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Unit 1Changes in the Way We Live I. Suggested Teaching Plan (5 Periods) Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea ( tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writers family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life); 2. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices, etc.); 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Time Allotment 1st period2nd period3rd period4th period5th periodPre-reading; While-reading (4-Part division, Part I)While-reading (Parts I - III)While-reading; Post-reading (comparison Check on Ss home reading (Text B)Theme-Related Language Learning TasksPre-reading tasks 1. T asks Ss the following questions on the song Out in the Country: (5 minutes) - What is the song about? (taking a break from city life, escaping from the crowd) - How is the song related to the theme of this unit? (The singer needs a break because the pace of life has quickened, the environment has been changed, and the old life style is gone.) 2. 1) Ss divide into three large groups, under each group smaller sub-groups may form. Each large group is assigned one of the following discussion topics: - Why do so many migrant workers (民工) move from the country to the city? - Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside? - Why are tours of Zhou Zhuang (周庄), Li Jiang (丽江)or any other old towns so popular? Why are tourists willing to pay to spend a day in a farmers house? 2) After the discussion, speakers of some sub-groups report to class. 3) T may sum up like this: People change their places of living because they look for things that their previous life is unable to provide. However, once life has been changed, they miss the good old days. (20 minutes) 3. Ss do Cloze B in after-text exercises to learn about Americans ideal of a country life. Then T leads in to the study of Text A. (10 minutes)While-reading tasks 1. T tells Ss how to divide the text into four parts, and that they are to sum up the main idea of each part as they read along (see Text Organization Exercise 1). (2 minutes) 2. Ss read the first sentences of Paragraphs 1-3 and sum up the main idea of this part. (3 minutes) 3. T explains language points in this part and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes) 4. T explains language points in Part II and gives Ss practice. (see Language Study).(20 minutes) 5. Ss re-read Part II and make a summary of each paragraph in it. T writes down their summaries on the blackboard. Then, based on paragraph summaries, Ss will come up with a summary of Part II. (8 minutes) 6. Ss read the first sentences of Paragraphs 8-11 and sum up the main idea of this part. (3 minutes) 7. T explains the language points in this part and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (20 minutes) 8. T explains language points in Part IV and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (20 minutes)9. Ss find out the two special qualities that make a country life possible. (2 minutes)Post-reading tasks 1. 1) Ss work in pairs to finish Text Organization Exercise 2. Later some of them may report to class. 2) T guides Ss through Writing Strategy. 3) T urges Ss to use comparison and contrast more effectively in their own writing. (15 minutes) 2. 1) T asks Ss to re-read Paragraph 2 and analyze the relationship among its sentences (one topic sentence “Its a self-reliant sort of life.” followed by three detail sentences). 2) Ss re-read the rest of the text to find similar patterns. Then they would report their findings to class (see Text Analysis). 3) T encourages Ss to model their own writing after this pattern. (15 minutes) 3. T guides Ss through some after-text exercises. (25 minutes) 4. T checks on Ss home reading. (3 minutes) 5. Ss do Part IV: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks. (1 period) 6. T asks Ss to prepare for the next unit: (2 minutes) 1) do the pre-reading task; 2) preview Text A.课程教案课程教案 New College English(新编大学英语新编大学英语)教案教案 BOOK I Unit One LoveTeaching ObjectivesIn this unit the students are required to :I. get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about the English culture;II. do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;III. grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;IV. read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their
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