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,Unit 5 The power of nature,. 单词分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _ (adv. )在旁边; 沿着边(prep. )在旁边; 沿着的边 2. _ (n. )波浪; 波涛(vi. )波动; 起伏; 挥手 3. _ (vt. )保证; 担保 4. _(vt. )任命; 委派_(n. )约定; 任命,alongside,wave,guarantee,appoint,appointment,5. _(n. )一套外衣; 套装; (vt. )适合; 使适宜_(adj. ) 合适的 6. _(adj. )忧虑的; 不安的_(adv. )不安地 _(n. )担心; 焦虑; 渴望 7. _(vi. 感 激,suit,suitable,anxious,anxiously,anxiety,panic,panicked,actual,actually,appreciation,appreciate,【高频单词】不可不知 10. _ (adj. )贵重的; 珍贵的 11. _ (adj. )不舒服的; 不舒适的 12. _ (n. )潜在性; 可能性; 潜能(adj. )可能的; 潜在的 13. _(adj. )绝对的; 完全的_(adv. )绝对地; 完全地 14. _(adj. )多种多样的; 不同的_(n. )多种多样; 多样性 15. _(adj. )失去知觉的, 未察觉的_(adj. ) 有知觉的,precious,uncomfortable,potential,absolute,absolutely,diverse,diversity,unconscious,conscious,. 短语双语互译 1. 有天赋 _ 2. 被委派为 _ 3. 全部焚毁 _ 4. 前往 _ 5. 对忧虑/不安 _ 6. glance through _ 7. vary from. . . to. . . _ 8. give birth to _ 9. be buried under the ruins _ 10. be suitable for _,have a gift for,be appointed as,burn to the ground,make ones way,be anxious about,匆匆看一遍,由到不等,生孩子; 产仔,被埋在废墟下,适合,语境取词选用上面的单词或短语填空 I dare to _(保证)when he _(被委派 为)the leader of the meeting well not _ _(对焦虑)situation here and _(恐慌)in the face of danger. I believe he _(适合)the position because he _(有天赋)music and also is a _(潜在 的)writer. Therefore, he is a person who _(合适)the work _(绝对地).,guarantee,is appointed as,be anxious,about,panic,is suitable for,has a gift for,potential,suits,absolutely,. 句型超级仿写 1. 动词-ing形式的完成时态作状语 _(收集和评估 完这些信息之后), I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. 【仿写】做完家务后, 她就一直在上网。 _, she kept on surfing the Internet.,Having collected and evaluated the information,Having finished the housework,2. be about to do. . . when. . . 刚要这时(突然) I _(刚要)go back to sleep _(这时)suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. 【仿写】我正要睡觉, 这时电话铃响了。 _,was about to,when,I was about to sleep when the telephone rang.,3. 独立主格结构 The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but _(这是我 的第一次经历), I stayed at the top and watched them. 【仿写】女孩盯着他看, 他不知道说什么。 _, he didnt know what to say.,this being my first experience,The girl staring at him,4. only to do. . . 结果(出乎意料的结果) Hearing a scream, I rushed downstairs _(结果看 到)my hostess lying unconscious on the floor, surrounded by her guests. 【仿写】我们等了三个小时, 结果被告知第二天再来。 We waited three hours _the next day.,only to see,only to be told to come again,【重点单词】 1. appoint vt. 任命, 委派; 指定; 约定 【填一填 激活思维】 The time _ _ the meeting was 10: 30 am. 规定开会的时间是上午10点30分。 They _ _ _ captain of the team. 他们任命他为该队的队长。,appointed,for,appointed,him,as,Xiaoli _ _ _ _ the manager and arrived at the _ time. Later, he was _ to an important post. 小李和经理预约并在约定的时间到达。后来他被任命了一个 重要的职务。,made,an,appointment,with,appointed,appointed,【记一记 构建知识】 (1)appoint sb. as/to be. . . 任命某人为 appoint sb. to do sth. 委派某人做某事 appoint a time/place for 为约定时间/地点 (2)appointment n. 任命; 约会 make/have/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人预约 keep/break an appointment 守/违(失)约,*(2013山东高考)His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8: 30. 他的约定是在上午的10点, 已经8点30分了。,2. suit n. 一套外衣; 套装vt. 适合; 使适宜 【填一填 激活思维】 If you want to go by bus, that _ me fine. 要是你想坐公共汽车去, 那对我很合适。 A good teacher _ his lessons _ the age of his pupils. 一位优秀的老师应使他的课适合学生的年龄。,suits,suits,to,【记一记 构建知识】suit指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位, 以及花色、款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称 suit sth. to sb. /sth. 使某物适合某人/某物 be suited to/for 适合于; 适宜于 be suitable for sb. /sth. 适合于某人/某物 be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事,【辨一辨 明晰异同】*The size of the shirt fits me well and its color matches my tie, so it suits me fine. 衬衣的尺寸非常适合我, 并且颜色与我的领带颜色搭配, 所以合乎我的条件。,3. guarantee vt. 保证; 担保n. 保证; 保证书 【填一填 激活思维】 Even if you complete your training, I cant _ _ _ _. 即使你结束了培训, 我也不能担保你会有份工作。 The plan would _ health care service _ all Americans. 这项计划将保证所有美国人都能享受医疗保健服务。,guarantee,you,a,job,guarantee,to,【记一记 构建知识】 (1)guarantee sb. sth. /guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人保证某事 guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事 be guaranteed to do 肯定会做, 必定会做 guarantee sth. (to be). . . 保证某物是 guarantee that. . . 保证 (2)under guarantee 在保修期内 give sb. a guarantee(that) 向某人保证,
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