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2012“前言与对话中青年音乐理论家论坛”特约专栏(二)057南京艺术学院学报 JOURNAL OF NANJING ARTS INSTITUTE音乐与表演MUSIC 而后者则是私家 款”。辽博藏琴看不到腹款,这是否“也是划分宫琴与野断的主要依据”25165给以后的研究 留下了空间。结 语辽宁省博物馆藏九霄环佩琴作为我国目前仅见的“16张唐琴”(古琴辨伪琐谈观点) 之一、5张九霄环佩之一是弥足珍贵的。它在斫制工艺、髹漆工艺、漆色、尺寸规格、断纹特 点等方面与另几张九霄环佩琴和部分唐琴有着高度的相似性,体现了唐代制琴规范的成熟和唐 琴的审美共识。但是在铭刻、腹款等方面还存在着一定的差别。其宫斫野断、传世路径、声学 性能等问题亟待释惑,也给以后进一步研究提供了方向。古琴的结构、规格“貌似”不符合现 代乐器的声学规律,没有足够大的谐振系统、不能满足现代社会的声效需要,但是这与历时的2012“前言与对话中青年音乐理论家论坛”特约专栏(二)067南京艺术学院学报 JOURNAL OF NANJING ARTS INSTITUTE音乐与表演MUSIC & PERFORMANCE 2013.02音乐生活需求是相一致的,这是审美追求的时代差异和文化差别所致。古琴的文化内涵博大厚 重,其诸多工艺特点都指向“娱己”性能。所以,古琴的乐器工艺学研究还不能仅以表象为主 体,而应放置在大的文化背景中去分析。一篇九霄环佩琴的“乐器工艺学”研究尚且涉及到了 如此多的工艺学、非工艺学及乐器学、非乐器学乃至音乐学、非音乐学领域的知识,足见“乐 器工艺学”知识体系之庞杂、研究范畴之广袤。今以一篇工艺“清淡”的抛砖之作,祈望引起 学界同仁对该领域的关注和青睐。参考文献: 1王耀华,乔建中.音乐学概论M.北京:高等教育出版社,2005. 2王耀华,主编.20世纪中国音乐史论研究文献综录20世纪新兴学科卷,上M.北京:人民音乐出版社, 2008. 3中国大百科全书总编辑委员会.中国大百科全书,音乐舞蹈卷M.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1992. 4 Stanley Sadie,John Tyrrell,EDT.The New Grove Dictionary of Music and MusiciansM.New York:Oxford University Press,2004. 5古代汉语词典编写组.古代汉语词典M.北京:商务印书馆,1998:468. 6中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室.现代汉语词典M.北京:商务印书馆,2005. 7上海辞书出版社辞海编辑委员会.辞海,上M.上海:上海辞书出版社,1979:1153. 8马宝杰.辽宁省博物馆M.北京:长征出版社,2008:245. 9李村.百衲琴初探J.交响(西安音乐学院学报),2011(1):23. 10郑珉中.百衲琴考J.故宫博物院院刊,1991(2):28. 11傅暮蓉.琴史存留悬疑问题考证J.中国音乐,2011(3):63-70. 12中国艺术研究院音乐研究所,北京古琴研究会.中国古琴珍萃M.北京:紫禁城出版社,1998:13. 13郑珉中.漫谈中国古琴珍萃中的唐琴,上J.收藏家,2001(5):36. 14刘承华.古琴神秘性探源J.中国音乐,2003(4):19-22. 15成红雨.古琴与象征J.天津音乐学院学报,1998(2 ):12-15. 16隋郁.琴苑要录斫琴文献探赜D.中国音乐学院硕士学位论文,2010:3-6. 17李明忠.斫琴随笔J.乐器,2000(6):28. 18赵仁杰,喻云水.木质材料学M.北京:中国林业出版社,2003:150. 19国家林业局.中华人民共和国林业行业标准,民族乐器锯材第1部分:古琴用材S.2011-06-10:1. 20王鹏.习琴精要M.北京:人民音乐出版社,2010:118. 21朱慧鹏.斫琴法式M.北京:知识产权出版社,2012. 22黄河.中国古琴鉴赏M.长沙:湖南美术出版社,2011:45-46. 23朱小禾,何艳.漆器工艺M.重庆:重庆大学出版社,2009:5. 24乔十光.漆艺M.杭州:中国美术学院出版社,2000:2. 25郑珉中.论唐琴的特点及其真伪问题J.故宫博物院院刊,1985(3). 26明黄成.长北校勘译注解说髹漆录图说M .明杨明,注.济南:山东画报出版社,2007:83. 27郑珉中.古琴辨伪琐谈J.故宫博物院院刊,1994(4):10. 28王世襄.髹漆录M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004:169. 29郑珉中.唐琴九霄环佩J.故宫博物院院刊,1982(4):73. 30郑珉中.辽宁省博物馆藏“九霄环佩考辨”J.文物,1989(4). 31郑珉中.漫谈中国古琴珍萃中的唐琴,中,下J.收藏家,2001(6),(7). 32章华英.传世古琴的制造工艺J.乐器,2006(9). 33范子烨.仙风道骨与琴韵诗心-对唐琴“九霄环佩”的文化解读J.故宫博物院院刊,2008(5). 34故宫博物院.故宫古琴图典M.北京:故宫出版社,2010.(责任编辑:王晓俊)南京艺术学院学报 JOURNAL OF NANJING ARTS INSTITUTE音乐与表演MUSIC & PERFORMANCE 2013.02AbstractsRethinking of the Object and Methods of Musicological ResearchBy Xing Weikai Abstract As musicologists in China continue to explore there have been different opinions in the academic field as to whom the objects of our research are and what methods we should use. Should our research always follow the same path? Should music aesthetics include folk music as it did “art music?” This essay makes its argument regarding the basis to be used in outlining the border for an academic discipline, 1) the foundation and development of the discipline, and 2) tracing back to the starting point of the facts and explaining the musical phenomenon and the methods for problem solving. It is the “point-of-view” that decides the “object” but in return the “object” requires the correct choice of theory and research tools by the scholars. Research in musicology should follow the principle in which “the system yields to exploration.” Keywords: musicology, discipline, object of research, research methodsMisinterpretation and Innovation of Western Music Terminologies in ChinaBy Jiang JiangAbstract This essay aims at the phenomenon of misinterpretation and innovation of Western music terminologies in China. The author points out the harm that is done by the misinterpretation while acknowledging the positive contribution from the innovation. Modulation and tonic note are used as examples for the former and the modal chromatic system for the latter. The essay advocates a true and complete understanding of Western music terminologies in order to further move forward the musical scholarship in China. Keywords: music terminology, modulation, tonic note, modal chromatic system, misinterpretation, innovationCross-Discipline Tendencies in Modern Musical Aesthetics Research in USABy Ke Yang Abstract This article analyses the three recent cross-discipline research results on music aesthetics in the United States. The author points out that “cross-discipline” may not be our goal but rather only a tool. As a researcher in the field of music aesthetics one must absorb and make good use of the knowledge, point of view, and methods from other disciplines in order to discover new growing academic elements to further his/her own study. Keywords: music aesthetics, cross-discipline, awareness of problems, music sociology, music interpretationA Logical Expression of the National Will and Musical Life in CountrysideBy Wu Fan Abstract The object of study of this essay is a village propaganda troupe in Jiangxi Province. It traces the troupes 40-year history with the performing activities and
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