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结构法记词-19,01,02,高考词汇精讲,prison串记,n.监狱,n.囚犯,procedure串记,n.程序,n.过程,produce串记,vt.生产,n.产品,n.生产,profession串记,n.(高层次)职业,adj.职业的,n.教授,promise串记,v./n.答应,n.妥协,pronounce串记,vt.发音,念,n.发音,vt.宣布,通知,prove串记,vt.证明,v.赞成,批准,n.赞成,批准,v.改善,提高,protect串记,vt.保护,n.保护,n.侦探,pub串记,n.酒吧(public house),adj.公共的;公开的,n.共和国,vt.出版,pull串记,v./n.拉,v./n.推,punctual串记,adj.准时的,n.标点符号,punish串记,vt.惩罚,n.惩罚,put串记,v.放,n.产出,产量;输出,puzzle串记,n.迷;迷惑,adj.迷惑的,quality串记,n.质量,品质,vt.使合格,n.资格,quiet串记,adj.安静的,adj.沉默的,寂静的,n.沉默,race串记,n.赛跑;种族,adj.种族的,radio串记,n.收音机;无线电,n.辐射,adj.放射性的,n.镭,rainbow串记,n.彩虹,n.雨衣,n.雨量,n.谷物,raise串记,vt.举起,升起,vt.表扬,read串记,v.读,n.阅读,adj.准备好的,adv.已经,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式,1_ n.过程 2_ vt.生产 3_ v./n.答应 4_ vt.发音,念 5_ vt.宣布,通知 6_ vt.证明 7_ v.改善;提高 8_ vt.保护 9_ n.保护,10_ vt.惩罚 11_ n.迷;迷惑 12_ adj.迷惑的 13_ n.质量,品质 14_ adj.安静的 15_ adj.沉默的,寂静的 16_ n.沉默 17_ vt.举起,升起 18_ vt.表扬,process produce promise pronounce announce prove improve protect protection,punish puzzle puzzled quality quiet silent silence raise praise,II. 写出单词的正确含义,1prison n_ 2prisoner n_ 3procedure n_ 4product n_ 5profession n_ 6professional adj. _ 7compromise n_ 8pronunciation n_,9approve v_ 10approval n_ 11detective n_ 12republic n_ 13publish vt. _ 14punctual adj. _ 15punctuation n_ 16punishment n_,监狱 囚犯 程序 产品 (高层次)职业职业的 妥协 发音,赞成,批准 赞成,批准 侦探 共和国 出版 准时的 标点符号 惩罚,II. 写出单词的正确含义,17output n_ 18qualify vt. _ 19qualification n_ 20racial adj. _ 21radiation n_ 22radioactive adj. _ 23rainfall n_ 24grain n_,产出,产量;输出 使合格资格 种族的 辐射 放射性的 雨量谷物,III. 单词活用,1It is really important for parents to reach a _(妥协)between what they want and what their kids desire. 2I cant give my _(赞成) to such an arrangement. 3Ordinary woman though she is,she tries every means to make people aware of the importance of the environment _(保护) 4According to the schools regulations, any student who refuses to take part in military training without a proper reason will receive _(惩罚),compromise,approval,protection,punishment,IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,1To solve this kind of problems,a new type of household robot _ (produce)last year. 2John is very reliableif he promises _(do)something he will do it. 3Mary _(announce)to her teammates that she was to marry a Chinese boy. 4It is said that the book _(publish)last week.,was produced,to do,announced,was published,V. 选词填空,1. I _ your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies. 2He had broken the window on purpose,and deserved to be _ what he had done. 3Unless invited to speak,you should _ at the conference. 4The special festival takes place every year _ those who gave their life in the battle.,approve of,punished for,remain silent,in praise of,punish.for,remain silent,approve of,in praise of,VI. 单句写作,1因为能提高英语能力,我对此职位非常感兴趣。(improve)2我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。(cant.too.,protect),Im quite interested in the position as it can improve my English.,We cant emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.,
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