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考博英语翻译考博英语翻译第一部分:总第一部分:总 论论一一大纲要求:大纲要求:考察考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语材料的能力。约 400 词 的文章,译成汉语或英语,要求译文准确,完整,通顺。 (阅读理解能力+翻译的主要 基本技能) 2007 年改卷评分标准年改卷评分标准 1如果句子译文扭曲原文意思,该句得分最多不得超过 0.5 分。 2如果某考生给出两种或两种以上的译法,若均正确,给分;若其中一种译法错误, 应酌情扣分,扣分不得超过 1 分。 3汉语错别字,不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别 字扣 0.5 分,无 0.25 扣分。 翻译部分的重要性翻译部分的重要性 二二英汉语言对比英汉语言对比 1英语句子结构复杂,多长句;汉语多短句英语句子结构复杂,多长句;汉语多短句。例:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. (38 words) (2001. 73)皮尔森汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了一个独特的新技术千年历, 它列出了人们有望看到数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期。It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians, who equate their activity with specific techniques. (30 words) (1999. 75)它同样适用于传统历史学家和社会科学历史学家,前者将历史仅仅看作是对历史 材料来源的内部和外部的批评,后者把历史研究活动等同于具体的研究方法。Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact which had already been suspected there is a “high temperature belt” in the atmosphere, with its center roughly thirty miles above the ground. (30 words) 比较: A: 用火箭进行研究已证实了人们早就有过怀疑的大气层的一个中心在距地面 30 英里 高空的“高温带”的这种奇怪的事实。 B: 人们早就怀疑,大气层中有一个“高温带” ,其中心在距地面 30 英里的高空。利 用火箭进行研究后,这一奇异的事实已得到证实。Captured documents which we have obtained from individuals who had been infiltrated through this corridor plus prison-of-war reports that we have obtained in recent months led us to believe that the volume of infiltration has expanded substantially. (37 words) 我们从经由这个走廊渗透进来的人身上缴获的文件,加上近几个月从战俘那里 得到的口供,使我们相信渗透的规模确实扩大了很多。 The careful deductive reasoning, too, which Political Economy teaches is of great importance to the historian, and the habits of mind acquired from it are even more valuable than the knowledge of principles which it gives, especially to students of facts, who might otherwise be overwhelmed by the mass of their materials. (Lectures on The Industrial Revolution in England by Arnold Toynbee) 2英语多用被动,汉语多用主动英语多用被动,汉语多用主动。英语使用被动的情况有: 1)不知道行为者是谁或不必说明行为者是谁。 The book has already been translated into many languages. 2)对行为对象比对行为者更感兴趣。 The work must be finished before Christmas. 3)为了某种缘故不愿说明行为者是谁。 It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 4)为了连贯上下文及安排上的需要。 They are going to build an apartment house here next year. It is going to be built beside the office building.例: in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrializationwith all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followedwas spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. (43 words) (2000. 74) 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构 变革持续了大约一个世纪之久,而如今一个发展中国家在十年左右就可能完成这个过程。 And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can by no means be compared with these processes, and that they have to be required by a sort of special training. (35 words) (1993. 74) 许多人认为:普通人的思维活动根本无法和科学家的思维过程相比较,他们并且认为 这些科学家的思维过程必须经过某种专门训练才能掌握。 3汉语代词(人称代词和物主代词)的使用远比英语为少汉语代词(人称代词和物主代词)的使用远比英语为少。英语使用代词的地方很多。 每个句子,分句都需要一个主语,而这个主语常常是代词。另外,所属关系也要明确 指出来,因而物主代词用得很多。如: As we discuss our differences, neither of us will compromise our principles. But while we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it. 直译:在我们讨论我们的分歧的时候,我们哪一方都不会在我们的原则上妥协。但是, 虽然我们不能弥合我们之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能越过它进 行会谈。 改译:在讨论我们的分歧时,哪一方都不会在原则上妥协。但是,虽然不能弥合我们 之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便能越过它进行会谈。(104) And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can by no means be compared with these processes, and that they have to be required by a sort of special training. (35 words) (1993. 74) 许多人认为:普通人的思维活动根本无法和科学家的思维过程相比较,他们并且认为 这些科学家的思维过程必须经过某种专门训练才能掌握。 4英语多变化,汉语多重复英语多变化,汉语多重复。 英语写作时要尽量避免重复,而汉语则不怕重复,如果使用得当,重复可以起反复强 调的作用。 I first heard this tale in India, where it is told as if truethough any naturalist would know it couldnt be. Later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine shortly before the First World War.我头一回听到这个故事是在印度,那儿的人今天讲起来仍好象是确有其事似的尽管 任何一位博物学家都知道这不可能是真的。后来有人告诉我,在第一次世界大战之前不久, 有一本杂志曾刊登过这篇故事。 5英语较抽象,汉语较具体英语较抽象,汉语较具体。译文中不能有似是而非的东西,不能“以其昏昏,使人昭 昭” 。 Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true. (36 words) (1998. 75) 宇宙膨胀虽然听似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认理论在科学上看似可信的 推论,七八年来许多天体物理学家一直认为这一学说是正确的。 6英语句子的独特的表意方式和语序。英语句子的独特的表意方式和语序。 There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language, no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another. 在世界上的任何种族,不论其多么落后,都有自己的语言,都有人们用以交流的语言 体系。 Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. 他们(新学派科学家们)说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于 改进了的技术和工具
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