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MUSIC,contents,1.识记填读 2.联想填读 3.构词填读 4.语境填读 5.句式填读 6.核心词汇 7.单元语法 8.微型考场 9.名师讲坛,.识记填读 1_ vt.假装;假扮 答案 pretend 2_ vt. & vi.系上;缚上;附属;连接 答案 attach 3_ n过路人,行人(复数) 答案 passersby,4_ vt.赚;挣得;获得 答案 earn 5_n投入;热爱 答案 devotion,.联想填读 1_说实话honestly sepaking说实话_坦率地讲 答案 to be honest;to be frank 2_._ 认为有(重要性、意义);附上_.认为有重要性,有意义 答案 attach;to;attach importance/ significance to,3_用现金_用支票 答案 in cash;by cheque 4_戏弄make fun of戏弄 答案 play jokes on 5_依靠depend on依靠;取决于_adj.可靠的 答案 rely on;reliable,6be/ get_与熟悉起来be _为所熟悉 答案 familiar with;familiar to 7_另外;也besides/ _from.另外;也 答案 in addition;apart 8_首先;最重要in all总共first of all首先all in all总之_毕竟,终究 答案 above all;after all,.构词填读 1perform vt. & vi.表演;履行;执行_ n表演;演奏;表现,业绩_表演者 答案 performance;performer 2humor n幽默_adj.幽默的 答案 humorous 3attract v吸引_ adj. 吸引人的,有吸引力的_ nU吸引;C吸引人的事物;景点 答案 attractive;attraction,4confident adj.自信的;确信的_ n信心,自信 答案 confidence 5invite vt.邀请;招待_n邀请;招待 答案 invitation 6brief adj.简要的_adv.简言之 答案 briefly,.语境填读 1_(说实话), walking is a good_(形式) of exercise,but _(首先),you must _(坚持) it every day. 答案 To be honest;form;above all;stick to 2We both met each other _(偶然) last year. After that we got _(越来越熟悉) 答案 by chance;more and more familiar,3Since he_(分手)with his girlfriend,he has lost interest in everything that used to be_(有吸引力的) to him. 答案 broke up;attractive 4We should _(把重点放在)educating our children. They should learn to _(依靠) themselves,_(此外),they should learn how to behave themselves. 答案 attach great importance to;rely on;In addition,.句式填读 1They may start as a group of highschool students,_ _ practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame.他们开始可能是一组学生,在某个人家里排练音乐,对于他们来说这是成名的第一步。 答案 for whom 2The TV organizers had planned to find four musicians who could act _ sing.电视制作人原计划想寻找四位又会唱又会表演的乐手。 答案 as well as,3_ Freddy and the band became famous,they visited Britain on a brief tour.弗雷迪和他的乐队成名后不久,就到英国做短暂的巡回演出去了。 答案 Not long after 4_,a lot of people _ becoming rich and famous.说实在地,很多人把名和利看得很重要。 答案 To be honest;attach great importance to,5They were _ popular _ their fans formed clubs in order to _ more _ _ them.他们是如此受欢迎以至于为了能更熟悉他们,他们的歌迷们组成了俱乐部。 答案 so;that;get;familiar with,He pretended _ (read) an important paper when the boss came in. 答案 to be reading,Tom pretended _ (not hear) about it,but in fact,he knew it very well a long time ago. 解析 考查非谓语动词。句意:汤姆假装没听说过这件事,但事实上,他很久前就很了解这件事了。pretend后接动词要用不定式形式,而依据下文可知,这里说的是汤姆假装之前没有听说过这件事,所以要用不定式的完成式。 答案 not to have heard,结合attach的用法完成下面情景 Last week I got a letter from Wang Wei.On the envelope_a very pretty stamp.He is studying in a high school_to Beijing University.Last term he_great importance to outside class activities and_to online games. 答案 was attached;attached;attached;was attached,用form以及其组成的短语填空 Recently he has_(成立)a weightloss club.Many people came to_(填表)to join it.He advised his members to_(养成,形成)a good eating habit.He also suggested eating less fat_(以形式)meat.He claimed if they exercised regularly and paid attention to their habit of living,they would surely have a good_(体形),答案 formed;fill in a form;form;in the form of;form,A短语填空 _ones bread 谋生 答案 earn _experience 获取经验 答案 gain _victory 赢得胜利 答案 win,B单项填空 You are old enough to_your own living. Awin Bgain Ctake Dearn 解析 考查固定短语。earn ones living“谋生”,为固定短语,故D项正确。 答案 D,A语法填空 The _ (perform) _ (perform) very well,and her _ (perform) was very popular with the audience.这个表演者表演得非常好,她的表演深受观众的欢迎。 答案 performer;performed;performance,B完成句子 When _ the play _ _?那出戏什么时候上演? 答案 will;be performed,判断正误(T/F) He is quite familiar to this subject.他对这个题目是相当熟悉的。( ) 答案 F He is quite familiar with this subject.他对这个题目是相当熟悉的。( ) 答案 T,His name is familiar with many people.许多人熟悉他的名字。( ) 答案 F His name is familiar to many people.许多人熟悉他的名字。( ) 答案 T,A用to和about填空 My leg is sensitive _ changes in temperature. 答案 to She is very sensitive _ her appearance. 答案 about,B用sensitive和sensible填空 She gave me some very_advice. 答案 sensible My teeth are really _ to hot and cold food. 答案 sensitive,You may _ that he will come to meet you.你放心好了,他会来接见你的。 答案 rely on it,
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