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Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Period III,1.Train the ability of the students about reading and writing. 2.Enable students to form wide interests and hobbies. 3.Enable students to collect what they like. 4.Enable students to understand different people have different interests and hobbies.,Words,great 美妙的;大的 every 每一;每个 day 天;日间;白天;一日,but 但是,has (have的第三人称单数形式)有,collection 收藏品;收集物,play sports 参加体育运动或比赛,only 只;仅仅,them (they的宾格) 他(她,它),Words and Expressions,Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He has 8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs, and 7 baseballs. He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs. But he doesnt play sportshe only watches TV !,3a,Read this magazine article. Circle the sports things. 阅读这篇杂志文章。圈出与体育有关的物品。,Ed Smith has a great sports collection.当主语为第三人称单数时, 动词have要变成第三人称has。He has two sisters. 他有两个妹妹。Mary has a computer game.马丽有一个游戏机。,Explanation,But he doesnt play sports.主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时的否定句式为:主语doesnt动词原形其它。 例如:My mother doesnt like dogs. 我妈妈不喜欢狗。She doesnt have a book她没有书。,Explanation,变一般疑问句或否定句时, 要借助助动词Do或Does构成, 例如: Do you have a pen? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Does Tom have a ball? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. I dont have a TV. She doesnt have a brother.,拓展,He only watches them on TV!them 为代词they的宾格形式,在句 中做宾语。例如:I like them. 我喜欢他们。Do you know them?你认识他们吗?,Explanation,watch TV 和watch on TV的区别:watch TV 为固定搭配,意思为“看电视”。watch on TV是“在电视上看”介词必须用on。,Explanation,basketballs,tennis rackets,soccer balls,3b,Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks in this magazine article about Sonia Hall. 看图填空,补全这篇关于索尼娅. 霍尔的杂志文章。,Check the words you know.,basketball,tennis racket,ping-pang ball,volleyball,difficult,SELF CHECK,在你认识的词语前打勾。,interesting,soccer ball,boring,relaxing,TV,baseball bat,fun,Yes,I do. Do you have a ball? Lets play soccer That sounds good. Do you have a tennis racket? No, its boring. Lets play tennis. Yes, I do. I have a basketball. (silence),1,2,4,3,7,6,5,3,Write numbers in the boxes to make the conversation. 在方格中填入数字,将句子排序连成对话。,I have a soccer ball and a volleyball. (变为否定句)I a soccer ball and a volleyball. 2. His brother has a baseball. (改为一般疑问)his brother a baseball? 3. Do your parents play computer game? (肯定回答)Yes, . 4. Does Ella have a tennis racket?(否定回答), she .,dont,have,Does,have,they,do,No,doesnt,Exercise,1、你有电脑吗?是的我有。Do you a computer ? Yes, . 2、他有网球拍吗?不,他没有。he have a tennis ? No, he . 3、咱们打网球吧。 那听起来不错。play tennis. That .,have I do,Does doesnt,Lets sounds good,Exercise,4、玛丽有两本词典吗?是的,她有。Mary two ? Yes, she . 5、迈克有一大堆运动收藏品。Mike a . 6、这是你的词典吗?this dictionary ?,Does have dictionaries,has great sports collection,Is your,have,Exercise,A: Excuse me, Tom. _ you _ a soccer ball? B: Sorry, I _. Sally _ one. A: Sally, _ you _ a soccer ball? C: Yes, I _. A: _ play soccer. C: That _ good.,Do have,dont has,do have,do,Lets,sounds,Exercise,A: Do you _a soccer ball?B: No, I _ .A: _ Jim _ a soccer ball?B: Yes, he _ .A: _ _is it?B: Its blue.,have,dont,Does have,does,What color,Exercise,1. Can Mary play soccer? _. A. Yes, she is B. No, she doesnt C. Yes, she does D. No, she cant 2. I dont _a tennis racket, but Kate _one. A. has;have B. have;have C. have;has D. has; has,D,C,单项选择,Exercise,B,B,3. Do you have a baseball? _, I _.A. Yes; dont B. No; dont C. Yes; doesnt D. No; does 4. _Peter _a volleyball? Yes, he does.A. Do; have B. Does; have C. Do; has D. Does; has,D,C,5. Susan likes tennis, but she _a tennis racket.A. dont have B. arent have C. doesnt D. doesnt have 6. Lets go and play _basketball.A. the B. a C. / D. an,7. _ school is much larger than _. A. Our, your B. Our, yoursC. Ours, yours D. We, you 8. This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _.A. nice, well B. nice, good C. well, well D. good, nice 9. This is _ boy.A. a very good B. a good very C. very a good D. very good a,B,A,A,Homework,Write about sports things and other things you have. Write three questions with Do you have. Find people in the class who have these things. Write their names on your exercise books.,
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