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Unit 4,Wildlife protection,carpet respond distant fur reliefmercy certain,n. 地毯 vi. 回答;做出反应 adj. 远的;远处的 n. 毛皮;毛;软毛 n. (痛苦或忧虑的)减轻 或解除;减轻痛苦的事物 n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 adj. 确定的;某一;一定,Words preview,importance rub mosquito insect contain powerful affect,n. 重要(性) vt. 擦;摩擦 n. 蚊子 n. 昆虫 vt. 包含;容纳;容忍 adj. 强大的;有力的 vt. 影响;感动;侵袭,Words preview,attention appreciate succeed secure income employ harm,n. 注意;关注;注意力 vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到 vi. 成功 vt. 接替;继任 adj. 安全的;可靠的 n. 收入 vt. 雇用;利用 n. vt. 损害;危害,Words preview,in relief burst into laughterprotect frompay attention to,如释重负;松了口气 突然笑起来;大声笑 出来 保护不受 (危害) 注意,Do you know any other endangered wildlife in China that is being protected?,milu deer,panda,antelope,tiger,Pre-reading,What other endangered animals do you know?,北部白犀牛(Sumatran rhinoceros ),刚果瓜兰巴(Garamba)国家公园拥有世界仅存的不足25只的北部白犀牛,北部白犀牛将可能在地球上彻底消失。,白鳍豚 它们大约在长江生活了2500万年,有“活化石”的美称。由于数量奇少,被列为中国一级保护野生动物。,苏门答腊虎 在野生状态下只有20只。随着40年代巴利虎和70年代里海虎的灭绝,人们预计,这一物种在不久的将来也将在地球上消失。,兰坎皮海龟(L. Kemps Ridley Turtle) 目前全世界范围内12种最濒危动物中唯一数目成增长趋势的动物。需经历11-35年成长期。,夏威夷蜗牛,Why are they in danger of disappearing?,too much hunting,What do people kill them for?,fur & skin,tusk,meat,How Daisy learned to help wildlife?,Whats this passage about?,Why are some wild animals in danger of disappearing?,lack of food, bad environment, peoples hunting and killing ,Some wild animals are dying out because of the loss of food, their habitats being destroyed or over hunting.,China has set up some National Natural Protection Zones, such as Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan for pandas, Nanhaizi Milu Park for Milu deer, and Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone, Zhejiang for South China tigers.,Things have changed greatly. The number of the wild animals in the protection zones has increased. The number of pandas, which nearly disappeared years ago, has now risen to about 70, the number of milu deer to about 500, and the number of South China tigers about 60.,Why should we protect wildlife?,Think of the following question and filling the blanks,Endangered animals on land / in water,Http:/www.worldwildlife.org/fun/kids.cfm,Revision,Say something about Pandas, Milu deer, South China tigers.,See a short video and answer the questions:,What animals did you see? Where do they live? What do they feed on? If it hasnt rained for a long time, what will happen to the grass? And then what will happen to other wild animals?,Why should we protect wildlife?,Wildlife is our friends. They can keep the balance of nature and make the whole world colorful. To protect wildlife is to protect ourselves.,What do you think we should do to protect wildlife?,We should treat plants and animals the same as our friends and relatives. We shouldnt cut or kill them freely. We should protect the environment around us to let them have enough food and good living conditions. We should collect money to protect the endangered animals, too.,Background Information,What is WWF?,World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会,worlds largest privately financed conservation organizationprotect endangered species and their habitatsworks in more than 100 countries with nearly 5 million members,http:/www.worldwildlife.org,How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife,Reading,Fast reading for general ideas,Where did Daisy go? Who took her there?What kind of animal did she meet in each place?,Tibet, Zimbabwe and rainforest.,An antelope, an elephant and a monkey.,A flying carpet.,Detailed reading,Its fur is being used to make sweaters. As the sweaters become popular, more and more animals are killed. So very few antelopes are left.,2. Why are elephant numbers increasing in Zimbabwe?3. How does the government of Zimbabwe help protect wild animals?,The farmers stopped killing the elephants, so the numbers increased.The government helps the farmers. It makes sure that the tour companies pay the farmers when tourists come to visit and hunt a few animals.,4. Why is it important to protect therainforest?5. What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?,Looking after the rainforest helps protect plants and animals we know nothing about. They may make it possible for us to produce medicines and drugs that we dont yet know about.,a. stop man from killing them. b. build the protection zone. c. pay more attention to their habitat. ,We should,Ways of wildlife protection,Read each paragraph carefully and write down its main idea and supporting details in the correct boxes.,Why we need wildlife protection,1 Animal: Tibetan Antelope 2 Situation: being hunted for the fur under its stomach 3 Result: numbers are decreasing rapidly,This is a piece of narrative writing.,A good example of wildlife protection,1 Animal: elephants in Zimbabwe 2 Situation: previously hunted with numbers decreasing rapidly 3 Result: protection by farmers who make money from tourism,What we can get from wildlife protection,1 Animal: a millipede from tropical rainforest 2 Situation: produces a drug naturally which can protect us from mosquitoes 3 Result: Daisy plans to tell WWF about the drug,
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