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小学新标准英语 1-4册总归纳,同学们,这些学习资料是汇集型的,希望对你们有所帮助, 盛老师,1.打招呼+自我介绍 2.多少个? +数字 3.学校+文具+教室物品 4.家庭成员+职业 5.身体+动词 6. 动物园+相关形容词 7.食物+饮料 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动,9.方位词 10.运动与爱好 11. 节日 12. 季节+天气 13. 衣服+拥有. 14. 日常活动+进行时 15. 能力 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日 17. There be +月份 18. 首都 19. 国家+城市+方向 20. 将来时+活动+星期 21. 将来时+天气 22.形容词+形容词比较级 23.过去时 24.过去时+疾病,1.打招呼+介绍,1)单词/词组: Hi 嗨 good 好 morning 早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 How 怎样 you 你/你们 I 我 am 是,Ms 女士 Sam 山姆 What 什么 your 你的 name 名字 smart 聪明 fine 好 thank 谢谢 goodbye再见,1.打招呼+介绍,2) 打招呼(greeting)你有没有打招呼的好习惯?我们是如何用英语和他人打招呼的呢? 很简单, 你试试,1.打招呼+介绍,2) 打招呼(greeting)*Hi/Hello *How are you? (一般回答:Im fine, thank you.)*How do you do?(第一次见面, 回答也要用How do you do? )*Good morning/afternoon/evening!分开时则说:* Goodbye!,1.打招呼+介绍,3) 介绍(Introduction)在许多场合我们都需要介绍自己, 那该说些什么呢?,1.打招呼+介绍,3)介绍(Introduction)直入主题: 我是*Im Sam.(=I am Sam. 我是山姆)*Im Ms Smart. (Ms女士 Mr.先生 Mrs.夫人)要主动了解他人,则问:*Whats your name? (回答要用:Im 或 My name is .),1.打招呼+介绍,3)练习: Hello, Im Sam. Hello, Sam. Goodbye, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy. Bye-bye, Amy. Good morning, Sam. How are you, Sam? Im fine, thank you. Im Ms Smart. Hello, Ms Smart. Im Lingling. Hello, Im Lili. Whats your name? Hi, Im Li Ping.,休息休息,再继续下一部分,2.多少个? +数字,1) 单词/词组: How, many, boy, girl, cat, cap, dog How many? 多少个?(固定搭配, )读下面的数字: Seven, nine, six, five, three, four, two, ten, eleven, twelve, one, eight, thirteen, fifteen, nineteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, twenty,2.多少个? +数字,生活里有许多东西,有些可以数,如苹果,树,人,房子, 但也有许多东西是不能数的,如液体状的水,牛奶等,肉类,面包及奶酪等,在说英语时,想问 “有多少”,该怎么说呢? 请试试: 有多少个苹果? 有多少牛奶?,2.多少个? +数字,有多少个苹果? How many apples? (apple 一定要复数) 有多少牛奶? How much milk?你对了吗?,2.多少个? +数字,2) 句型掌握: How many girls? How many dogs?How many cats?How many red caps?How many blue caps?,休息休息,再继续下一部分,3.学校+文具+教室物品,1) 单词/词组: this 这个 that 那个 is 是 stand 站 sit 坐 up 上 down 下 What 什么 it 它 Ms 女士,point 指向 pupil 小学生 teacher 老师 classroom 教室 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 blackboard 黑板 chair 椅子 desk书桌 window 窗 door 门,3.学校+文具+教室物品,2) 在学校和教室里有许多物品,我们刚上学时可以都很好奇,会不停地问:这是什么? 那是什么?你会用英语问吗?,3.学校+文具+教室物品,2) 这是什么? Whats this? 那是什么? Whats that?,3.学校+文具+教室物品,3) what是个用得最多的疑问词之一, 我们学过 “你叫什么名字?” Whats your name?读: Whats this? Its a blackboard. Whats that? Its a pencil. Point to the door. Stand up. Sit down. Im a pupil. This is my school. This is my English teacher, Ms Smart.,休息休息,再继续下一部分,4.家庭成员+职业+形容词,1)读单词,如不懂查字典 father mother grandpa grandma brother sister doctor driver policeman nurse,farmer teacher nice cool clever naughty cute good bad shy,4.家庭成员+职业,怎么介绍自己的爸爸妈妈等家庭成员呢? 而且也把他们的职业也介绍一下, 你会吗?请试试:这是我爸爸.他是个医生.,4.家庭成员+职业,This is my father. Hes a doctor. 这是我爸爸.他是个医生.你做对了吗? Are you right? ,4.家庭成员+职业,2) 句型: This is my father. Hes a doctor. This is my mother. Shes my teacher. This is my grandpa.,4.家庭成员+职业,2)怎么把这些肯定句变成疑问句呢? 同学们试试:This is my sister. 改成: 这是你的妹妹吗?,4.家庭成员+职业,2) This is my sister. = Is this your sister? 请注意是怎样变成疑问句的 你做对了吗? ,4.家庭成员+职业,3) 请把下面改成疑问句:This is my mother. She is a teacher. He is a doctor.,4.家庭成员+职业,This is my mother. = Is this your mother? She is a teacher. = Is she a teacher? He is a doctor. = Is he a doctor? 你得100分了吗? ,4.家庭成员+职业,4) 熟读并理解: Hes a doctor. Shes a driver. Hes a policeman. Shes a nurse. Hes a farmer. Shes a teacher.,4.家庭成员+职业,5) Reading: This is my big brother. Hes cool. This is my mother. Shes very nice. This is my father. Hes very clever. This is my friend. Hes very naughty.,休息休息,再继续下一部分,5.身体+动词,head arm hand leg foot nose eye,mouth ear see hear smell taste touch,5.身体+动词,2) 句型: Point to his nose. Point to her eyes. This is his head. This is his arm. This is his hand. This is his leg.,5.身体+动词,3) 附加内容: I see with my eyes. (with用) I hear with my ears. I smell with my nose. I taste with my tongue. I touch with my hands.,休息休息,再继续下一部分,6.动物+动物园+相关形容词,单词/词组 zoo tiger lion elephant monkey panda,tall short big small fat thin,6. 动物园+相关形容词,2) 在动物园里,我们会不停地问 “这是什么?” “他们是什么?” , 而且还会说 “这个熊猫好可爱哦!”,“那只老虎好大!”现在你试着翻译:这是什么?它们是什么?这只熊猫好大哦!,6. 动物园+相关形容词,2) 这是什么? What is this?它们是什么? What are they?这只熊猫好大哦! The panda is big!,6. 动物园+相关形容词,3) 句型掌握 Whats this? Its a tiger. What are they? Theyre lions. They are big. The panda is fat. The monkey is thin The elephant is big.,休息休息,再继续下一部分,7.食物+饮料,单词/词组 meat, fish, milk, noodles, rice, banana, orange, pear,7.食物+饮料,2) 食物是我们每天要吃的东西, “我喜欢吃水果,你呢?”那用英语怎么说呢? 请试试:我喜欢水果.大明喜欢肉,7.食物+饮料,2) 我喜欢水果.大明喜欢肉 I like fruit. Daming likes meat.你对了吗?,7.食物+饮料+口味,3)请注意肯定句转化为疑问句的变化,试着把下面两句改疑问句: You like bananas. Daming likes oranges.,7.食物+饮料+口味,You like bananas.=Do you like bananas?Daming likes oranges. =Does Daming like oranges?拿到100分了吗? ,7.食物+饮料,翻译: 他们喜欢苹果吗? 你们喜欢橙吗? 他喜欢苹果吗? 她喜欢香蕉吗?,7.食物+饮料,翻译: 他们喜欢苹果吗? Do they like apples? 你们喜欢橙吗? Do you like oranges? 他喜欢苹果吗? Does he like apples? 她喜欢香蕉吗? Does she like bananas?,7.食物+饮料,3) 句型 Do you like meat? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Pass me the rice, please. Here you are, Mum. Does Daming like bananas? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt. I like rice. Do you like rice? Does Daming like rice?,
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