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本科毕业设计(论文)诚信声明本人声明:我所呈交的本科毕业设计(论文)是我个人在导师指导下对四年专业知识而进行的研究工作及全面的总结。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中创新处不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得北京化工大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而已经使用过的材料。与我一同完成毕业设计(论文)的同学对本课题所做的任何贡献均已在文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。本人签名: 日期: 年 月 日本科生毕业设计(论文)任务书设计(论文)题目: Chinese American Womens Quest for Identity in The Woman Warrior 学院: 文法学院 专业: 英语 班级: 英语 0701 学生: 谢雨薇 指导教师(含职称): 盛海燕(讲师) 专业负责人: 潘崇堃 1设计(论文)的主要任务及目标主要任务:用女权主义理论分析汤婷婷女勇士中华裔女性的自身的属性追 求。目标:加深对华裔文学作品中华裔女性的困境及其对属性追寻的解读。2设计(论文)的基本要求和内容基本要求:1)英语 5500 字以上;2)小四字体打印;3)字体为 Times New Roman。内容:分析和探讨华裔女性在性别歧视及文化冲突的双重压迫下对自我身份属性的探 索与追求。3主要参考文献Huntley, E.D. Maxine Hong Kingston: A Critical CompanionM. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001.Kingston, Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior. Memoirs of a Girlhood Among GhostsM. London: Picador, 1981.白丽. 探寻女勇士中的女性主义J. 语文学刊:外语教育教学. 2010 (3): 22- 24 4进度安排设计(论文)各阶段名称起 止 日 期1选题2010/102收集资料、进行文献综述2010/12-2011/33开题报告2010/124初稿2011/425定稿2011/5-2011/6注:一式 4 份:学院、指导教师各 1 份、学生 2 份:毕业设计(论文)及答辩评分手册 各一份 Chinese American Womens Quest for Identity in The Woman WarriorIs submitted byXie YuWeitoThe English DepartmentIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor ArtsSupervised by Sheng HaiyanBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyJune, 2011I中文摘要中文摘要美国华裔女作家汤亭亭于 1976 年发表了代表作女勇士 ,奠定了作者在美国文学界的地位。在女勇士中,汤亭亭以独特的女性视角,生动记载了华裔妇女在美的心路历程,重新审视了华裔妇女的生存状态及内心世界。本文以女勇士为研究对象,旨在深入分析和探讨华裔女性在性别歧视及文化冲突的双重压迫下对自我身份属性的探索与追求。本文首先通过分析主人公亲身经历以及听闻的种种女性歧视现象,揭露华裔妇女所遭受的不公正性别待遇,论述在倡导男权中心主义的父权制社会,华裔妇女深受性别迫害的事实。接着本文主要探讨文化冲突对华裔女性造成的困扰。由于特殊的身份背景,华裔妇女对她们的祖籍地中国以及她们的所在地美国,或是暗藏在之后的两种不同文化有着复杂的情感。一方面,她们对本族裔误解重重由此造成对中国文化的疏远;另一方面,她们极力融入美国主流文化却又遭到排斥和边缘化。华裔妇女身陷两难境地,对她们的身份提出质疑。最后文章论述了华裔女姓在困境中不屈不挠,勇于挑战性别歧视,化解文化冲突,追寻自我价值的精神。主人公借助花木兰,蔡琰的故事,为华裔妇女在陌生世界中力求生存树立了榜样。然而正如花木兰,蔡琰一样,华裔妇女最终超越了性别,种族,实现了她们的精神成长。结论部分总结了华裔妇女精神成长的艰难历程。在消除性别歧视及种族歧视的过程中,华裔妇女挣脱了精神枷锁,实现了她们作为华裔妇女自我身份的寻求。关键词:美国华裔女性 性别歧视 文化冲突 身份追求 IIAbstractMaxine Hong Kingston plays a significant role in Chinese American literature. As a Chinese-American woman as well as a feminist, she depicts the life experience of Chinese American women and explores their inner heart as well as their quest in her famous memoir The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts. This thesis adopts the theory of gynocriticism to study Maxine Hong Kingstons The Woman Warrior. The study will focus on Chinese American womens quest for identity they deserve and the painful efforts they make under the double pressions of sexual discrimination and culture conflicts. First, it discusses the sexual discrimination the protagonist experiences by herself and learns from her mothers telling stories, thus showing the sexual unfairness Chinese American suffers. Then it talks in details about the culture conflicts which have caught them into dilemma. Because of their special cultural background, they have complex feelings towards China and America, as well as the cultures behind two countries. They feel strange to the Chinese culture because of misunderstanding on one hand, and try hard to receive American culture but always get confused on the other. Stuck in such a dilemma makes Chinese American women reconsider the identity they need to deserve. Therefore, at the last part of the thesis, Chinese American womens pursuit of identity through their effort is highlighted. By retelling the stories of Fa Mu Lan and Ts an Yen, the protagonist finds her courage to resist against sexual discrimination and reconcile culture conflicts. Just as Fa Mu Lan and Tsan, Chinese American women finally get spiritually free and have achieved their identity as women warrior through self-reconstruction.Key words: Chinese American Women sexual discrimination culture conflicts quest for identity IIIContents1. Introduction12. The influence of sexual discrimination33. Culture conflicts which Chinese American women faced with.63.1. Chinese American womens dilemma in American society 73.1.1. Chinese American womens estrangement from Chinese culture .83.1.2. Feeling of strangeness in American society.93.1.3. Confusion between collectivism and individualism 103.1.4. Incomprehension between mother and daughter124. Chinese American womens pursuit of identity and self-reconstruction.134.1. Chinese heritage reflected in excellent women in ancient China 144.2. Pursuit of identity of the first generation: Brave Orchid164.3. Pursuit of identity of the second generation: Kinston185. Conclusion20Endnotes.23Bibliography.25Acknowledgements271. Introduction Maxine Hong Kingston, as one of the most significant Chinese American writers, has made great contribution to feminist movement with her literature works, among which is her masterpiece: The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts. Crowned the best nonfiction book by the National Book Critics Circle in 1976, The Woman Warrior mainly describes the authors own experience as a Chinese American and as a woman, and discu
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