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Module 4 Which English?,.情景默写 1.Across all media,people are _(讨论) about whether we need to keep track of every school bus on Chinas road. 2.Topics for textbooks and conference books should be _(有关的) to the experiences and interests of the students. 3.Everyone stood up _(一就) the hero came into the lecture hall. 4.How much you earn is not very important.It is how you earn the money that _(很重要).,debating,relevant,instantly,counts,5.A proper approach to improving the learning efficiency is of great _(意义) to every student. 6.The planned new airport was strongly _(反对) by the residents. 7.I was _(确信的) that we were doing the right thing. 8.She _(抱怨) that no one had been at the airport to meet her. 9.As we know,language is one of the significant means for mankind to _(传达) thoughts and feelings. 10.He couldnt _(抵制) laughing at the exciting news. 11.Hobbies offer knowledge and relaxation._(此外),they help improve ones mental and physical health.,significance,opposed,convinced,complained,convey,resist,Furthermore,12.This kind of flowers looks _(独特的) because you cant find it in other countries. 13.The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an easily _(可辨认的) landmark. 14.Dont lose heart,and you can _(克服) all the difficulties ahead. 15.Before you _(开始做)any serious sporting activity,it is important to warm and stretch your muscles. 16._(总之),I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard to bring about this good result. 17.I promised to go to the party with Jane and I cant _(让她失望). 18.Your dream will come true sooner or later _(只要)you do your best.,unique,recognisable,overcome,get down to,In conclusion,let her down,as long as,.词性转换 1.His _ words finally _ me,and I was _ that he was innocent.(convince) 2.Some scientists associate smoking with cancer,because smoking has a close _(associate) with lung cancer. 3.To get more evidence,the lawyer _ many witnesses.After _, he got some useful proof.(investigate),convincing,convinced,convinced,association,investigated,investigation,4.Most students think it _(significance) to join the English corner,though a few havent realized the significance of it. 5.Thanks to your _(approve), if you didnt approve of my plan,I would be fired by the employer. 6.The child asked _, “Why does the moon move around the earth?” We are curious to know why she asked such a question.Perhaps children show _ about everything.(curious),significant,approval,curiously,curiosity,1.句型公式:whether.or.不论还是,不管天气好坏,我们都会按计划出发。 _,we will set off as we planned.,2.句型公式:as many/muchn.as表示“与一样多”,他不像人们想象的那样有钱。 He doesnt have _.,Whether the weather is good or bad,as much money as people think,3.句型公式:It is estimated that.意为“据估计”,据估计这幅画值三千美元。 _ the painting is worth $3,000.,It is estimated that,1.debate n.辩论, 讨论 v.辩论,争论,讨论,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/单句改错/完成句子 There is a heated debate _ whether women should spend more time at home. They _(debate) when there was a knock on the door.,about/on,were debating,One problem under the debate at present is what measures should be taken to deal with the severe air pollution._ 我们必须和其他会员讨论这个问题。 We must _ the rest of the members.,去掉under后的the,debate about the question with,状元笔记全记牢,(1)a debate on/over/about.关于的辩论 under debate 正在讨论中 (2)debate with sb about/over sth和某人就某事辩论 debate wh-从句/wh-to do 讨论/辩论,2.convinced adj.确信的,信服的,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/单句改错/句式升级 Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health. His mother has been trying to convince him _(see) a doctor. There is _(convince) evidence that skin cancer is linked to exposure to the sun.,of,to see,convincing,It took us several hours to make the old man convince of the safety of travelling by air._ He was convinced that his sick son was asleep,and he turned off the light and went to bed. _,he turned off the light and went to bed.(形容词短语作状语),convinceconvinced,Convinced that his sick son was asleep,状元笔记全记牢,(1)be convinced of/that.相信,确信 (2)convince sb of sth 使某人相信/信服 convince sb to do sth 说服某人去做某事 convince sb that. 使某人相信 (3)convincing adj. 有说服力的 【点津】 “说服某人做某事”的其他表达:persuade sb to do sth; persuade sb into doing sth; talk sb into doing sth,3.oppose vt.反对,对抗,抗争,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/单句改错/句式升级 She remained strongly _ (oppose) to the idea of his going abroad for further study. The parents strongly opposed their daughter _ (go) there alone. Good habits always lead to high efficiency,while bad ones bring the _ (oppose).,opposed,going,opposite,I am not opposed to drive,but I think middle school students should not be driving,because kids of this age are not serious enough._ The government postponed the new proposal because a lot of people were opposed to it. _,the government postponed it.(with复合结构),
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