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心 电 图 (Electrocardiogram, ECG Elektrokardiografie, EKG),心电生理学发展史,1842 Matteucci C. 确定蛙心电活动 1843 EDuBois-Reymond用AP描述心肌收缩 1856 R V koelliker和H Muller首次在病人身上记录到心脏AP 1870 G Lippmann 发明毛细管静电计(Capillary electrometer)用来测心电流,ECG 104 year,1903年荷兰莱顿大学Einthoven发明了弦线式心电图描记器,首先记录到人体心电图electrocardiogram,标志着心电学科的建立。 弦线式电流计的设计原理是悬在磁铁两级间的镀银石英弦线、电流通过时,弦线会来回摆动。其方向决定于电流的方向,移动的振幅决定于电流强度,弦线摆动过程,用光源、显微放大镜,通过计时器,投影到描记的胶片上,胶片上显不出心电图,要经过冲洗才能阅读,显得不大方便。 1924年,Einthoven因发明心电图而获得诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。,30年代初,弦线式心电图机才逐渐被电子管式和晶体管放大式心电图机所替代。 80 年 代初 美国Marquette公司首先推出数字化心电图机,从此,心电图进人了数字化,自动化、网络化管理的新时代。 数字化心电图机的优点在于:计算机分析心电图速度快,测量数据精确,多导联同步记录,提高了工作效率,大容量存贮心电信息,1台电脑心电图机可贮存百万份心电图资料,,心 电 学 理 论,一、心肌细胞电生理离子学说 阐明了心肌细胞的电生理特性、动作电位的产生原理与心电图的关系,使心电学的理论进展到分子与离子水平,也阐明了药物作用于心脏的机制。丰富了心电图与心血管病学的内容。,心肌细胞的除极与复极,心肌细胞的动作电位与心电图,心室肌细胞动作电位,二、Einthoven 原理,Einthoven原理是最先形成的重要的心电图理论。他把心脏激动过程中产生的电活动,看成一组电偶,标准导联的3条边组成1个等边三角形,心脏恰好位于等边三角形的中点,产生的电流通过组织传导到体表放置电极,通过心电图机描记出心电波形,LOREM IPSUM DOLOR,根据三角形原理,可以任意自两个导联测定心电轴。己知=VL一VR, = VF一VR, =VF-VL,所以得+ = Einthoven原理的实际意义在于帮助判断导联线有无接错,导联标记是否正确,WiLson于40年代提出单极理论,他认为单极导联可以更准确地反映探查电极下局部心肌的电位变化情况。 把探查电极置于右上肢,左上肢及左下肢,分别称为VR,VL,VF导联,负极与中心电端连接。 单极肢体导联描记出来的心电波幅较小,不便于分析测量。 1942年,Goldberge:在此基础上稍加改进,描记出来的心电波形振幅增大50%,而又不影响Wilson提出的单极导联的特性,称为加压单极肢体导联aVR,aVL,aVF。 导联表达方式:aVR探查电极置于右手腕,中心电端与左手和左下肢相连;aVL探查电极置于左手腕,中心电端与右上肢和左下肢相连;avF探查电极与左下肢连接,中心电端与两上肢相连。,ECG导联体系,自人体体表任意两点放置电极都能描记出心电图,因此产生了一百多种心电图导联体系。 各国公认的是应用已久的常规12导联体系:即 1903年,Einthovcn发明的标准导联I,, 1940年,Wilson与1942年Goldberger完善的加压肢 体导联aVR,aVL,aVF与胸导联Vl,V2、V3,V4、V5、V6 必要时加做V7,V8,V9,V3R,V4R与V5R导联,双极肢体导联 -电路连接方式,加压单极肢体导联 -电路连接方式,肢体导联的导联轴与六轴系统,LOCATION OF CHEST ELECTRODES IN 4TH AND 5TH INTERCOSTAL SPACES:,V1: right 4th intercostal space V2: left 4th intercostal space V3: halfway between V2 and V4 V4: left 5th intercostal space, mid- clavicular line V5: horizontal to V4, anterior axillary line V6: horizontal to V5, mid-axillary line,Wilson采用的单极胸前导联V,一直沿用 至今。他认为V1, V2导联比较单纯反映右心室的电位变化,V3导联反映了过渡区电位变化。V4一V6导联反映了左心室的电位变化。,Normal Pathway of Electrical Conduction,ECG各波段的组成与命名 (1),R波:首先出现的位于参考水平线以上的正向波 Q波:R波之前的负向波 S波:R波之后的第一个负向波 R波:S波之后的正向波 S波: R 波之后的负向波 QS波:QRS波只有负向波 振幅小可称为q、r、s、r、s,QRS波群的命名原则,ECG各波段的组成与命名 (2),心电图的测量,心率的测量,Heart Rate,In normal sinus rhythm, a resting heart rate of below 60 bpm is called bradycardia and a rate of above 100 bpm is called tachycardia.,各波段振幅和时间的测量,平均额面心电轴,概念:心室除极过程中全部瞬间向量综合 测定方法: 查表法:分别测出导联和导联QRS波群电压差值(R波电压减Q波及S波),查心电轴表 作图法 目测法,平均心电轴,平均心电轴的临床意义1,心脏解剖位置 横位心电轴可左偏,-30 垂位心电轴可右偏,+120 左右心室的对比 左室肥大,电轴偏左 右室肥大,电轴偏右 婴幼儿右室比例大,电轴右偏,平均心电轴的临床意义2,心室内除极顺序 下列除极顺序异常会导致心电轴方向改变: 激动起源于心室 室性心动过速 心室起搏心律 室内传导阻滞 心肌局灶纤维化,心肌梗死,(四)心脏循长轴转位,自心尖朝心底部方向观察 顺钟向转位: V3、V4波形出现在V5、V6导联 逆钟向转位: V3、V4波形出现在V1、V2导联,心脏循长轴转位,心脏循长轴转位的临床意义,顺钟向转位:可见于右心室肥大 逆钟向转位:可见于左心室肥大 钟向转位也可见于正常人,Lead aVF is the isoelectric lead. The two perpendiculars to aVF are 0 o and 180 o. Lead I is positive (i.e., oriented to the left). Therefore, the axis has to be 0 o.,Lead aVR is the smallest and isoelectric lead. The two perpendiculars are -60 o and +120 o. Leads II and III are mostly negative (i.e., moving away from the + left leg) The axis, therefore, is -60 o.,Bizarre QRS axis: +150o to -90o (i.e., lead I and lead II are both negative),Consider limb lead error (usually right and left arm reversal) Dextrocardia Some cases of complex congenital heart disease (e.g., transposition) Some cases of ventricular tachycardia,ST SEGMENT,The ST segment is that portion of the ECG cycle from the end of the QRS complex to the beginning of the T wave. It represents the beginning of ventricular repolarization. The normal ST segment is usually isoelectric (i.e., flat on the baseline, neither positive nor negative), but it may be slightly elevated or depressed normally (usually by less than 1 mm). Some pathologic conditions such as myocardial infarction (MI) produce characteristic abnormal deviations of the ST segment. The very beginning of the ST segment (actually the junction between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment) is sometimes called the J point. shows the J point and the normal shapes of the ST segment. compares a normal isoelectric ST segment with abnormal ST segment elevation and depression.,QT INTERVAL,The QT interval is measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave (Fig. 2.12) . It primarily represents the return of stimulated ventricles to their resting state (ventricular repolarization). The normal values for the QT interval depend on the heart rate. As the heart rate increases (RR interval * shortens), the QT normally shortens; as the heart rate decreases (RR interval lengthens), the QT interval lengthens. The QT interval should be measured in the ECG leads (see Chapter 3) that show the largest-amplitude T waves. You should measure several intervals and use the average value. When the QT interval is long, it is often difficult to measure because the end of the T wave may merge imperceptibly with the U wave. As a result, you may be measuring the QU interval rather than the QT interval. Table 2.1 shows the upper normal limits for the QT interval with different heart rates. Unfortunately, there is no simple rule for calculating the normal limits of the QT interval.,
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