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Unit 4 What did you do last weekend? Section A(1a-2d) 龙口冶基中学 马丁,Lets start the magic journey,Hi, Im Lucy! Nice to meet you!,Be able to use “wh-questions”to talk about weekend activities (能用“特殊疑问句”谈论周末活动).,Aims of this journey,To master wh-questions of the past tense (掌握一般过去时的特殊疑问句),To care about people around you to share the happy weekend (关心周围人 共享周末欢乐),She did her homework.,What did she do last weekend?,Stop 1 Lucys Last Weekend,Guessing,She went to the cinema.,What did she do last weekend ?,She went boating.,What did she do last weekend?,She camped by the lake.,What did she do last weekend?,She went to the beach.,What did she do last weekend?,What did she do last weekend?,She played badminton.,Lucys last weekend,On Saturday I did my homework at home I played badminton in the park And then I went to the beach La-la-la Last weekend. On Sunday I camped by the lake I went boating And then I went to the cinema La-la-la Last weekend.,1b Listen and write the day, morning, afternoon or night,Lucys weekend,_ _ _,played badminton went to beach went to the cinema,_,_,_ _ _,camped by the lake went boating did my homework,Saturday,Sunday,morning,morning,afternoon,afternoon,night,night,1c Role-play. Student A is Lucy. Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.,You may do like this: B: What did you do last weekend? A: Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.,Lucys weekend,_ _ _,played badminton went to beach went to the cinema,_,_,_ _ _,camped by the lake went boating did my homework,Saturday,Sunday,morning,morning,afternoon,afternoon,night,night,Stop 2 Teachers Office,_ _ _,Becky CarolJack,Listen and underline the words you hear.,Listen again. Write Carol, Jack or Becky,2c Make conversations according to the information you heard in 2a and 2b,You may do like this: A: Hi, Becky, what did you do last weekend? B: I visited my grandma. A: Thats nice. Who did you go with? B: My parents. A: What about you? B: I went to,did,went,camped,visited,studied,play,study,go,camp,fed,visit,do,feed,played,Stop 3 Natural History Museum,Find friends(do & did),Listen to 2d and find more friends,is- work- tell- stay-,Read by yourself and complete the chart.,Stop 4 Your Last Weekend,By the way, what did you do last weekend?,Do a survey in groups,I _(study) for the test and _(feed) the cat last weekend. (划线提问)_ _ _ _ last weekend?2.A: _ did you play with?B: I _(play) with my friends.,Stop 5 Quiz,I want to know how hard-working you are!,studied fedWhat did you do,Whoplayed,Its time to go home!,Todays Homework:Most students Finish a survey about your familys weekend activities Some students Try to learn the past tense by heart,Summary,Thank You !,What we have learned?The secret(秘密) of the magic wand: To be with your family and friends, every weekend will be nice!,
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