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新高三暑假作业第十三讲 (情态动词),主讲:任 鹏 镇江市实验高级中学 审稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室,一、单项选择,1. She is studying medical science now but she _ a lawyer.A. used to be B. would be C. were D. had been,used to be / do表示过去常常,而现在已不。,2. Broderick Walker didnt turn up at the meeting, did he?No. He _. We had changed our plan.A. shouldnt have come B. neednt have to comeC. didnt need to come D. neednt have come,“没有必要做某事”实义动词dont / doesnt / didnt need to do 情态动词neednt do,3. You cant imagine that a top student _ have failed in the college entrance examination.A. might B. should C. need D. would 4. I offered Susan the medicine for cough, but perhaps I _ how to take it.A. had to tell her B. must have told her C. ought to tell her D. should have told her,should have done: 过去竟然,表惊讶过去本来应该做却未做,表虚拟,5. The little boy _ go out alone at night, so he _ walk in the dark that night.A. darent; didnt dare to B. doesnt dare; dare notC. isnt dare to; dare not to D. doesnt dare to; dare not to,dare的否定形式: doesnt / dont / didnt dare to dodarent do,6. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes.A. must B. can C. should D. would,can表可能性,“有时候会” e.g. Peter can be really difficult at times even though hes a nice person in general.,7. Its so cold! Why not close the door?Sorry. It _. Ill have it repaired soon.A. wont shut B. wont be shut C. hasnt shut D. isnt shut,这个门有问题, 坏了, 关不上。,在这里是用主动表被动 。,e.g. My pen wont write.,8. This cake is very sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it.A. should put B. could have putC. might have put D. must have put,must have done表示对过去的情况或 已经发生的事情进行肯定的推测、判断。,You must have seen the film. You must have seen the film last week.,9. My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where _ I have put it?A. should B. must C. can D. would,can have done用于疑问句表对过去的猜测,My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who can have taken it?,10. I cant find my purse anywhere.You _ have lost it while shopping.A. may B. can C. should D. would,may have done用于肯定句表对过去不肯定的猜测,“过去也许”,e.g. She didnt get there in time. She may have missed the bus.,11. We are late. We must go to school at once.You _ hurry. Its Sunday today. We have not any lessons.A. mustnt B. ought not toC. dont have to D. should not,neednt / dont have to “不必”mustnt “绝不,千万不要” 语气强烈,e.g. Students mustnt smoke.,12. Dont worry, sir! All payments _ be made by the end of the month.A. will B. shall C. can D. must,shall用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令,警告,允诺,决心或威胁等。,e.g. You shall fail if you dont work harder.,(表警告),允诺,13. Lisa _ well not want to go on the trip she hates travelling. A. must B. can C. will D. may,may not 可能不 may well not 很可能不,14. When we worked in the same office, we _ often coffee together.A. could B. wouldC. might D. should,would单纯表示过去的习惯性动作,He would take a walk near the forest in the evening. (现在可能散步也可能不散步了),He used to take a walk near the forest in the evening. (而现在不散步了),15. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area _.A. need repairing B. needs to repair C. needs repairing D. need to repair,Sth need(s) doing / to be done,want(s),require(s),二、完形填空,夏令营中偶然相遇,成了相知好友。我们通过网络或短信,无话不谈,分担忧愁,分享快乐,共同促进,相互提高。朋友在改变着我们的世界,我们的人生。,16. A. class B. party C. camp D. pub17. A. classmate B. friend C. partner D. colleague,由第二段最后一句By the end of camp, we were ” 可知,作者和她的朋友是在夏令营中认识的。 故选 。,由前半句的“although I met hundreds of people every day”可知,虽然作者每天要见很多人,但 却和他成为朋友了。根据第二段该句后面的叙述 可知,他们的确成了好朋友。故选 。,C,B,18. A. schools B. homes C. interests D. teachers19. A. friendly B. strange C. different D. similar,该句中的but表明该句是转折关系,后半句 说我们确实相处得很好,前半句说“我们好 像不是很相似”。故选 。,该词与hobbies并列,意思与其接近。故选 。,C,D,20. A. sparing B. telling C. sharing D. showing 21. A. convenience B. touch C. line D. comfort,根据第二段倒数第二句中的“but actually we got along very well”可以推测他们可以“分享” 很多东西。故选 。,既然要分开了,好朋友间当然要许诺保持联系,后面几段叙述的也是他们通过网络保持 联系的事。故选 。,C,B,22. A. knew B. announced C. regretted D. realized23. A. reason B. luck C. doubt D. pity,回到家以后,到处找不到他的邮箱地址, 所以就“意识到”丢了。故选 。,从句中的but可知,作者寻找未果。故选 。,D,B,24. A. Because B. Although C. As D. Since25. A. screen B. desk C. board D. computer,As在这里表示“当时候”,表明看到一闪即逝的信息出现的时间。故选 。,既然是上网找她的朋友,而且是on line, 那么信息当然就是显示在屏幕上。故选,C,A,26. A. look up B. find out C. call on D. hear from27. A. heard B. started C. appeared D. existed,由前文作者“to look him up on the online network”可知,作者在努力“找到”她的朋友。故选 。,这里指“一系列有意义的谈话就由那时开始了”, 故选 。,A,B,
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