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Topic 2 Where are you from? Section A,Unit 1,A: Excuse me, are you Jane? B: Yes, I am. A: Excuse me, are you Michael? B: No, I am not.,A: My names Sally. Whats your name?B: My names Li Ming. Whats your name?C: My names Whats your name?D: My names ,1a look, listen and say(影片1),Where are you from?,Im from Canada.,1b Ask and answer in pairs, using What ? and Where ?,Whats your name? _ Where are you from? _,2a,Look, listen and say,Is she Jane?,Yes, she is.,Where is she from?,She is from Canada.,Is he Li Ming?,No, he isnt. He is Yukio.,Where is he from?,He is from Japan.,(影片2),Jane,Canada,Is she Jane?,Yes, she is.,Where is she from?,She is from Canada.,Kangkang,China,Is he Kangkang?,Yes, he is.,Where is he from?,He is from China.,Is he Liu Xiang?,No, he isnt. He is Yao Ming.,2b Practice the coversations above with your partner.,A: Is he/she B: Yes/No, A: Where is he/she from?B: He/She ,Match the questions and then practice in pairs.,Whats your name? a. She is from Canada.2. Are you from Beijing? b. No, he isnt. He is Li Ming. 3. Is he Zhou Weilun? c. Yes, we are.4. Where are you from? d. Im from England.5. Where is she from? e. My name is Maria.,1-e 2-c 3-b 4-d 5-a,Match them together.,the U.S.A.,Canada,England,Japan,-Where are you from?,-I am from China.,-Where are you from?,-I am from Canada.,-Where are they from?,-They are from Japan.,-Where is he from?,-He is from the U.S.A.,Cuba (古巴),-Where is Maria from?,-She is from Cuba.,Listen and number the pictures. Then listen again and match the names with the right countries.,3,c,4,d,2,b,a. Zhao Lin b. Kumiko c. Jim d. Tom,1,(录音1),Where are you from? Im from Canada. (2) Are you from Washington D.C.? No, Im not. (3) Is she Jane? Yes, she is. (4) Is he Li Ming? No, he isnt.,Sum up,Homework,(1)抄写课文5的句子,注意首字母和 标点符号。 (2)抄写本课的生词、单词、音标及汉语各两遍。 (3)背诵课文1a和2a。,Thank you,
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