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外研版必修1 “Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Period 1 Introduction & Grammar 1”,陕西省勉县一中 谢燕,Famous scientists,Albert Einstein,Thomas Edison,Darwin,Match,physics,chemistry,biology,Alfred Nobel,Darwin,Li Zhengdao,Thomas Edison,Albert Einstein,Newton,Madam Curie,1. (a) Water exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas.(b) Water exists as a solid and a liquid only.2. (a) When you heat a metal, it expands.(b) When you heat a metal, it contracts.3. (a) Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances.(b) Steel is a mixture of iron and oxygen.4. (a) Two-thirds of the earths surface is water.(b) 50% of the earths surface is water.,Quiz,5. (a) The distance of the sun from the earth is 25,500 kms.(b) The distance of the sun from the earth is150,500,500 kms.6. (a) The earth is 4.6 million years old.(b) The earth is 4.6 billion years old.7. (a) The earth is twice as large as the moon.(b) The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.,Quiz,Classification,Put these words in pairs or groups: air contract earth gas liquid oxygen moon solid sun expand,air-oxygen,contract-expand,earthmoonsun,gasliquidsolid,Questions,Which are man-made ?,Which are natural?,Which are both ?,electricity iron metal steel air glass,electricity iron air some metal,steel glass some metal,Electricity and some metals (alloys for example) can be man-made and occur naturally,Which one is larger?,The earth is larger than the moon.The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon.The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.,Answers,倍数( half, twice ,three times),+,as + adj / adv 原级 + as,adj / adv 比较级 + than,the size( age ,height, length,weight ,width, depth )+ of,倍数表达法,Questions:,1.Whats wrong with this sentence?I went thereI went there 2.If object A is 10 metres long, and object B is twice aslong as A, how long is object B? 20 metres.3. If object A weighs 100 kilogrames , and object B is four times heavier, how heavy is object B?400 kilogrammes,two times.,twice.,The boy Linhao weighs about 35 kilograms, and Yaoming is four times heavier than the boy, how heavy is Yaoming ? 140 kilograms,If a man is 1.7 metre, and the deer is about three times as high as the man , how high is the deer? About 5 metres,35kms,4 times heavier,1.7 m,3 times higher,Calculation,140 tons,7 tons,The African elephant weighs about 7 tons, and the blue whale is 20 times as heavy as the elephant, how heavy is the blue whale? 140 tons.,20 times heavier,Calculation,Calculation,Ball A,Ball B,2 ,4 times larger,Line A,Line B,(1.5 m),5 times longer,The Yangtze River is about three times as long as the Songhua River.,The Yangtze River is about three times longerthan the Songhua River.,The Yangtze River is about three times the length of the Songhua River.,Examples,Winter in Harbin,-20 ,(cold/coldness),Winter in Beijing,-5,Winter is four times as cold in Harbin as in Beijing.,Winter is four times colder in Harbin than in Beijing.,Comparision,Mount Tai,Mount Qomolangma,1521m,8844m,(high/height),Mount Qomolangma is about six times as high as Mount Tai.,Mount Qomolangma is about six times higher than Mount Tai.,Mount Qomolangma is about six times the height of Mount Tai.,Comparision,Comparision,.My aunts house is twice as large as my house.My aunts house is twice larger than my house.My aunts house is twice the size of my house. .,80 square metres,160 square metres,Comparision,45 kilograms,over90 kilograms,heavy,Tom weighs over twice heavier than Lily.,Tom,Lily,Tom weighs over twice as heavy as Lily.,Tom weighs over twice the weight of Lily.,Diameter ( Earth=1 ),(big/size),Jupiter=11,Jupiter is eleven timesas big as the earth .,Jupiter is eleven times bigger than the earth.,Jupiter is eleven timesthe size of the earth.,Consolidation,Homework,Bye,() Preview: Vocabulary And Speaking & Vocabulary() Write five sentences to compare two things or persons, using the sentence patterns discussed this class.,
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