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第15课时,第15课时,考 点 精 选,1 return点拨 vi.返回, 回来; vt.还, 归还, 退回n回来, 回程, 回路;偿还, 归还Ill return at 10 oclock this evening.我今晚十点回来。Will you return my car key?请把汽车钥匙还给我, 好吗?I hope you will not have any return of your illness.希望你的病不再复发。These shares have brought in good returns.这些股票带来了很好的收益。,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,2 rich点拨 adj.富裕的;贵重的,昂贵的; 豪华的;盛产 的, 丰富的, 多的,丰产的; 肥沃的;油腻的, 味 浓的; 富于营养的;深的,鲜艳的; 深沉的; 洪亮 的; 浓烈的He came from a rich family. 他出身于一个富裕家庭。The studio is filled with the rich smell of roses.工作室里弥漫着玫瑰花浓郁的香气。拓展 be rich in在某方面富有、富足She is rich in the inner feelings.她内心的感情丰富。Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 橙子富含维生素C。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,3 right点拨 adj.正当的, 适当的, 合法的, 符合要求的;对的, 正确的, 准确的;右边的,右方的;切合实际的, 最适宜的, 最恰当的,良好的; 正常的,真实的, 完全的Ill try to do whatever is right.只要是正当的事, 我都尽力去做。He gave the right answer. 他做出了正确的回答。Take a right turn at the crossroads. 在十字路口向右拐。Shes the sort of woman who always says the right things.她是一个说话总能恰到好处的女人。拓展 (1)adv.准确地,恰当地; 直接地,彻底地,完全 地;向右,往右;正确地; 令人满意地; 立即, 马上,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,Go right home at once, and dont stop off anywhere on the way.直接回家去, 别在路上的什么地方停下来。 Im right behind you there. 我完全支持你。 Turn right at the end of the street. 在这条街的尽头向右拐。 Nothing seems to be going right for me at the moment. 我现在好像事事不顺心。 Ill go right after lunch. 午饭后我马上去。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,(2)n.正确; 正当; 公正,正义;权利;右边, 右面Youre old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.你已经长大了, 能够分辨是非了。 (3)vt.使恢复到适当的(正确的, 直立的)位置;纠正,改正The mistake is being righted.错误正在被纠正。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,4 ring点拨 n戒指, 指环,环状物, 圆圈;团伙, 帮 派;铃声;打电话;vt.把圈起来; 环绕,包围;打电话给。ring sb (up)打电话给某人。He has a gold ring on his finger.他手指上戴着一枚金戒指。Please ring the doctor. 请打电话给医生。She remembered to ring them up. 她想起要给他们打电话的。 拓展 vt. & vi.(使)鸣, 响I was doing homework when the telephone rang. 我在做作业时电话响了。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,5 room点拨 n房间, 室;空间, 地方拓展 room 作“房间”讲时为可数名词,作“空间” 讲时为不可数名词。They blasted her into a dark room.他们把她踢进了一间黑屋子里。Buy the childrens shoes big enough to allow room for growth.孩子的鞋要买得大些, 脚还要长呢。We need to make room for the new sofa.我们要给新沙发腾出点地方来。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,6 round点拨 (1)adj.圆形的, 球形的,滚圆的, 丰满的; adv.绕圈子; 围绕地,在周围,在附近,到各处;大 约, 大概(2)prep.(表示位置)在四周, 围绕于; 向 (在)各处, 遍及; 在附近He is a short and round man.他是个矮胖的男人。Let me show you round.让我领你到处转转。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,7 on show 展出,在上演(放映) The photographs are on show at the museum until October.照片在博物馆展出到十月。Some new types of cars are on show now.一些新型汽车正在展出。 8 on/over the radio 通过收音机I heard the news on the radio.我从广播中听到了这则新闻。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,9 out of breath/work 上气不接下气/失业She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 爬楼梯使她上气不接下气。Hes been out of work for six months.他已经失业六个月了。She is out of work. 她失业了。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,10 pay attention to 注意点拨 pay attention to中的to 为介词,后接名 词、代词或动名词。You should pay attention to your spelling.你要注意拼写。You must pay attention to your teacher in class.上课的时候必须专心听老师讲课。Pay attention to the traffic signs.注意交通标志。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,11 pay back 偿还(借款等)I lent him some money last week but he forgot to pay back.上周我借给了他一些钱,但他忘了归还。拓展 pay for 付款pay for sth. 付的钱pay for sb. 替某人付钱I paid 50 yuan for the coat.我买那件外套花了50元。I have to pay for the book that I lost.我不得不赔偿我丢失的那本书。Dont worry. I will pay for you.别担心,我会替你付钱的。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,词 语 辨 析,1 passed与 past辨析 passed是pass的过去式和过去分词,表示“递给, 传递”;而past可作副词和介词,作介词时表示时间,是 “过分”的意思;作副词时表示“经过”,与动词连用。He passed me a book when he walked past.他从我旁边走过时递给了我一本书。Whats your past job experience?你以往有何工作经验?He passed in German, but failed in English. 他德语考试及格了,但英语没及格。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,2 pay, cost, take与 spend辨析 pay 表示某人花钱买某物,常用于“sb. pays money for sth.”句型;cost以物作主语,常用于“sth. costs sb. money”句型; take 表示花时间做某事,常用于“it takes sb. some time to do sth.”句型;而 spend既可以表示花 时间做某事(spend some time on/in doing sth.),也可以 表示花钱买某物或做某事(spend some money on/in doing sth.),其主语是人。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,The book cost me five yuan.I paid five yuan for the book.I spent five yuan on the book. 这本书花了我五块钱/我买这本书花了五块钱。They spend lots of time doing what they find fun.他们把大量的时间花在他们认为有趣的事情上。 It took me three hours to get there.我花了三个小时才到那儿。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,3 person与 people辨析 person重在表示“个人”,泛指“任何人”; 而people是集合名词,指“人们”,当people加s时,表示“民族”。People here never laugh at a persons hobby.这儿的人从不嘲笑别人的爱好。 4 photo与 picture辨析 photo指“照片”;而picture的意义更广,除 指“照片”外,还指“图片,图画”等。I want to take a photo here; it must be a beautiful picture.我想在这儿拍张照,肯定美极了。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,5 pleased与 pleasant辨析 pleased的主语一般是人,而pleasant修饰物, 表示某物令人感到愉快。I am very pleased with the pleasant scenery.优美的风景使我心情愉悦。I said that I should be pleased to help.我说过我乐意帮忙。The climate here is pleasant.这里的气候很宜人。,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,like doing/to do sth. 喜欢做某事 点拨 like doing和like to do都表示“喜欢做某事”,但 like doing 所表示的动作在意义上比较一般和抽象,时间观念 不强,不指某一次动作; like to do 则常指某个具体的动作。 She likes swimming, and she likes to swim this afternoon.她喜欢游泳并且她今天下午想去游泳。(前者指经常性的爱好,后者指某一次的动作),句 型 聚 焦,第15课时,考点精选,词语辨析,活学活用,句型聚焦,. 单项填空 ( )1.It is impossible to please everyone. We can only do our best.(找出与画线词语意思相近的选项)A. hearof B. makehappy C. knowwell D. lookdown ( )2.The assistant wont let you_the cinema if you dont have a ticket.A. enter B. to enter C. entering D. not enter,
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