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Practical English: Weather 实用英语之天气,Lectured by Bruce Zhang,welcome,Question:,It is sunny.,Whats the weatherlike today?,WORS LEARING,wind wind cloud cloud rain rain snow snow sun sun,y,y,y,y,ny,n. nouns 名词,adj. adjectives 形容词,Guess 猜词义,天气类型词 weather type,sunny windy cloudy snowy rainy,天晴的 有风的 多云的 下雪的 下雨的,找找反义词,hot,cold,dry,wet,找找反义词,与感觉相关的天气词,hot cold cool warm wet dry,炎热的,冷的,凉爽的,温暖的,潮湿的,干燥的,Speaking 看图说话 每个小组派两名学生出来进行天气谈论 (前四幅图必答最后一幅抢答) 如:A: Whats the weather like? B: Its ,问: Whats the weather like?,答:Its rainy,问: Whats the weather like?,答:Its sunny,问: Whats the weather like?,答:Its snowy,问: Whats the weather like?,答:Its cloudy,问: Whats the weather like?,答:Its windy,Write a weather report,-9一 - 2,- 1 一 -5,3 一 8,10 一15,Shenyang,-9 一 - 2 ,There will be_ in Shenyang and people will feel _ .,snowy,cold,Beijing,- 1 一 - 5 ,Beijing will be _and there will be a strong _.,cloudy,wind,Shanghai,3 一 8 ,It will be _in Shanghai and it will be _ at times.,cloudy,rainy,Guangzhou,32 一39,The weather in Guangzhou will be_ and people will feel _,sunny,hot,测一测 连线题,天 晴的 snowy 有风的 rainy 多云的 sunny 下雪的 windy 下雨的 cloudy,hot 凉爽的 cold 热的 cool 冷的 warm 温暖的 wet 干燥的 dry 潮湿的,Conclusion总结,学习有关天气的单词:hot cold cool warm wet dry windy rainy cloudy snowy sunny 学习了询问天气的句型:Whats the weather like ? 学习了回答天气的句型:Its rainy/sunny,Homework,Collect more English words about weather after class.课后收集更多有关天气的英语词汇,
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