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Unit2 What time is it?,Round 4 交际小能手,7:15a.m.,What time is it?,Its Its time for,10: 10a.m.,What time is it?,Its Its time for,3:50 p.m.,What time is it?,Its Its time to,Its 3:50.It time to go home.,Round 5 Chant小能手,What time is it? What time is it?Its six. Its time to get up.What time is it? What time is it?Its seven. Its time to go to school.What time is it? What time is it?Its five. Its time to go home.,Lets chant,Round 6 Answer the questions!,pig six his big,/i/,kids,/ds/,Listen! What are they talking?,Q1:What time do they go to the playground?,Q2:What time do they have dinner?,Its 5 oclock.,Its 6 oclock.,Round 7当堂完成练习,(2)从for,to中选择适当的介词填空,Its time _ get up. Its time _ lunch. Its time _ go to school. Its time _ go to bed.,Read the dialogue.,Homework 1、复习Lets talk并背诵 2、抄写本13,
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