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,Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 1. 短语归纳:favorite subject 最喜欢的学科 P.E. teacher 体育老师 play games 玩游戏 the next day 第二天 on Monday 在星期一 have math 上数学课 have an art lesson 上一节美术课 for two hours 两个小时 2. 重点句型:play games with sb. 和某人玩游戏。 like to do/doing sth. 喜欢做某事。 3. 典句必背: Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么? My favorite subject is science. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。 Why do you like music? 你为什么喜欢音乐? Because it is fun. 因为它有趣。 When is your math class? 你什么时候上数学课? At 8:00 I have math. 在八点我上数学课。 Thank you for your e-mail. 感谢你的电子邮件。,4. 重点语法: 1.特殊疑问句:是对句子中的某一部分内容提出疑问的问句,是指以 what,who,when,where,why,how等开始的疑问句。特殊疑问句与一般疑问句不一样,它不能用yes或no回答。 结构:倒装结构:疑问词一般疑问句(语序)? 陈述语序:疑问词谓语宾语/状语? 用陈述语序的结构往往是对主语进行提问,这时疑问词作句子的主语。 疑问词小结:(1)什么都要问的what 疑问代词what的基本含义是“什么”,通常用来询问姓名、物品、数学运算结果或什么时间做什么事情等。What可与grade,class,color等名词“结盟”,一起来询问某些相对具体的信息。 What grade is she in? 她在几年级? What color is your bag? 你的书包是什么颜色的? (2)谁见谁爱的who Who是疑问代词,它的意思是“谁”,用来询问“人”。在剧中作主语、宾语或表语。 Who do you want to help? 你想帮助谁? 当who作主语时,句子要用陈述语序,谓语动词多用单数形式。 Who likes playing basketball? 谁喜欢打篮球?,(3)一探究竟的why Why是疑问副词,意思是“为什么”,多用来询问原因,回答时多用连词because引导的句子,意为“因为”。 Why do you like P.E.? 你为什么喜欢体育? Because I think it is very interesting? 因为我认为它很有趣。 以why开头的否定疑问句多表示建议或请求。 Why dont you go to work a little earlier? 你为什么不早点上班? 2.from.to.意为“从到”既可指时间又可指空间 from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五 from Beijing to Shanghai 从北京到上海 3.finish的用法 finish作不及物动词时,意为“完成;做好” They start work early and finish late every day. 他们每天开工早收工晚。 作及物动词,后接动词时,要用动名词形式,即finish doing sth. 表示“做完某事,完成某事” Jim usually finishes doing his homework before 8:00. 吉姆通常在8点前做完作业。,4.thank sb for的用法: thank sb for 意为“因而感谢某人”,for是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,表感谢的原因或内容。 Thank him for telling me. 谢谢他告诉我。 Thank you for helping with my English. 多谢你帮我学英语。 5.for two hours 的用法:“for一段时间”是介词短语,意为“时间”,表示某事持续多长时间。对其提问要用how long How long will you stay in Beijing? 你将在北京待多长时间? For about three days. 大约三天。,一、单项选择。( )1. I have history _Monday. A. in B. at C. on ( )2. Mr Zhang teaches _ Chinese. We like _classes very much. A. we; her B. us; his C. us; her( )3. I like math _ its difficult for me. A. but B. and C. then ( )4. Why _ your mother like music ? A. do B. is C. does ( )5.-When _he have P.E. ? -He _ it on Wednesday. A. does; have B. does; has C. is; has 二、单词填空 1. Whats your f_ color? 2. We have five _(学科)at school. 3. Mr Li is our s_ teacher. 4. _(汉语) isnt so hard. 5. _ comes after Wednesday. 6. I have sports for 2 _ every day. 7. She likes art b_ its fun. 8. _ is the first day of a week. 9. English is very _ (有用的). 10. Is she M_ White?,三、词组翻译 1、肯定_ 2.从到_ 3、做完某事_ 4. 我妹妹最喜欢的老师_ 5. 做游戏 _ 6. 第二天 _ 7. 在星期五 _ 8. 一节美术课 _ 四、对下列句子中划线部分提问。 1、My father goes to work at 8:00 oclock. . _ 2、Li Gangs notebook is on the desk. _ 3、These socks are five yuan. _4、Jims birthday is on July 20th. _5、My math teacher is Mrs Guo. _6、My shirt is red. _,五、句型归纳 1. _ _ name? My name is Dale. 2. _ this _ English? Its letter A. 3. _ play soccer ! Great, that sounds good. 4. _ _ are these pens? They are brown. 5. _ _ you _ watch? W-A-T-C-H. 6. _ that your eraser? No, _ isnt. 7. _ _ telephone number? _ 7385098. 8. _ this your brother? Yes, _ is. 9. _ _ his books? Theyre on the table. 10. _ _ on the desk? Yes, they are. 11. _ they have a computer? No, they _. 12. _ he have a soccer ball? Yes, he _. 13. I like oranges,but I _ like bananas. 14. Their father likes carrots ,but he _ like hamburgers. 15. _ _ you like for lunch? I like fish and salad for lunch. 16. _ _ are the red socks? _ 3 dollars 17. _ _ _ your aunt? _ _,Unit 8 When is your birthday?,1. 短语归纳:happy birthday 生日快乐 how old 多大年纪 in August 在八月 see you 再见 English test 英语测试 school trip 学校郊游 basketball game 篮球比赛 art festival 艺术节 have an English party 举办一次英语聚会 have a good time 玩的愉快 2. 重点句型: when is birthday? (谁)的生日是什么时候? Its月日年. 是年月日。 How old be主语?多大年纪? 主语be基数词. 岁。/ year(s) / month(s) / day(s) old. 岁. happy 节假日 快乐 how about 人称代词宾格 怎么样,3. 典句必背: When is your birthday, Linda? 琳达,你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is on October 2nd 。 我的生日是在10月2日。 Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! 你好,艾伦。生日快乐! Thank you, Bill. 谢谢你,比尔。 Well, do you want to come to my birthday party? 噢,你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?How old are you,Grace? 格蕾丝,你多大了? Im twelve. 我12岁了。 How about you and Tom? 你和汤姆呢? We have an English party on November 30th. 我们在11月30日举办一次英语聚会。,
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