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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications,. 分类记单词 快速掌握 1. 阅读单词认一认 (1)crash vi. _ (2)breakdown n. _ (3)source n. _ (4)document n. _,(计算机)崩溃,故障,来源; 出处,文件,2. 核心单词写一写 (1)_ vt. 包含; 包括 (2)_ adj. 平均的 (3)_ n. 接近; 通路_ adj. 可进入的; 可使用的 (4)_ n. 保护; 防卫_ vt. 保护; 防卫,contain,average,access,accessible,defence,defend,(5)_ vt. 设计_ n. 设计者 (6)_ n. 发明_ vt. 发明_ n. 发明者 (7)_ n. 许可_ vt. 允许n. 许可证 (8)_ vi. 集中(注意力、思想等) _ n. 专心, 专注; 注意,design,designer,invention,invent,inventor,permission,permit,concentrate,concentration,(9)_ adj. 独立的_ n. 独立_ v. 依靠; 依赖 (10)_ n. 弊端; 缺点_ n. 优点; 长处,independent,independence,depend,disadvantage,advantage,. 联想背短语 高效识记 1. _ 由组成 2. _ 也 3. _ 提出 4. _ 聚精会神; 集中思想 5. _ 与相比,consist of,as well,come up with,concentrate on,compared with,6. _ 同意(某人) 7. log on/off _ 8. become known as _ 9. go down _ 10. from that moment on _,agree with,登录/注销,作为而出名;,被称为; 叫作,下降,从那时起,11. a series of _ 12. point out _,一系列的,指出,. 精彩写句式 典句背诵 1. Berners-Lee _ _(使每个人使用互联网成为可能), not just universities and the army. (make it+ adj. /n. + for sb. to do. . . ),made it possible for everyone to use,the Internet,2. Our English teacher is excellent, but she _ _(不能帮助每一个人)in the class in 50 minutes. (not. . . everyone表示部分否定) 3. It _ _(如果我们花费时间工作, 将会更好)on a computer. (与现在事实相反的虚拟语气),cant help,everyone,would be much better if we spent the time,working,【联想微空间】 1. dis-否定前缀+n. disadvantage n. 弊端; 缺点 disability n. 丧失能力; 残疾 dishonesty n. 不诚实 disagreement n. 不一致; 分歧 disapproval n. 不同意, 反对,2. -ble /-able形容词后缀 accessible adj. 可进入/使用的 horrible adj. 可怕的, 恐怖的 enjoyable adj. 快乐的 valuable adj. 有价值的 changeable adj. 易变的, 可变的,3. v. + up+with come up with 提出 catch up with 赶上; 追上 keep up with 跟上 put up with 容忍, 忍受 end up with 以结束,第一板块 重点单词 1. access n. 接近; 通路; 使用; 进入的权利vt. 接近; 使用; (电脑)存取,【对接考题】同义句转换 (2014天津高考)All students have access to the Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. The Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall _ _ _ all students.,is,accessible,to,One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. One reason for her preference for city life is that she can _ places like shops and restaurants easily.,access,【知识构建】 (1)access to 接近的机会; 进入的权利 have/get/obtain access to 得以接近, 得以进入,(2)accessible adj. 可使用的; 可进入的 be accessible to 可进入的; 可使用的; 易接近的 *(写作佳句)Twenty percent of the people on earth do not get access to clean drinking water. 地球上20%的人喝不到干净的饮用水。,【巧学助记】 Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village, so it is not accessible to outside now. 坠落的石头切断了进村的唯一道路, 所以现在无法到外面去。,2. concentrate vi. 集中(注意力、思想等) 【对接考题】单句语法填空 (2015陕西高考)Previous generations concentrated _ getting children to school on time, fed, dressed and ready to learn. (2013江西高考)Listening well also requires total _(concentrate)upon someone else.,on,concentration,【知识构建】 (1)concentrate on/upon 专注于, 专心致志于 concentrate ones attention on/upon 专注于, 聚精会神于 (2)concentration n. 专心, 集中,*(写作佳句)While watching the basketball match, they all concentrated their attention on the match. 当看篮球比赛时, 他们聚精会神于比赛。,【联想拓展】一样的“专心”, 不一样的表达 fix ones attention/eyes on/upon focus (ones attention) on be absorbed in bury oneself in/be buried in,be devoted to put ones heart into apply oneself to,3. average adj. 平均的; 一般的; 通常的n. 平均数; 一般水平v. 平均为; 计算出的平均数,【对接考题】 (2015四川高考)_ average, each of the two million big stones weighed about as much as a large pickup truck. (介词填空) (2014辽宁高考)Besides, Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day. (改错) _,On,第一个a改为an,【知识构建】 an average of 平均 on average 平均来看; 通常 above/below average 在平均水平以上/以下的 with an average of 平均为,*The average age of the students is 19. 学生的平均年龄是19岁。 *The rainfall averages 36 inches a year. 年降雨量平均为36英寸。 *(写作佳句)He was a good student and scored above average in most subjects. 他是一个好学生,大多数学科的分数在平均分之上。,【要点拾遗】 1. disadvantage n. 弊端; 缺点; 不利因素 【对接考题】 (2014安徽高考)Technology has put classical music _ _ _. 科技使古典音乐处于不利地位。,at,a,disadvantage,(2011全国卷)There is no denying the fact that the newspaper _ _ _. 不可否认这样的事实, 这份报纸有很多优势。,has,many,advantages,【知识构建】 (1)at a disadvantage 处于不利地位对某人不利 (2)advantage n. 优势, 优点, 好处 take advantage of 利用 have an advantage over 胜过,*(2011北京高考)If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. 如果你充分利用你的演讲课堂, 你就能够培养作为一个在很多情况中的批判思想家。,2. contain vt. 包含; 包括 【对接考题】用contain和include填空 (2013湖南高考)After the meal, she placed a little box _ an old pen in my hand. The band played many songs, _ some of my favourites/some of my favourites _.,
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