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Pipa Name: Wang Yulin Student Number: 2007185799 Class: 07-2 Supervisor: Cui Jianqiang Telephone: 15001619924 Faculty: Science and Technology School June, 2009 Shi Hezi University Abstract: Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute. It has been played in China over two thousand of years. In the ancient years, Pipa is widely used, especially in South of China. Today, it is also used for score. It is called the “king of folk music” or the “king of plucked string instrument”. The article introduces Pipa includes the derivation of its name, its history, its composition, its genres, and its major kinds, and how to choose a good Pipa as well as how to protect it. 【摘要】:琵琶是一种古老的中国拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。 在中国,它被弹奏了两千多年。在古代,琵琶被广泛的应 用,特别是中国南部地区。如今,它仍被用来伴奏。它也 被成为“民乐之王”或者“拨弦乐器之王” 。本文介绍了 琵琶,包括琵琶名字的由来,它的历史,结构,流派,主 要的种类。 Key words: Pipa plucked string instrument China 1. The introduction of Pipa As a plucked Chinese string instrument, Pipa has already existed over two thousand of years since the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC), and developed by the Han Dynasty. It is called the “king of folk music” or the “king of plucked string instrument”. The Pipa is a four-stringed Chinese instrument, sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12-26.Several related instruments in East and Southeast Asia are derived from the Pipa; these include the Japanese Biwa, the Vietnamese n t b, and the Korean Bipa. The Korean instrument is the only one of the three that is no longer used. Attempts to revive the instrument have failed, although examples survive in museums. When you play Pipa, you carry it in your arms in front of you; use your left hand to press the strings, and your five fingers of your right hand to play. It is an important nationality instrument which can use for Pipa solo, accompany and ensemble. 2. The derivation of “Pipa” “批把本出于胡中,马上所鼓也,推手前曰批,引手却曰把, 象其鼓时,因以为名” 。(汉代刘熙释名释乐器)Then its name changed from “批把” to “琵琶”.The name “Pipa” is made up of two Chinese syllables, “p“ (琵) and “p“ (琶). “P“ is to push the fingers of the right hand from right to left, thus more than one finger can be used at a time striking multiple notes, and “p“ is to pull the thumb of the right hand from left to right, in the opposite direction. 3. The history of Pipa Pipa evolved from the 直项 pipa and 曲项 Pipa. Pipa appears in our country very early, in Qin and Han Dynasty it was called the “秦汉 子”.In the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589),Our country made a culture exchange with the western region though the Silk Road.曲 项 pipa was introduced into China though Persia. It becomes popular in North Dynasty. And it was introduced into South China around the six centry.Pipa become the most important instrument in Sui and Tang Dynasty. Pipa played an important role in the development of sing and dancing. In Tang Dynasty, pipa become the most important instrument, it not only used by the imperial family, but also the ordinary people. You can see the situation from the Bai Juyis famous “Pipa Xing “:“大弦嘈 嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘“。 4. The composition of Pipa Pipa is made up of “head” and “body”, the head includes pegbox, col and so on. The body includes the sound box, phase and so on, the twelve- tone equal temperament is made up of six xiang and twenty-four pin. The Pipa has four strings, the first is string wire, and the other is wire rope deal with nylon. 5. Four kinds of pipa Pipa has four kinds:五弦琵琶;南音琵琶;响琶、月琶、高音琵琶、 电琵琶;水晶琵琶。 6. Conclusion Today, more and more traditional instrument has been disappeared. Most of the people are fond of pop music; many valuable things are forgetter by the world. For the young, Pipa is not an engaging thing. They do not interested in it, but it is a priceless treasure for our culture. We must protect the traditional culture, never forget them, and try to understand it. Reference (1)http:/baike.baidu.com/view/9360.htm (2)http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipa 乐器知识 20000207 (3)冯光钰, 中国少数民族音乐史 ,京华出版社,2007. (4)江洋, 情若满弦 ,河北教育出版社,2006. (5)潘尚文, 弹指之间 ,吉林音像出版社,2009 年.
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