,Its Tuesday.,Its December 13th.,Its the .,星期,序数词,What day is it today?,Whats today?,Whats the date today?,Tuesday,13th,(今天是什么日子?),Wednesday十二月14,What day is tomorrow?,Whats the date tomorrow?,Whats tomorrow?,Its Wednesday.,Its December 14th.,Its Wednesday the 14th.,Pairwork,Thursday十二月15,What day is the day after tomorrow?,Whats the date the day after tomorrow?,Whats the day after tomorrow?,Its Thursday.,Its December 15th.,Its Thursday the 15th.,Monday十二月12,What day was yesterday?,What was the date yesterday?,What was yesterday?,It was Monday.,It was December 12th.,It was Monday the 12th.,Sunday十二月11,What day was the day before yesterday?,What was the date the day before yesterday?,What was the day before yesterday?,It was Sunday.,It was Decemer 11th.,It was Sunday the 11th.,the day before yesterday, weekend,yesterday, weekday,today, weekday,the day after tomorrow, weekday,tomorrow, weekday,weekday,weekend,Please write the dates and write these words below the correct dates on the calendar.,today tomorrow yesterday the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow weekday weekend,11th,12th,13th,14th,15th,16th,17th,1.What kind of activities does the boy like?He likes playing soccer . 2.Why is the boy making a telephone call? Because he wants to invite a friend to play soccer.,Before you listen,Look at 1d and answer the questions.,While you listen,Task1:Listen for the general idea of the conversation.(听取大意),The main idea of the conversation is that_. A. Andy invites Vince to play with him. B. Andy invites Vince to play tennis with him. C. Andy invites Vince to go shopping with him.,B,听力技巧,放松情绪,集中精力。,抓紧时间,提前审题。,沉着答题,遇难不慌。,仔细检查,理顺关系。,Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Circle Yes or No. And match Vinces activities with the days .,Yes No,b,a,a,b,c,Task2.Listen for the specific ideas of the conversation. (听取细节),Task3.听细节Listen again and fill in the blanks.,(现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。),. _you play tennis with me?,I_ go to the doctor.,How about_?,Tips,1.预测句子内容。 2.听要点抓细节。 3.边听边速记。,can,have to,tomorrow,look after,really,A: Hi, Vince. V: Yeah, hi, Andy! A: Vince, can you play tennis with me? V: Uh, when? A: . Today V: Uh, no,sorry , I cant. I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today.,Read and act in pairs.,A: How about tomorrow?V: Sorry, tomorrow I have to play soccer and I have a piano lesson. A: Oh. Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow ? V: I have to look after my little sister. A: Oh, I see. V: Im sorry, Andy. Im really busy this week!,Groupwork: You want to invite your partner to a movie this week. Ask and answer ingroups.,A: Hi. . Can you .with me? B: When? A: . B: Sorry, I cant. I have to. A: Hi.can you. with me .? C: Sorry, .I have to. A:Hi.can you. with me.? D: Sure, Id love to.,Today, we know.,We should each other and speak in a way, so we can keep friendship longer.,friendly,understand,Summary,词汇:,句子:,词汇,1. -Whats today ?-Its +星期几+the +序数词. 2. -Can you. with me ?-Sorry,I cant.I have to.,句子,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,weekday,look after,Have a test,一.用所给单词适当形式填空。 1.She has much work this week .She is _ (real) busy. 2.Molly had to _(look) after her little brother yesterday. 3.Lisa cant _ (play) tennis with me. 4.What _(be) the day before yesterday? 5.What _you _(do) the day after tomorrow? 二.翻译下列句子。1.汤姆前天不得不去看医生。 Tom had to go to the doctor the day before yesterday. 2.今天是什么日子?今天13号,星期二。 -Whats today ? -Its Tuesday the 13th.,_,really,look,play,was,are,doing,You want to invite your partner to a party this week. See her schedule and make a dialogue.,Homework,Thank you !,
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