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,教材基础回扣,核心考点整合,课后限时练,命题视角研析,课,后,限,时,点此进入该word板块,请做:,word部分:,练,埃及金字塔 Pyramids of Egypt,Egypt Pyramids is by far one of the largest buildings, became the ancient Egypt civilization and one of the lasting symbols of the most influential, most of these pyramid built in Egypt in the Old Kingdom and Kingdom. 埃及金字塔是至今最大的建筑群之一,成为了古埃及文明最有影响力和持久的象徵之一,这些金字塔大部分建造于埃及古王国和中王国时期。,美国约塞米蒂国家公园 Yosemite National Park, United States,The American Wests most beautiful and most visited national parks, and the Grand Canyon National Park, Yellowstone National Park, famous, located in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California (Sierra Nevada, Spanish: snow mountain) on. 是美国西部最美丽、参观人数最多的国家公园之一,与大峡谷国家公园、黄石国家公园齐名,位于加利福尼亚州东部内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada,西班牙语:下雪的山)上。,夏威夷 Hawaii,Hawaii is the largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, located in the tropical climate is mild and pleasant, is the worlds tourism industry one of the most developed, has a unique beautiful environment, beautiful scenery, charming beaches夏威夷,是夏威夷群岛中最大的岛屿,地处热带,气候却温和宜人,是世界上旅游工业最发达的地方之一,拥有得天独厚的美丽环境,风光明媚,海滩迷人。 .,意大利道罗麦特山 Italy Hill Road, Luo Maite,Road, north of Luo Maite Shan mountain in Bolzano, Italy, the original ecological village majestic mountains, is a world famous scenic spot. Como Lake has an hours drive from Milan, picturesque, showing the beauty of its scenery. Three hundred days a year can enjoy the bright sunshine. 道罗麦特山位于意大利Bolzano以北的山区,原生态乡村的雄壮山色,是世界著名的风景区.科莫湖距米兰有一小时车程,风景如画,可见其景致之美.每年有三百天都可以享受到灿烂阳光的照射。,泰姬陵 Taj Mahal,Glow rises after midnight, accompanied by a red sun rising Chu Mu River to take the morning mist curl, as if awakened from sleep to the Taj Mahal, this time it seems quiet. At noon, the Taj Mahal blue sky overhead, foot clear water, green trees, bright sun in South Asia has always been against the background, but the end up with exquisitely carved, dazzling. In the evening, the Taj Mahal is celebrating its most charming moment of the day, setting sun setting sun, the white of the Taj Mahal began gray and yellow, golden yellow, becoming pink, dark red, pale blue, with the moon rose slowly , the final returning to the silver. 朝霞升起时分,初升的一轮红日伴着朱木拿河袅袅的晨雾,仿佛要将泰姬陵从睡梦中唤醒,此时的它显得静静的。中午时分,泰姬陵头顶蓝天白云,脚踏碧水绿树,在南亚一向耀眼的阳光映衬下,更出落得玲珑剔透,光彩夺目。傍晚,泰姬陵迎来了它一天中最妩媚的时刻,斜阳夕照下,白色的泰姬陵开始从灰黄、金黄,逐渐变成粉红、暗红、淡青色,随着月亮的冉冉升起,最终回归成银白色。,吴哥窟 Angkor Wat,Also known as Angkor Wat Angkor Wat, located in northwest Cambodia, which is Angkor Wat in the most well-preserved temples, magnificent architecture and relief detail to known, is the worlds largest temples. 吴哥窟又称吴哥寺,位在柬埔寨西北方,它是吴哥古迹中保存得最完好的的庙宇,以建筑宏伟与浮雕细致闻名于世,也是世界上最大的庙宇。,普罗旺斯 Provence,Provences most refreshing is that it is always full of air lavender, thyme, pine aroma. This unique natural aroma is in other places can not be easily experienced. Among them, the most unique and lavender are popular. Since adequate sunshine lavender the most appropriate growth, coupled with the local residents love lavender aroma, and efficacy, therefore, not only in Provence lavender flowers can be seen billowing over and over the charming picture 普罗旺斯最令人心旷神怡的是,它的空气中总是充满了薰衣草、百里香、松树等的香气。这种独特的自然香气是在其他地方所无法轻易体验到的。其中又以薰衣草最为得天独厚且受到喜爱。由于充足灿烂的阳光最适宜薰衣草的成长,再加上当地居民对薰衣草香气以及疗效的钟爱,因此,在普罗旺斯不仅可以看到遍地薰衣草紫色花海翻腾的迷人画面,,
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