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第一部分 模块复习方略,选修七 Unit 2 Robots,desire,affair,envy,bound,staff,junior,divorce,obey,satisfaction,satisfy,satisfying/satisfactory,satisfied,alarm,alarmed,sympathy,sympathetic,favour,favourable,favourite,accompany,company,companion,declare,declaration,talent,talented,divorced,receiver,satisfaction,satisfy,favourite,favour,talented,talent,out,up,around,alone,aside,in,bound,for,favour,rather,set aside,in favour of,are bound to,reached for,more like a human than,a machine,more a scholar,than a teacher,there stood,There appeared a man in black in the distance,It was then that,It was in his hometown that,have women falling in love with machines,have you cheating in the exam,be arriving,bending,her,disappeared,that,were impressed,before,to,What,but,to become,(should) be,handed,do me a favour,owed him a favour,C,accompanied,accompanied,was declared,against,out of envy,was alarmed at,are in sympathy with,accompanied,for,(should) be stopped,on,the,Alarmed,(should) be given to,declared war on,in favour of,accompanied by,up,off,alone,aside,left alone,rang up,or rather,set aside,turn around,are bound to,desire to have a robot,left alone,ring you up,in favour of,are bound to,It was strange that,It is believed that,wasting,it,that,It is certain that,It is a pity that,What beautiful furniture,(be bound to,envy),
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