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.,Today I will tell you some information about Sichuan Provinces travelling. 位置介绍Sichuan Province, whose capital city is Chengdu, lies in the southwest of China and covers an area of about 485, 000 square kilometers 景点介绍 It is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, whose water is so clear that you can see the bottom of them. Another attraction is the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, which was built over 2, 000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. 特点 In a word, the nice weather, convenient transportation and the variety of famous hot food can also make your trip even more enjoyable.,. 改写句子 (1)把文中句中的so. . . that. . . 改为enough. . . to. . . 结构。 _ (2)用date back to改写句。 _ _,whose water is clear enough for you to see the bottom of them.,. . . which dates back to over 2, 000 years and is still playing,an important part in irrigation today.,. 单词分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _(vi. ) 做生意 2. _(vi. ) 变狭窄(adj. ) 狭窄的 3. _(vt. ) 开发 4. _(n. ) 地点; 场所 5. _(n. ) 景色; 风景,trade,narrow,exploit,spot,view,6. _(adj. )多变化的_(adj. )各种各样的_(n. )种类, 多样性 7. _(vt. )围绕; 环绕_(adj. )周围的_(n. )环境 8. _(adj. )遥远的_(n. )距离 9. _(vt. )禁止_(adj. )被禁止的,varied,various,variety,surround,surrounding,surroundings,distant,distance,forbid,forbidden,【高频单词】不可不知 10. _(n. ) 平原 11. _(n. ) 山谷 12. _(adj. ) 平坦的 13. _(n. ) 同事 14. _(adj. ) 多山的; 丘陵起伏的 15. _(adj. ) 极大的 16. _(adj. ) 遥远的 17. _(n. ) 货物 18. _(adv. )自然地_(adj. )自然的 _(n. )自然,plain,valley,flat,colleague,hilly,immense,remote,goods,naturally,natural,nature,. 短语双语互译 1. 在的边缘 _ 2. 至少 _ 3. 有大量的 _ 4. 远处的 _ 5. 敲竹杠; 敲诈 _ 6. have four weeks off _,at the edge of,at least,be heavy with,in the distance,rip off,有四周的假期,7. go through _ 8. take advantage of _ 9. get a kick out of _ 10. be against _,穿过, 通过,利用,(俚语)从中得到乐趣,反对,【要点拾遗】 1. trade v. 做生意;交易;经商;买卖;用进行交换n. 贸易;交易;商业 【填一填激活思维】 (2013浙江高考) Perhaps, he thought, other farmers will _ what they grow _ one of my plows. 他想,或许其 他的农民会用他们种植的东西来换取我的一个犁。 Our _ _ foreign countries is stepping up. 我们和外国的贸易正在不断增加。,trade,for,trade,with,【记一记构建知识】 trade in sth. 做生意;做买卖 trade with sb. 与某人做生意 trade sth. for sth. 用一物交换另一物,accommodate This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 这旅馆可供500位来宾住宿。 How many passengers do the plane accommodate? 这架飞机可以载多少旅客。 The bank will accommodate him with a loan.银行将向他提供一笔贷款。 You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation.你必须适应变化了的形势。,Surround The house is surrounded by/ with trees, and the surroundings are pleasant. Jill坐在地板上,周围摆满了书。 Jill was sitting on the floor _ (surround) by books.,2. spot n. 地点;场所;斑点;污点 v. 发现;认出;弄脏I had just sat down to work when I _ _ _ on the wall. 我刚刚坐下来工作就发现有东西在墙上挪动。 The doctor was _ _ _ a few minutes after the accident. 医生在事故发生几分钟后就赶到现场了。,spotted,something,moving,on,the,spot,(1)spot sb. /sth. doing. . . 发现某人/物正在做某事 on the spot 当场;在现场;到现场 (2)be spotted with 满是,*His boots were spotted with mud. 他的靴子上满是泥渍。,【悟一悟参透误区】spot作先行词时,引导定语从句的关系词常用where。 *This is the very spot where the accident happened. 这就是事故发生的地点。,3. get a kick out of从中得到乐趣 【填一填激活思维】一句多译。 有些人从赛车中得到乐趣。 Some people _ _ _ _ _ motor racing. Some people _ _ _ motor racing. Some people _ _ _ motor racing.,get,a,kick,out,of,find,pleasure,in,get,pleasure,from,【记一记构建知识】 (1)kick off (足球)开赛/球;踢掉 kick out 撵走;开除 kick the habit of 克服的习惯 (2)find pleasure in get pleasure from,从中得到乐趣,*I advise you to kick the bad habit of smoking. 我建议你克服抽烟的坏习惯。,语境取词选用上面的单词或短语填空 Shandong is an _ (极大的) region in the east of China, with a _ (多变化的) landscape from _ (平原) to _ (多山的) areas. The beautiful _ (自然的) _ (环境), a wide variety of green plants and _ (狭窄的), winding lanes make it an ideal _ (地点) for holidays.,immense,varied,plains,hilly,natural,surroundings,narrow,spot,4. 独立主格结构 Nearly 100 million people live here, _ _(他们中的大多数在东部). 【仿写】很多专家参加了这次会议,其中大多数来自中国。 Many experts attended the conference, _ _.,most of them in the,east,most of them from,China,5. only if 引导条件状语从句 Im allowed to stick one in _ (只有当我待在一个地方) for more than 24 hours. 【仿写】你只有谦虚才能取得进步。 You can make progress _.,
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