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,play a game!,Touch your nose Touch your eyes Touch your ears Touch your mouth Raise your hand,smell,look,sound,taste,feel,hot cold warm,feel/taste,taste/smell,yummy yucky,taste/smell,sweet sour/tart,Look/feel,small big,feel/look,soft hard,look/sound,happy sad,look,pretty/beautiful ugly,sound,quiet noisynizi,look,strong,look,clever,look,lovely/cute,Look/feel round,feel/look,feel/look,feel: round,big,small,smooth,rough,hot,cold,warm. taste: yummy,yucky,sweet,sour,tart look:beautiful,pretty,big,small,ugly,clever,strong smell: yummy,sweet,sour. sound:nice,soft,sad,happy,How does it feel?,It feels round/big/.,How does it taste?,It tastes yummy/nice.,How does it look?,It looks beautiful/small.,How does it smell ?,delicious,yummy,It smells _ .,How does it sound?,It sounds soft/nice.,How do they feel?,They feel round/big/,How do they taste?,They taste yummy/nice,How do they look?,They look beautiful,How do they smell?,They smell sweet.,How does it smell? It smells_.,nice,How does it sound? It sounds_,How does it feel? It feels_,nice/soft,soft/comfortable,The apple smells nice.,The music sounds nice/soft.,The sweater feels soft,The apples feel round.,The cakes taste yummy.,The skirts look beautiful.,It looks happy. You look happy.,He looks sad. You look sad.,How do/does taste?,The soup tastes_.,The cookies taste _.,yummy,delicious/sweet,尝一尝,1. It smells delicious.,2. It tastes sweet.,3. They taste really sour.,4. It feels very soft and comfortable.,5. You look very smart.,6. It sounds nice.,7.She looks very pretty.,总结: 系动词(表示感觉和知觉的动词)的用法: 结构:主语+系动词+_.,互帮互助 合作共赢,Read the dialogue again and underline the sentences with the words like feel, sound,taste, look, smell 。,形容词,do/ does/ did .,当堂检测 用方框中词的正确形式完成句子。 feel, look, smell, sound , taste,1.My sweater _ comfortable . 2. The room _ quiet. There is nobody in it. 3 .The fish soup _ salty . 4. Whats the matter with you? You _sad. 5 . It _delicious. What are you cooking?,feels,sounds,tastes,look,smells,词汇朗读 1.表示感觉和知觉的系动词look 看,看起来 sound听起来 feel摸起来,感觉 smell 闻,闻起来 taste尝,尝起来 2.形容词:quiet 安静的,轻声的 salty 咸的 sour酸的 tight(衣物)过紧的 fresh新鲜的 lovely 可爱的 pretty 漂亮的 soft 柔软的 strong强壮的,味浓的,自主学习我最棒,
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