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感人作文感人作文 10001000 字:英语感人作文字:英语感人作文英语感人作文-一件感人的事-a touching eventyesterday afternoon i went to the yueiu park. it happened that i saw a touching event. at that time, some people were boating on the lake. among them was perhaps a happy family. they were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. she was struggling and her parents cried out, help!help ! it was obvious that they could not swim at all. from nearby a young man immediately rushed to the lake. without taking off his clothes, he jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the girl l who was already tired out. at last he carried her to the lake side. she was saved!how happy the parents were! before they thought of thanking the young man, he had disappeared!一件感人的事昨天下午我去越秀公园玩,碰巧看到一件感人的事情。当时,有一些人雀湖上划船,也许其中有一个幸福的家庭。他们正在拍照,忽然小女孩从船上落入水中,她在水中挣扎,她的父母大声呼救;显然他们不会游泳。附近一位年轻去,他衣服没脱就跳入水中,迅速朝小女孩游去。就在小女孩筋疲力尽之时,他终于把她拖到湖边。她得救了!女孩的父母是多么高兴啊!还没等他们想到要表示感谢,年轻人就悄悄离开了。
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