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1.Describeasituationwhereyouhadtodealwithmultipletasks/projectswithina tightdeadline.Explainthesituation,youractions and the result.“ To beornottobe,thisisaquestion.” Mybrainwasfilledwiththisverseforhours.The things happened at the time can?tgosofarasto,sufferthe slingsand arrowsof outrageousfortune which, were just becausem any things had beenpacked for a period. Thecasementionedabovehappenedayearago,inwhichIshouldprepareandfinishonemanagementcaseanalysispaperandonepresentationforfinancialmanagementclassinthespaceof3daysonly.Ithadnot enoughtimefor me while the nextweek I wouldtake the exam of junior accountanttitle. These two tasks were left byteachersbefore 2 weeks. All of these things were importantwhich made me a bitdesperate. Even the thought of giving up one task appeared in my mindI tried to convince myself to give up, but the subconscious mind always reminded methat I could not do such a person.The subconscious characters set me up to challenge thisand I made a detailed plan for a limited three days, precisely the minutes of eating, gettingup and sleeping. I never got up so early in previous days and escaped twounnecessaryclassesiin order to make my tasks perfect.While preparing the course assignment, there isno neglect of the coming exam.The simple time management is not enough. With thepurpose of improving the efficiency and the quality of the tasks, I actively exchanged myideal with my classmates to optimized my paper.It was a difficult three days, I accomplished all the tasks. And more importantly, I gotthe teachers praise and I passed the exam after 3 days.2. Think of a situation where you have made a significant contributiontotheteamssuccess.Describethesituation,yourroleandcontribution, and the result.As is known to us, the teacher in university often leave some groups works tofinish the paper and then do a presentation the next lesson, such as the analysisof some a listed enterprise financial statements withat least 5000 words.Thiskind of task is especially frequent in the third and fourth years.During the senior year, our group, consisting of six people, needed to completea business analysis report with a PPT required. After that class we had a simpledivision of labor-each person needed to complete a specific part and thenintegrate them into a complete part.Two days later we got together to discuss their completion, and it wasembarrassing for me that they didnt do a good job - a perfunctoryone.Probably because they had been preparing for a job or internship, they hadnot paid much attention.Knowing that they had a limited time, I didnt sayanything more. I had to amend what they wrote, and then I went to the libraryfor two days.Looking up information, consulting, integrating, changing formats,making PPT documents, I myself quietly doing the tasks of several of them. Ireimagined the organizational framework of the article.And using myproficientMicrosoft Office software skills, I made a beautiful PPTthe initiative on most of the tasks.After a few days of lecture, I did a goodpresentation, and our group received unanimous praise from teachers andclassmates.My contribution to this group was not to do much extra work, but totake the initiative and do the best job I could without a serious one.Arguably, I took3.Provideproblem.anExplainexamplethewheresituation,youyourcreativelythoughtaddressedprocess,youra complexapproachand the outcome.There are many creative examples in life, and most of them happen inadvertently. What Iwant to say is not how innovative it is, but it does help us to solve the complex problemand it has benefited me for a long time.In the past, my family bought a new laptop and put it in my bedroomfor daily onlineentertainment.Annoyingly,however,the wireless signal from the living room was veryweak when it came to my house, and it had a great impact on the speed of the Internet.For this problem my family did a solution plan,Itwas to buy a long cable, the cable alongthe wall to my bedroom -this was the most easy way to think while this plan also wasmost widely used method for my neighbors in their similar problems.A long network line tomy bedroom, not to say that does a little trouble, the aesthetic wall adhered to the cablehas also beenaffected .Iagreed with my parents on the surface, but I was thinking ofbetter solutionsin my mind.Thecell phone cell tower of the communicationscompanystruck me, and I could also do a similar signal relay station to expand the range of wirelesssignals.I remembered that there was an idle router in the house and maybe I can use it todo this.Aftera bit of searchinginformation,parametersetting, this idle route perfectlyplays the function I want without any cable.
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