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广 州 康 联 装 饰 设 计 有 限 公 司,GuangZhou Health Union Decoration & Design Co.,Ltd.,官方网站:http:/www.gzhud.cn 旗下网站:http:/www.bgsdyz.com,品牌康联 用心服务,携手共赢,康联本着“以诚为本,以质为信”的企业作风,坚守“专注于办公室装修,打造有灵魂的办公环境”的企业使命,同我们的客户一起发展进步,实现企业核心价值观“用心服务,携手共赢”。In line with the spirit of “integrity-based and quality-oriented”, HUD is committed to achieving its core value of “providing whole-hearted services and creating win-win outcomes” by sticking to the mission of “specializing in office decoration and creating an office environment with a soul”.,Providing Whole-hearted Services, Creating Win-win Outcomes,官方网站:http:/www.gzhud.cn 旗下网站:http:/www.bgsdyz.com,实用、舒适、高效、价值,实用 Practical 办公空间设计是一种功能诉求,有效的利用有限的空间,发挥最大的效能,细微之处尽显优雅秀气之美,合理的空间规划更能提升公司效率。这种办公空间我们称之为 “实用”。 舒适 Comfortable 办公空间设计是一门艺术生活,我们工作环境应该是温馨舒适的,让员工感受那一份家的温馨,爱上工作从爱上工作环境开始,实现员工凝聚力的升华。这种办公空间我们称之为“舒适”。 高效 Efficient 办公空间设计是一门科学理论,运用人体工程学,高效的工作流线,归整划一的手法表现,提升员工的工作热情,激发员工的工作活力,实现企业的高效运营。这种办公空间我们称之为“高效”。 价值 Valuable 办公空间设计是一种价值传达,通过跟企业的互动沟通,将企业的核心文化思想与空间相融合,为办公环境注入灵魂,提高员工对企业价值观的认可,同心协力为企业创造价值,这种办公空间我们称之为“价值”。,Practical, Comfortable, Efficient, Valuable,关于康联 About HUD,康联装饰设计创办至今已12年之久,始终专注高端办公室装修设计,结合客户企业文化,只做有灵魂的设计,已成功为上千家企业打造高端商业办公环境。 HUD has been specializing in high-end business office decoration for 12 years since its establishment and has already served thousands of well-known corporations by creating design that is in conformity with clients own corporate culture and has its own soul.,广州康联装饰设计有限公司始创于2000年,致力于大型办公环境策划,服务过知名大中型企业上千家。康联办公面积700平米以上,公司员工约100人,资深设计师占80%以上。康联始终坚持设计具有文化底蕴且实用性强、舒适、舒心的办公环境,为客户的办公空间注入灵魂思想,最终为客户创造无形的价值。 Guangzhou Health Union Decoration & Design Co., Ltd was found in 2000 and is committed to high-end business office design. We has already served thousands of well-known corporations, both big and small, by creating only design that is in conformity with clients own corporate culture and has its own soul. We have a land area of more than 700 square meters, with 100 staffs working here, among which 80% are specialized designers. We are committed to designing for our clients a practical and comfortable working environment with profound cultural background. By infusing spirit and soul into their working environment, invisible value would eventually be created for our clients.,企业核心价值观 用心服务,携手共赢 Corporate ore Value-Providing whole-hearted services, creating win-win outcomes,企业文化 Corporate Culture,企业愿景:成为最知名的办公室装修领导者 Corporate Vision: To be the best-known leader in office decoration 企业战略:专注于办公室装修,打造有灵魂的办公环境 Corporate Strategy: Specializing in office decoration, creating office environment with its soul 企业作风:以诚为本,以质为信 Corporate Manner: Integrity-based and quality-oriented 企业精神:真诚、创新、拼搏 Enterprise Spirit: Sincere, Innovative, Striving 企业使命:为客户打造高效舒适的办公环境 Corporate Mission: To create a comfortable and efficient office environment for our clients 企业经营理念:为客户,为股东,为员工,为社会,和谐发展,共创价值 Corporate Management Philosophy: To create value for clients, shareholders, staff and the whole society while achieving harmonious development 企业服务理念:“专心、耐心、细心、责任心、爱心” 康联“五心精神”为客户提供“五星服务” Corporate Service Philosophy: To provide customers with five star services by employing the spirit of “being concentrated, patient, attentive, responsible and caring” 企业座右铭:打造高效环境,创造无限价值 Corporate Motto: Build an efficient environment and create boundless value,员工品质: 诚实、勤奋、进取、团结、责任心 Quality of Staffs: Being honest, hard-working, progressive, united and responsible 用人标准: 有德有才,给予重用;有德无才,培养使用;有才无德,坚决不用 Employment Standard: Talented and sainted person will be placed in important positions; sainted but not talented will be employed after training; talented but not sainted will never be employed 康联环境: 康联有您,有我,同一个梦想,同一个家 Corporate Environment: HUD is home to us, within which both you and I share the same dream,企业团队 Corporate Team,真诚、创新、拼搏 Sincere, Innovative, Striving, 荣获广州建材装饰诚信企业诚信经营单位称号 通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证 通过GB/T50430中国建设部质量管理体系认证 通过中国门户联盟合作经营单位认证, 国家建委设计与施工双质资质 荣获广州办公室装修领军企业称号 荣获广东装修行业二十强企业称号 荣获中国办公室装修设计大赛金奖,荣誉资质 Awards & Qualifications,装修咨询 Decoration Consultation,设计方案 Design Proposals,签订合同 Signing A Contract,项目施工 Project Construction,竣工验收 Acceptance Upon Completion,售后服务 After-sales Services,装修意向客户可通过康联24小时装修热线进行咨询,康联客服人员将竭诚为您服务。,康联将为您精心挑选合适的设计师亲临施工现场进行度量环境,同时与客户深度沟通认真聆听客户的需求出具设计方案,为客户量身定制高效办公环境。,方案确认后,您将与康联签订项目合作协议,并交纳设计押金,设计师会为您提供最优的方案施工图、效果图及详细的报价表。客户确认方案后,我们将与您签订正式的装修(设计)合同。,康联工程监理会与您共同办理入场手续,在收到您的第一期工程款后进行开工,工程监理在项目施工期间进行现场管理、监督工程质量及进度。,项目保质保量完成后,康联工程监理与您一起按国家及行业规范进行整体验收,不合格或未能达到您要求的地方,在期限内进行整改,以达到验收标准。验收通过会签订验收单进行工程尾款结算,同时为您提供竣工技术文件、项目工程保修单及施工钥匙。,工程竣工后,除享受国家规定的售后服务外,康联还会为您指派专享客服定期回访,提供两年的免费保修及终身维护的VIP服务。,服务流程 Service Procedures, 高端办公室装修 High-end office decoration 大型写字楼装修 Large office decoration 连锁店铺装修 Chain store decoration 高级商场装修 High-level shopping mall decoration 形象旗舰店设计 Flagship store decoration 高档酒店装修 Upscale hotel decoration 连锁餐厅装修 Chain restaurant decoration 美容会所装修 Beauty club decoration 商务会所装修 Business club decoration,
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