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词汇,某人总是做某事(不满) be always doing sth 为某事收集金钱raise money for sth. 以各种各样的事由做某事do sth. for one cause or another 某人设法做到某事manage to do 让某事被别人做have sth. done,L4,从词汇角度加工信息,做体力工作 do manual work,在办公室工作 work in offices 把A 称作B referred to A as B 白领 White color worker,从词汇角度加工信息,因为简单的原因 for the simple reason that,愿意做某事 be willing to 牺牲A换取B sacrifice A for B 某事的好处 the privilege of sth,从词汇角度加工信息,A 引起 B A give rise to B 新奇的 curious 正如某人的例子 as it did in the case of sb 某人做什么职位 Sb work as sth 某人在哪工作 Sb work for sp.,L31,从词汇角度加工信息,set out to,引起别人的注意,draw attention to oneself,Sb disregard sth,意识到,Sb be conscious that/of,从词汇角度加工信息,与众不同的,A win sb B,A 为B增加色彩,A add colour to B,一成不变的生活,the dull routine of everyday life,L34,从词汇角度加工信息,珍品,rarity,偶然做某事,do sth. by chance,敬业的,dedicated,到处找便宜货买的人,bargain-hunter,,最重要的是,,above all,认识到某事的价值,recognize the worth of something,从词汇角度加工信息,至少,at least,A和B一样知识丰富,A be as knowledgeable as B,小贩,dealer,从词汇角度加工信息,某人专心做某事,be bent on doing,做出发现,make a discovery,怀有希望,cherish the hope,某人得到回报,Sb be rewarded,Fortunately (for sb),幸然,mutilate,使残缺不全,deals with sth,处理某事,某人的投诉,claims from sb,Feed sth to sb,把某物喂给某人,despair,绝望,make mistakes,犯错误,从词汇角度加工信息,L18,从词汇角度加工信息,sculpture,某物使某人惊讶,sth surprises sb.,Sb. take interest in sth,对某事感兴趣,某人一定能做到某事,Sb. cannot fail to do,on display,某物在展出,雕塑,某人不再做某事,Sb rarely do sth any more,从词汇角度加工信息,strange,奇怪的,sth stand in,竖立,坐落,Sb be quite used to sth,某人习惯某物,so-called,所谓的,L16,从词汇角度加工信息,Sb appreciate sth,某人欣赏、喜欢某事,small gifts of money,零花钱,A provide sth (for B ),A给B提供某物,a regular supply of sth,某物的稳定供给,a source of sth,extra income,某物的来源,额外收入,从词汇角度加工信息,extra income,额外收入,大有帮助, 走了一大段路,go a long way,少量的钱,small sums,exchanged A for B,用A交换B,rattle,叮当做响,从词汇角度加工信息,节俭的,thrifty,Sb manage to do,某人设法做到某事,填、装满,fill up sth,A is a small price to pay for B,用A换取 B是值得的,L46,从词汇角度加工信息,自己动手做事,do things for ourselves,A依靠于B,A be dependent on B,专业工人,specialized labour,某人借口对某事一无所知,Sb plead ignorance of sth,不计其数的,publications,countless,书报杂志,从词汇角度加工信息,用A武装B,arm A with B,合适的工具和材料,right tools and materials,新婚夫妇,newlyweds,某人开始做某事,sb embark on sth,布置装修房子,decorate ones own homes,从词汇角度加工信息,keen,enthusiasts,Sb go so far as to do,build computers,热忱的,狂热份子,发烧友,某人走极端做某事,组装电脑,从词汇角度加工信息,空闲时间,leisure time,Sb spend st. (in) doing sth,某人花时间做某事,安装壁炉,、布置花园,、建造车库、,制作家具,installing their own fireplaces,.,laying out their own gardens,; building garages,making furniture,A provide an outlet for B,A给B提供释放口,pent up,积蓄已久的,创造力,creative energy,天生的,天才的,born,handymen,手巧的人,L 12,从词汇角度加工信息,Sb form an unrealistic picture of sth,某人对于某事有一种不切实际的想法,a desert island,荒岛,Sb imagine A to be B,把A想像成B,a sort of,某种,paradise,天堂,从词汇角度加工信息,ripe fruit,成熟的水果,the other side of sth.,某事的另一面,the opposite,反面,对立面,wretched,悲惨的,可怕的,Sb either do or do,要么要么,从词汇角度加工信息,starve to death,饿死,Sb wait for sth,某人等待某人/物,Perhaps,也许,an element of sth,某事的成分,Sb have the opportunity to do,某人有机会做某事,L23,illogical,不合情理,地中海,Mediterranean,consider A,把A视作B,repulsive,恶心,on the other hand,另一方面,反胃,Your stomach turns,一想到,at the idea of,被普遍接受的,normally accepted,词汇,sb have been brought up to do,某人自幼习的做某事,sb stick to do,某人固执的做某事,遗憾的是,The sad truth is that,词汇,L29,词汇,A取决于B,A depends on B,幽默感,the sense of humour,A与B紧密相连,A be bound up with B,民族性格,national characteristics.,某人很难做到某事,might find it hard to,词汇,同样的,in the same way,fail to,某人没能做到某事,amusing,有趣的,sth make sb do,让某人做某事,L 26,某人避免做某事 avoid doing A 被B影响 A be influenced by B 某人为某事自豪 sb. pride ourselves on sth 某人自由的做某事 sb. be free to do 某人不再做某事 Sb no longer do,从词汇角度加工信息,A 给B施加影响 A exert an influence on B 作为做某事的尝试 in their efforts to A劝说B做某事 persuade sb. to do 对某事做仔细研究 make a close study of sth 某人把某事进行分类 Sb classify sth,从词汇角度加工信息,L45,从词汇角度加工信息,民主的democratic A 限制 B V. A restrict B A谴责B V. A condemn B 某物被滥用 V.Sth be abused,A比B赢得更多关注 A attract more attention than B 政治事件 political events,依某种论调行事Acting on the contention that ,S+V 个人 individuals 痛苦 suffering 巨大的 tremendous A给比施加了巨大影响B A exert a tremendous influence on B 某事带来变化sth bring about change,推翻 V. overthrow,普通人 ordinary people,L41,sth (X) appeal to sb. , regard A as something B1, or something B2. sb live in , yet at the ( ) mention of sth.,people,atmosphere,closeness,( )pace( ),He is forever talking about ,1-4,Nothing can be compared , he maintains, with,cockcrow,the twittering (of )(at ),the sight of ( )sun (-ing) (at and ),5,My friend fails to mention ,the ( )( )( )night (in front of -the only form of ),1,He say nothing about ,the ( )selection ( of )(at ),( )( )people (who have to V where when to do),or about,2,3,He is forever talking about (1-5) is only part of the picture My friend fails to mention He says nothing about 2 or about 3,1,2,3,sth (X) appeal to sb.,Some people,Why B is beyond me. They can if A,
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